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  1. johnnybear

    Review Dirty Harry (1971)

    By the way what's happened to this place? Who has put up the cash? JB
  2. johnnybear

    Review Doctor Who (2005)

    That Dalek story was a disaster wasn't it! How petty was it for Moffat to make Davros open his eyes and ruin the look of the character and his long running story of the vindictive, evil, little scarred genius? (Moffat not Davros I mean! :emoji_grimacing:) JB
  3. johnnybear

    Review Doctor Who (2005)

    Moffat, I should imagine is one of those guys who thinks his writing is the greatest thing that has ever been spawned upon this earth! It used to rub me up the wrong way every time that Matt Smith would mention how 'great' Moffat's scripts were for the past month at The Proms shows! JB
  4. johnnybear

    Review Doctor Who (2005)

    Capaldi never even had his own costume!!! firstly he had that hoody crap and then a Pertwee series seven fit before looking like a Victorian jewel thief!!! The distinctive look is essential to every Doctor and yet he didn't seem to have it!!! :emoji_scream: JB
  5. johnnybear

    Review Doctor Who (2005)

    Chickenshi..!!! :emoji_grin: JB
  6. johnnybear

    Fun Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

    I've seen both seasons but I don't think about the show afterwards one bit, Doc! JB
  7. johnnybear

    Review Doctor Who (2005)

    It's too late, the damage has been done! I doubt i'll ever watch the show again for fear of this agenda or that and crappy writing! Thanks, Moffat, you're a 'genius!' JB
  8. johnnybear

    Review The Missing Episodes

    Brothers from different Mothers eh, Ant? :emoji_grinning: JB
  9. johnnybear

    Review The Missing Episodes

    As someone who hasn't bought any Blu-Rays, this is what I expect the BBC to do! Release the hoarde of hidden episodes onto Blu instead of DVD and go on about how they have released them and it's only you that won't conform to the new technology!!! JB
  10. johnnybear

    Review Doctor Who (2005)

    Moffat did the most damage over six years of crappy writing and adding in references to gender swapping which was NEVER a thing in the series, Chinballs just went one stage further and put it out of it's misery! JB
  11. johnnybear

    Review Doctor Who (2005)

    If you are referring to Capaldi's incarnation then I have to say I ended at Smith's departure! Capaldi was ill served with absolute rubbish scripts and co-stars! I think that's why he left! A man like him who was a big fan of Pertwee's era and in the fan club at that time must have thought he'd...
  12. johnnybear

    Review Doctor Who (2005)

    As a lifelong Who fan, or at least I thought I was before that imbecile Moffat and Chinballs decided to 'write' their versions of the show, I can totally agree! My interest in new episodes is zero and I will not be viewing the show again! How dare these twerps destroy the show that I used to...
  13. johnnybear

    Review Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

    Furlong may have been an ass in his private life but it's good to see him back if only for continuity to the original two films, the second of which he was in! JB
  14. johnnybear

    Review Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

    Okay, Dr.Smith! :emoji_grimacing: JB
  15. johnnybear

    Review Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

    The rumours of my old age have been vastly overrated I must say! :emoji_blush: JB
  16. johnnybear

    Review Sam Youd (John Christopher)

    I've read the second book, although not with the same cover and there are no Cosgnocs in it!!! JB
  17. johnnybear

    Review Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

    True, I bet you didn't know I was going to say that! :emoji_laughing: JB
  18. johnnybear

    Review Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

    Well I'll probably buy it as a DVD as I like Arnie and he's always good for a laugh! JB
  19. johnnybear

    Review Series 11 (2018)

    But if the show is, why doesn't he get Jane Baker to write it? I'm sure she can write better than that squinty eyed pillock! What does he expect though? You go out and with Moffat, a universally hated showrunner, destroy the hero to millions of long term fans and still expect awards? He needs to...
  20. johnnybear

    News JAMES BOND: No Time to Die (2021)

    I agree in principle to laying the Bond franchise down but why should we do this for this maniacal reasoning to wipe out all white male heroes? Why are the women of the Connery and early Moore eras so much better looking and sexier than those of the eighties, nineties and two thousands? Apart...