The only thing I never liked about USA comics, particularly Marvel, were just how many damn pages of adverts there were. Only seventeen pages of actual story in a 36 page issue.
Every two pages of story would be alternating with two pages of adverts.
("Continued after next two pages" is a phrase that is burned into my cerebral cortex.)
It was scandalous.
It was wrong.
And these adverts were, frankly, meaningless to a typical UK DOCTOR WHO fan.
Did Sea Monkey really look like that? And why did they grin so happily and stupidly at everything?
Also, to quote MONTY PYTHON, I used to dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaam of eating a Hostess Twinkie bar after being bombarded and brainwashed by so many f***ing adverts for it. But did I ever get within a thousand miles of one? No.
And who wanted to sell road grit anyway? Much spinal damage must have been caused by lugging huge, heavy bags of it around.