Search results

  1. Hux

    Review The Neutral Zone

    As much as I enjoy this one, it's also the episode where Roddenberry really started to push his whole "humans have evolved into magical beings that never get angry or poo" nonsense. The speech Picard gives about humanity moving on is so unbearably patronising. None of this crap was in the...
  2. Hux

    Review Gilmore Girls (2000 - 2007)

    I avoided this the first time round as I didn't think a female lead show about a mother/daughter relationship would probably appeal to me very much. People keep telling me that the writing is great (fast paced, dialogue and witty retorts) so I've decided to give it a chance. Watched the first...
  3. Hux

    Review Stranger Things (2016)

    So I finally watched all eight and thoroughly enjoyed it. The hype around this show probably isn't justified (is it ever) but it is very good. I love the 80s feel and the soundtrack is amazing. Looking forward to the second season but I have feeling this show can't live up to expectations. It...
  4. Hux

    Review The Works of Albert Camus.

    The king of cool. The Stranger will forever be a favourite book of mine. That moment when you realise you don't experience the world in quite the same way as others. I also read his philosophical work The Myth of Sisyphus but can't remember much about it other than I completely subscribe to...
  5. Hux

    Fun Next Poster Game

    Ask a true or false question. The next poster answers it then asks their own question. And so on. The next poster is male?
  6. Hux

    Review The Witch (2015)

    I was hugely impressed by this. Not your standard teenagers in peril, jump scare stuff but a very creepy and unsettling psychological horror. An English family new to the Americas in the 17th century are kicked out of their New England community (for unknown reasons though its implied that...
  7. Hux

    Review Oliver Cromwell

    A hero to many in England, a villain in Ireland. Love or hate him, his actions lead to parliament establishing itself as the power of the land which in turn lead to the Glorious Revolution, the bill of rights, freedom of speech, constitutional monarchy, the general election of 1695, party...
  8. Hux

    Review The Works of Franz Kafka

    I still remember reading The Trial and feeling that build-up of anxiety as Joseph K was accused of a crime (but never told what it was) and made to feel guilty despite not knowing why. That feeling that you've done something wrong because people tell you that you have. Goes all the way back to...
  9. Hux

    Review Children of Time.

    I really love this one. It's a very clever time travel episode where the crew discover that they will travel 200 years into the past (but haven't yet) and will live out their days marooned on a planet, having children, growing old etc. They know this will happen because they meet their...
  10. Hux

    Review D.B. Cooper (1971)

    1971. A man gets on a plane, he tells the flight attendant that he has a bomb. He wants 200k and 4 parachutes. The plane lands, the passengers are let off and he's given the money and parachutes. The plane takes off again and he instructs them to fly no higher than 10 thousand feet, and no...
  11. Hux

    Review In The Pale Moonlight

    This is where Trek truly went dark. Very dark. And I absolutely loved it. Sisko conspires with Garak to fake an attack on the Romulans to bring them into the war. It also lead to my favourite line.
  12. Hux

    Fun Caption Competition.

    Do just one, do 'em all. It's up to you. Winners will get prizes.
  13. Hux

    Poll Should UK Police Be Armed?

    After the events of the Westminster attack, and the death of a police officer, there are some who are bringing this up again. It should be noted that the terrorist was shot by Michael Fallon's (defence secretary) security who happened to be there. Whether the police officer being armed would...
  14. Hux

    Review The West Wing (1999 - 2006)

    Absolutely loved this. It dropped off a little after season four but I really enjoyed the Santos stuff (especially season seven). There had always been great TV but I think this show was the one that really kick started a movement that saw TV surpass movies.
  15. Hux

    Review Cartoons

    Gotta start with the classics.
  16. Hux

    Review The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990 - 1996).

    Loved it first time round but hadn't watched since then. Its now being repeated on Comedy Central UK and a lot of it actually holds up pretty well (mostly due to Smith's performance). Theme tune is still catchy as hell.
  17. Hux

    Review The 13th Floor (1999)

    An underrated little gem, this. Sadly, it came out around the same time as The Matrix and apparently there wasn't room for two movies about similar subjects.
  18. Hux

    Review Time Travel Films

    Best? Worst? Hidden gems? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primeris still the bench mark for me. I enjoyed Triangle quite a lot. Looper...
  19. Hux

    Fun Post Your GIFS!

  20. Hux

    Review Seinfeld (1989 - 1998)

    Your favourite moments from these cynical, selfish buggers?