I must confess to being shocked,
shocked I say, at having any support for what I thought would be considered my "unenlightened" position on something that many consider to be high art.....
To which I must reply..... if it's so "high" it's in the bloody troposphere darling, then no one in the general public can
see it anyway can they?!
Yes, yes... snotty I may be. But art, as with wine, is viewed through the palette of the individual. Each of us is entitled to regard anything they choose as: tasting like vinegar, looking like someone threw-up on a canvas or reading like a moralizing, pontificating, self-serving piece of dross designed to make the author look more intelligent than his/her audience (OK, I did read
some of The Circle).... If you're really that bright, you should be able to communicate without needing to do it from "on high". Frank Herbert managed the Dune series quite nicely (before his child, god help up, got involved) without needed to try and prove anything to his audience. He actually
was quite brilliant and the fact that his series keeps being republished, re-read and, as it turns out, made into yet another version for the screen is a perfect example of what art really is. It doesn't need a "high" in front of it to prove itself.
And a chorus of Aliens for Frank who proved it could be done!