Dear Members,
We are trying really hard to advertise our site without spamming IMDb or getting into trouble for this and we would like to ask you all to help us help IMDb members before it is too late.
We are well aware of the many options out there and even the socalled Look-a-Likes that may or may not give them problems in the future [legal/trademark issues, etc].
But the advertising or convincing the members on IMDb is really hard, especially for just the two of us, and we could deffo use a boost in numbers or atleast spreading the word as much as possible on IMDb and even social media.
If you do feel the same way and already are doing this,
please let us know here where you did this and link it too. The more we do that, the more will come to us and all we want is to give the members a safe and dedicated place to be when they shut the boards down.
Thank you all for the effort and time, we hope we can make this a place to be!