Todays Rant...........I hate f*cking streamers!
Why do I hate them?????
They are the most Try Hard wannabe ninja players around. They are always trying to get 10 to 15 kills a game, and win the game. They are playing for an audience of however many on Xbox, Playstation, Twitch, and Youtube. They are also cowards and will run up behind you shooting you in the back, using traps in a fight, and annoying little pain in the asses around. Normally, they stick to the Solo, Duos, or Squads but now they are getting in on the 50/50 team games. They are always promoting their channels on other twitch streams, videos, and forums. I'm just out to play the game and goof off. I don't get all kill happy. If I get one or maybe 3 I'm happy.
Another thing I'm going to throw out there while most Fortnite players worship the ground Twitch streamer Ninja walks on. I find this guy annoying 12 hours a day streaming the game. Never talks to his chat, calls out donations or subscribers, and pretty much it's all about himself. One funny thing is if he gets sniped or killed in a game he whines and says it was a bot, or a hacker. There's nothing more funnier than a whining millionaire live on the computer. Maybe when he leaves the game all these try hards will follow him to the next big thing.
Why do I hate them?????
They are the most Try Hard wannabe ninja players around. They are always trying to get 10 to 15 kills a game, and win the game. They are playing for an audience of however many on Xbox, Playstation, Twitch, and Youtube. They are also cowards and will run up behind you shooting you in the back, using traps in a fight, and annoying little pain in the asses around. Normally, they stick to the Solo, Duos, or Squads but now they are getting in on the 50/50 team games. They are always promoting their channels on other twitch streams, videos, and forums. I'm just out to play the game and goof off. I don't get all kill happy. If I get one or maybe 3 I'm happy.
Another thing I'm going to throw out there while most Fortnite players worship the ground Twitch streamer Ninja walks on. I find this guy annoying 12 hours a day streaming the game. Never talks to his chat, calls out donations or subscribers, and pretty much it's all about himself. One funny thing is if he gets sniped or killed in a game he whines and says it was a bot, or a hacker. There's nothing more funnier than a whining millionaire live on the computer. Maybe when he leaves the game all these try hards will follow him to the next big thing.