A Proper Function of Government
Burnside has to report that Donald Hopkins, close friend of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Science Adviser is in Vienna, when he should be on a fishing holiday in Scotland. Could he defecting?
Meantime President Lutara, an African leader has executed a British journalist and kidnapped his family which includes a 15 year old girl. Nasty.
The Prime Minister refuses permission to assassinate Lutara, for pacifist ideological reasons. But when KGB agent Boonin, a specialist in picking up defectors is reported in Vienna, it's panic at Downing Street. Hopkins must be returned or assassinated. The chief of SIS is puzzled,
Greenlee (codenamed C) " I don't understand the PM assured me violence is totally against his nature"
Burnside " perhaps you've not understood sir, a murderous lunatic we can't touch, but someone who threatens the government and their perks, instant permission to assassinate"
It's a race to get to Hopkins before Boonin
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