This is just a bit of fun, love the show really.
Gerry Anderson's best show by far, as he said himself. Let's look at some goofy mishaps that happened in the UFO universe.
1. When a UFO crashes into a house, cats inside run away, humans inside gawp out of the window.
2.Drug parties of the future will still have Beatles music playing, and party goers dressing 60's style.

3.The best way for a secret organisation to remain hidden is to splash their name and logo on the side of their vehicles.

4.Females are hired by secret organisations so that senior male officers can ogle them.

5.Siamese cats are enigmatic and different because they are vehicles for alien intelligences.

6.If you are a school kid able to guess the content of other kid's sandwiches, watch out!, aliens billions of miles away can detect it and use you forty years later.
7.Alien craft used to attack Earth don't develop radar, you can follow them home and not get detected.
8.At a magnification of x2,155 polystyrene looks like lava flow, pollen grain a futuristic building and puffed wheat a rock formation ( this might be genuinely true)
9.Film studio executives can threaten to destroy someone's ear drum with an acoustic gun with no comebacks.
10.Multi million dollar film studios are really keen to make boring films about Cornish fishermen.
11. Invading aliens play fair, they send a maximum of three attacking craft because that's all Earth's got to defend itself.
Gerry Anderson's best show by far, as he said himself. Let's look at some goofy mishaps that happened in the UFO universe.
1. When a UFO crashes into a house, cats inside run away, humans inside gawp out of the window.

2.Drug parties of the future will still have Beatles music playing, and party goers dressing 60's style.

3.The best way for a secret organisation to remain hidden is to splash their name and logo on the side of their vehicles.

4.Females are hired by secret organisations so that senior male officers can ogle them.

5.Siamese cats are enigmatic and different because they are vehicles for alien intelligences.

6.If you are a school kid able to guess the content of other kid's sandwiches, watch out!, aliens billions of miles away can detect it and use you forty years later.
7.Alien craft used to attack Earth don't develop radar, you can follow them home and not get detected.
8.At a magnification of x2,155 polystyrene looks like lava flow, pollen grain a futuristic building and puffed wheat a rock formation ( this might be genuinely true)
9.Film studio executives can threaten to destroy someone's ear drum with an acoustic gun with no comebacks.
10.Multi million dollar film studios are really keen to make boring films about Cornish fishermen.
11. Invading aliens play fair, they send a maximum of three attacking craft because that's all Earth's got to defend itself.

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