I remember years back (I'm talking at least ten years here) I had to close down my first account on IMDb & start a new one because the drama got to be freaking RIDICULOUS. I called out this one moron for being false (I doubt "she" was even female, that's how phony that person was), & suddenly I'M the bad one for pointing it out. This person claimed to be in her early twenties, married, Irish, & pregnant. Had nearly everyone fooled... Then the "baby" was born, & "she" posted a link to a photo of some random baby. One night "she" & I were chatting, & "she" told me that she was involved w/ some teenaged idiot from the UK. I reamed her out for it, because after all, "she's" supposedly married w/ a new kid. So I put her on blast on the message boards, & everyone except this one other female sided w/ her & harassed the hell out of me. So, I had no choice but to close down that account & start a new one.
Hilarious part is that months to a year later, the same dumbass was spreading a different story on two other websites (Myspace & some goth meeting site, I believe), this time claiming that she was involved w/ a female, & that she was pregnant w/ her "first baby". The two of us were laughing a few weeks later, because "she" confirmed she was full of shit when she claimed that she had the baby, & posted the same damned photo of the random baby that she used on the IMDb boards before.
Anyway, that's just one example of the abject lunacy that those boards were full of... Anyone remember that idiot who would troll the boards to talk shit about whatever was popular at the moment (he also trolled the Soapbox board)? I remember haunting his dumb ass to post a link to an Encyclopedia Dramatica page that discussed the idiot in detail (along w/ some hilarious pictures). If I could remember his main screen name, I'd post the link for a few shits & giggles.