Rumblings are that it may be in trouble....
The thing that Penny Dreadful taught me (in all of it's flaming, "Towering Inferno" example of self-destruction through the hubris and greed of man... is that they destroy what we love and don't care who will be left to clean up the ashes of their work when the public has stopped believing the lies and the "Fire Dept"./"Spin Docs" either cannot or will not continue to clean up their messes for them. So that ultimately, what the Networks and studios are in fact, is "The Weeping Angels" of our viewing world.
In the end, their goal is to have us frozen in their version of time & space, unable to move out of our armchairs and away from the screen at all. Unable to question their ridiculous stories because we cannot think for ourselves. Unable to move, frozen in time & space without the ability to either clean the drool from our mouths, eat or to pee because they've locked us into their "viewing chair", stuck us in their timeline where there are no fans with the memory of what really happened and therefore no one to complain about their bastardization of it. Stuck in the world in which they dismantled IMDb because it had too many members doing too much research who were able to claim "
F-O-U-L" which in turn affected their ratings because it was a site so big that it actually could sway public opinion. Then, we refused to shut-up about it when we were told to just say nothing and accept their lies as truth. Penny Dreadful proved that there were no spin docs. on Earth that could save him (John Logan) from his ego, his lies or his sudden appearance as a Dalek pointing his destruct-o-ray at his own show and screaming "exterminate" and then disappearing into another timeline so he wouldn't even have to be there for the third season when the show, did in fact, get blown entirely off the face of the TV landscape.
Now, CBS (Corporation Broadcasters Suck) is trying to do it to ST Discovery. So once again with the lies, onward with the justifications and hands clapping with glee and laughter that IMDb is now gone so there's no one left to cry
BS while they try to rewrite a history they know nothing about and would rather destroy the whole world and history of (read: "Universe") than to admit they're wrong, or worse yet, that there's a possibility that the fans aren't doddering old idiots who don't have the energy left to take the fight right back to them..... wrongo oh evil, bubble-covered robots, bent on the destruction of The Doctor (
Ooooops..... ST Discovery ) and the Universe we are sworn to protect!
They will never win! At this rate, the buzz on the show will kill it before it even airs. So even if Majel isn't here to defend what Gene stood for and the Producers/Directors/Writers (Bryan Fuller) who remember and wanted to honor it have been fired because they got in the way of a studio that can't have any vision of a show
they've never seen! Well we, the fans, can screw them up the arse anyway!
I was so excited for this show. I watched and listened while they pushed back the start date and even though I knew very well what it meant, I still held onto my hope. Well, "F" 'em! We have, gentlemen, what is referred to as an "off button".... and we know how to use it! We'll teach others to use it too and we'll do it for free! Advertising is worthless when you're fighting people who are just giving the information away for free!
So go ahead and air your bastardized version of what could have been a beautiful thing. Spend billions on "trying to get it right" when you've already fired the guy who did. Sell advertising spots and then surrender them because STD (Huh.... if you just use the initials of the show you get STD.... who knew?!) is going to be the show you launch your Pay-per-view new dross station on anyway. Then, when it collapses right out from under you.... and takes your "money channel" with it.... you can come back here and we'll tell you "We told you so"!!!!!....... and we'll even do it for free!
Because at this point, I gotta ask myself what happens when you schedule a show and no one.... absolutely no one..... shows up to watch?

And in the meantime..... would any of you gentlemen like "The Boot"?

.... You certainly deserve it!