Easy one, what was the last movie you watched? Doesn't matter where or how, what matters is the movie.
I'm still not sure what to make of 'Nocturnal Animals'. A first thought was take the beginning and ending off and I would like it better. But I like Amy Adams a lot so it was worth it. Plus I like Gyllenhaal and Shannon, so it was worth it. Interesting seeing Jena Malone too. I though, gee all I need is Drew Barrymore. But another Lynchian movie, pretty gritty. It reminded me of 'Third Person' the interspersing of the now and images from a novel as seen in a character's mind. The film might remind you of major mistakes you made in your life as it did me. So I'd recommend it to anyone.
The Last movie I saw was Damien Chazelle's
WHIPLASH because I was testing out the new sound system I had installed for my projector and oh boy was it an awesome experience.