I do love Amy. Yes, she was overbearing at times, and had I been Rory, I might have given up on her on many an occasion. But she was clever, and a match for The Doctor. My favorite episode of her's is still The Wedding of River Song, because we get to see her being a complete badass. Also, Karen Gillan is not bad to look at.
I think my biggest issue was the fact that she was set to marry Rory, and then throws herself at The Doctor, which comes off as flaky, but one has to keep in mind that this was someone who pops up in her life, and disappears, causing everyone to program her to not believe in him, then he comes back and takes her on the adventure of a lifetime. So she's not in the best frame of mind to be objective. And deep down, she really loves Rory, as we certainly see at the end of Angel in Manhattan.