Home Improvement was a show that aired on ABC from 1991 until 1999 for a total of 8 seasons and 204 episodes. The show was known for making Tim Allen famous, had a neighbor named Wilson who never showed his face, along with Tool Time and many more. There were many notable guests throughout all 8 years of the show, including athletes such as George Foreman, musicians such as Alan Jackson, and actresses such as Maggie Lawson.
The show was also known for making Jonathan Taylor Thomas a really popular child star until he left due to academics along with wanting to have a movie career. It ended because Tim Allen and Patricia Richardson were offered a lot of money to do a 9th season and both of them turned it down.
The show was also known for making Jonathan Taylor Thomas a really popular child star until he left due to academics along with wanting to have a movie career. It ended because Tim Allen and Patricia Richardson were offered a lot of money to do a 9th season and both of them turned it down.