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  1. alpha128

    Review Avatar (2009)

    I liked it better when it was called The Emerald Forest.
  2. alpha128

    Review Blade Runner (1982)

    I used to love this film. Until I found out that Ridley Scott thought Deckard was a replicant. Not only does that idea not make any sense, since Deckard is physically inferior to the replicants he hunts, but it robs the film of its meaning. We see Leon the replicant collect photographs. We...
  3. alpha128

    Fun The Last Movie That You Watched?

    I love this movie. It's my favorite sci-fi film of 1970s. No remakes please.
  4. alpha128

    Review Moontrap (1989)

    I did see this once on video many years ago. I thought it dumb that the aliens who otherwise had superior technology were somehow (I can't recall exactly) dependent on a circa 1970 NASA Lunar Module to execute their plans for conquest. Of the two choices you provide, the second one is more in...
  5. alpha128

    Review The Mummy (1959)

    I haven't seen this in many years, but I recall liking this better than the Universal original version.
  6. alpha128

    Review The Black Hole (1979)

    Personally, I vote for misfire. It started well. The scenes of them encountering the apparently derelict ship at the beginning, and then discovering that it is still operational were good. But the scientific inaccuracies mount and the film becomes ridiculous by the end. The John Barry...
  7. alpha128

    Fun Your Favourite Films?

    I was at a science fiction marathon last month. The two films I was looking forward to the most were Arrival (2016) and Akira (1988). I had never seen either one before and they didn't disappoint.
  8. alpha128

    Review 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

    I think the last two ACC books I read were "Rama II" and "Imperial Earth". I read "Imperial Earth" for the first time decades after publication, and it was interesting to see what ACC got right and got wrong. He got wrong what happened to the Titanic - in the book it was recovered intact from...
  9. alpha128

    Review 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

    Both I guess. For example, the 2001 novel actually explains what the heck is going on at the end. Kubrick wasn't interesting in explaining much of anything. He deliberately cut expository dialog from the film. Good luck trying to figure out that TMA-1 stands for Tycho Magnetic Anomaly One...
  10. alpha128

    Review 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

    Actually, I prefer this film because it is closer in spirit to Arthur C. Clarke's writing. I got to see 2010 in a theater in 70mm with surround sound and it was impressive. I remember the escape launch scene when the Discovery's engines were fired. HAL said "full thrust", we see the back of...
  11. alpha128

    Review The Pertwee Doctor

    Jon Pertwee is my second favorite Doctor after Tom Baker. I own "The Time Warrior" on DVD. I have also rewatched some of his stories on-line.
  12. alpha128

    Review THE PRISONER (1967)

    Another example of what I meant when I said the finale made no literal sense. That's one way to look at it. I think it started out as a very very good spy/sci-fi show, but completely fell apart at the end.
  13. alpha128

    Review Lost in Space (1965)

    Several years ago, around Xmas time, put the first season DVD set on sale so I bought it. Up through episode #17 "The Keeper: Part 2, it's a pretty solid, if juvenile, sci-fi series. But after that the camp quotient jumps with episodes like "The Sky Pirate" and "The Space Croppers"...
  14. alpha128

    Review THE PRISONER (1967)
  15. alpha128

    Review The Tom Baker Doctor

    As you can see from my list above, the stories I own are all from Seasons 12-15. I think those are Tom Baker's best years. Yes, Season 15 was a step down from Season 14, but it still had enough Hinchcliffe/Holmes Classic Who feel to seem like a legitimate continuation of the prior era...
  16. alpha128

    Review THE PRISONER (1967)

    I bought this series on DVD some years ago so I could finally see the whole thing. The beauty of early episodes like "Free for All" was that they could be interpreted two ways. They could be interpreted literally and they could be interpreted allegorically. "Free for All" holds together as a...
  17. alpha128

    Fun Your Favourite Films?

    I own the 1990 version on DVD. I haven't seen the remake.
  18. alpha128

    Fun The Last Movie That You Watched?

    The casting was one of the things they did right. The script was the problem. So many memorable scenes from the book were left out. They changed the ending too. Furthermore, Peter Ustinov's old man character was a poor substitute for Ballard from the book.
  19. alpha128

    Fun The Last Movie That You Watched?

    There have been earlier attempts to do a remake. Bryan Singer was attached to direct at one point.
  20. alpha128

    Review Time After Time (1979)

    I love the movie. I didn't know until now that it had been revived as a TV series.