Janine The Barefoot
Wacky Norwegian Woman
No but given the current US Administration's attitude towards them it's good to know someone is getting the word out.Has anyone read it before?
No but given the current US Administration's attitude towards them it's good to know someone is getting the word out.Has anyone read it before?
Ah, but do you know what happened next?You should be careful about quoting JB in that particular fashion AM.... or I might have to take you seriously!
Let's just say that he has some very specific ideas when it comes to women.and Bond would love the dancing bunnies...
Who would be touching "whom" AMAnd who would be touching who
Yeah, I know it's supposed to be "whom", but I'll stick with "who" anyway. Rules regarding the English language are constantly changing and evolving. This is true not just since the middle-ages, but since the middle of last century and even the middle of last year. It is the everyday usage of the language by the general population that sets and often resets those rules. And in our world of modern technology and instantaneous global communication, those rules of usage are changing and evolving faster than ever before.Who would be touching "whom" AMand of course he would have his own ideas regarding women in any form (or should I say "position"). But I never doubted the dancing bunnies would be a hit.... how can anyone not love them??
I hope you enjoy FIVE PATIENTS. If you don't, I get the feeling that I'm going to feel awfully guilty for some reason.I finished Disclosure and am waiting for the shipping of Five patients.
Overall, Disclosure is a good read and I enjoy the thrill of the race, or the thoughts about genders and power.
No doubt about that AM. As a woman, I should probably disapprove just because it's kind of sexist. But I like to think of them as our own "Rocketts", from Radio City Music Hall and like them for the sheer fun of it all. But that's also just me doing my own reinventing of sorts and I'm aware of that too. And the "whom" thing is probably the result of correcting so many English papers... I also have issues with the misuse of their, they're and there.... what can I say? I had a Uni. Prof. that "counted" those as "incorrect" on the papers she collected and her TA stopped reading and gave us a "C" at 3 mistakes. Thesis papers counted a lot towards our grades and I held onto an almost perfect GPA until graduation. That kind of programming stays with you after you've done it for enough years.... It's kind of like "a lot" being two words and not one. I still have a really hard time starting sentences with the word And.... so yeah, I've got issues too!I'm fairly sure that there are people of different age groups, cultural backgrounds and religions who probably wouldn't approve of them
Why should you disapprove of them just because of your gender? If you like something, then you like it. It's called personal opinion or taste and we're all entitled to have it. If someone else disagrees, then that's their personal opinion or taste to which they're entitled. Just so long as they don't try to ruin our fun.No doubt about that AM. As a woman, I should probably disapprove just because it's kind of sexist. But I like to think of them as our own "Rocketts", from Radio City Music Hall and like them for the sheer fun of it all. But that's also just me doing my own reinventing of sorts and I'm aware of that too. And the "whom" thing is probably the result of correcting so many English papers... I also have issues with the misuse of their, they're and there.... what can I say? I had a Uni. Prof. that "counted" those as "incorrect" on the papers she collected and her TA stopped reading and gave us a "C" at 3 mistakes. Thesis papers counted a lot towards our grades and I held onto an almost perfect GPA until graduation. That kind of programming stays with you after you've done it for enough years.... It's kind of like "a lot" being two words and not one. I still have a really hard time starting sentences with the word And.... so yeah, I've got issues too!
A lot of his later stuff got a bit preachy. Next was basically a long (fairly incoherent) rant about current trends in gene technology. I mistakenly read State of Fear which turned out to be a climate change denial textbook. I enjoyed The Andromeda Strain, The Great Train Robbery, Airframe, Timeline (despite the fairly ordinary movie), Sphere (ditto on the movie - despite excellent casting), Jurassic Park (of course). Of his posthumously released stuff, I enjoyed Pirate Latitudes, Micro gave me nightmares, and I haven't read Dragon Teeth yet.I'm currently on a Michael Crichton fever. Have read almost all of his works during a short time (except some early books which don't sound interesting to me, and which have also received mostly negative reviews). At the moment I'm on Disclosure. I don't know what to read after that. I have also started on Blindsight of Peter Watts but after quite a few page it still hasn't gripped me yet. Normally, good authors grip it within a dozen of page maxixum, no matter if they talk about science or psychology or hobbits.
Yeah, STATE OF FEAR was a real surprise - and quite a disappointment.A lot of his later stuff got a bit preachy. Next was basically a long (fairly incoherent) rant about current trends in gene technology. I mistakenly read State of Fear which turned out to be a climate change denial textbook. I enjoyed The Andromeda Strain, The Great Train Robbery, Airframe, Timeline (despite the fairly ordinary movie), Sphere (ditto on the movie - despite excellent casting), Jurassic Park (of course). Of his posthumously released stuff, I enjoyed Pirate Latitudes, Micro gave me nightmares, and I haven't read Dragon Teeth yet.