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  1. alpha128

    Review Doctor Who Monsters

    I watched this story on-line back in 2015. Pros: Joy Harrison was a babe! Elisabeth Sladen looked very nice in her skimpy green outfit The darkness at the beginning provided an effective atmosphere The city miniature was well done Cons: The Daleks appearance is accompanied by horrible...
  2. alpha128

    Fun Rubbish Acting in Classic Who: Your View

    As it turns out the following video was recently uploaded to Youtube. It's wonderfully edited and really shows what might have been. Doctor Who | The Almost Doctors | The 1970s
  3. alpha128

    Fun Rubbish Acting in Classic Who: Your View

    I immediately thought of this when I read this thread.
  4. alpha128

    Review The Exorcist III (1990)

    I like it and own it on DVD.
  5. alpha128

    Review The Twilight Zone (1959)

    Thanks for sharing this. I had read about this sequel, but never seen it until now.
  6. alpha128

    Review The Tom Baker Doctor

    A good attempt. But apparently some plot holes are just too big to be papered over!
  7. alpha128

    Review The Classic Who Writers

    I am only familiar with his Doctor Who work. I own Boucher's "The Face of Evil" and "The Robots of Death" on DVD. "Robots" is my #5 Classic Who story. "Face" is not as good, but still worth owning.
  8. alpha128

    Review The Classic Who Writers

    Terrance Dicks and Robert Holmes were probably the two most influential writers/story editors of Classic Who. Dicks' "Horror of Fang Rock" (1977) is one of my all time favorites and I own it on DVD.
  9. alpha128

    Review The Tom Baker Doctor

    I bought "The Time Warrior" and "The Masque of Mandragora" DVDs at the same time. And there is some similarity between the two stories. In both an alien goes back in time, to the Middle Ages and the 15th century respectively, and tries to interfere with mankind's development. There is even...
  10. alpha128

    Review The Tom Baker Doctor

    Doctor Who: The Time Warrior (Story 70, Four Parts) An alien has taken scientists from the 20th century back to medieval England, where they are working under hypnosis to repair his crashed spaceship. Rated #52 in the 2003 Doctor Who 40th Anniversary Poll.
  11. alpha128

    Review The Classic Who Producers

    I watched all the trailers above and IMO Seasons 16 and 17 suffer in the memorability department. But Season 15 for the most part feels like a legitimate continuation of the Hinchcliffe/Holmes era. That's certainly true of "Horror of Fang Rock" and "The Invasion of Time", and both stories are...
  12. alpha128

    Review The Tom Baker Doctor

    I think it's a perfectly logical explanation of why he never showered. But that doesn't explain why Sarah Jane didn't complain about the smell, or why the Doctor failed to comment on how lucky he was to have a respiratory bypass. :emoji_wink:
  13. alpha128

    Review The Tom Baker Doctor

    Brother of the Wicked Witch of the West?
  14. alpha128

    Review The Tom Baker Doctor

    I've seen "The Brain of Morbius" praised on numerous occasions. For example, Doctor Who for Newbies: The Fourth Doctor | Nerdist singles out this serial for praise. I consulted that article when I decided to buy some Who DVDs for the 50th anniversary. However, I remembered all these other...
  15. alpha128

    Review The Tom Baker Doctor

    How did Terrence Dicks explain that Guy Crayford didn't realize he had two good eyes?
  16. alpha128

    Review The Tom Baker Doctor

    It's number four on my top ten list and I own it on DVD. Sutekh is one of best Who villains of all time.
  17. alpha128

    Review Escape From L.A. (1996)

    Kurt Russell's return to the role of Snake is wonderful. But sadly, the script is a weak rehash of the original.
  18. alpha128

    Review Doctor Who Monsters

    I actually forgot I had it until you mentioned the "Genesis" record. I would give it another listen, but I haven't had a functional turntable in years.
  19. alpha128

    Review Doctor Who Monsters

    No I did not. I didn't know it even existed. I do however still have a vinyl picture disk that I got as a thank gift for donating money to PBS. It has a picture of the first five doctors on it and is labelled "Doctor Who: The Music". But I haven't played it in ages.
  20. alpha128

    Review The Pertwee Doctor

    John Pertwee is my second favorite Doctor after Tom Baker. One thing I love about Doctors Three and Four is they both project an air of authority and can waltz into almost any situation and immediately take charge.