Information Dr Who - Jon Pertwee Years Episode Guide and Gallery


Member: Rank 8
1. Spearhead From Space.
The newly regenerated Doctor is found by UNIT unconscious in an English wood and taken to hospital. Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart at first refuses to believe that this is the Doctor ,but does come round to the fact that his associate from previous meetings has changed appearance. Liz Shaw is a Cambridge academic and brought in by the Brigadier to deal with a strange meteor storm. The landed meteorites are not rock but plastic glowing orbs. The orbs contain an intelligence that make up the Nestene consciousness, a gestalt entity capable of taking over and bringing to life anything plastic. A famous scene, copied by NuWho had shop window dummies coming to life and shooting passers-by. The Doctor and Liz thwart the Nestene plans to make waxwork dummies made from a special plastic of politicians, put the real ones in Madam Tussauds and the fake ones controlled by the Nestenes in power.

2. The Silurians.
A power plant in Derbyshire England is suffering many problems from sabotage, staff going mad and unexplained power cuts. The Doctor now installed as UNIT scientific advisor is called in. The Doctor is currently exiled on Earth by The Time Lords as a punishment for interfering in other planets,his tardis disabled. Investigating the power plant the Doctor and Liz discover an underground cave system and in hibernation intelligent reptile creatures the Doc christens as Silurians. The Silurians were around at the time of the dinosaurs and see themselves as the rightful custodians of Earth. They went into hibernation to protect themselves against a catastrophe that wiped out the dinosaurs, but have overslept and now want to rid the Earth of humanity.

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Member: Rank 8
3. Ambassadors Of Death.
An British space mission to Mars goes wrong, the astronauts don't return, but instead three aliens in protective suits come to Earth. Major Carrington sees this as an invasion and teams up with a gang of crooks to kidnap the aliens and demand a swap, them for the return of the astronauts.
The aliens are deadly to the touch, kill with high voltage, and the gang get the idea of using them for criminal gain. It's all a misunderstanding, the aliens are ambassadors coming in peace, but can this be made clear to Carrington before the aliens get nasty.

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Member: Rank 8
4. Inferno.
The Doctor is engaged in trying to get his tardis working to escape his Earth bound exile, he is with permission using power from an unusual drilling rig. The Stahlman project overseen by Professor Stahlman is drilling down into the Earth's crust to find Stahlman gas, located possibly near the core. This will be a wondrous new energy source. Stahlman is an arrogant man and refuses to listen to safety concerns. UNIT and the Brigadier are here carrying out a watching brief, and the Doctor momentarily gets the tardis working. Unfortunately it slips him dimensionally sideways to a parallel world, another Earth, another Stahlman project, a duplicate Liz and Lethbridge Stewart. Here the drilling is more advanced and penetration of the Earth's crust results in disaster, including green skinned humans infected by magma and reverting to primitive on the rampage, volcanic eruptions and well...the end of the world.

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Member: Rank 8
5 Terror Of The Autons.
First appearance for The Master, the Doctor's old foe, a renegade Time Lord. The Nestenes are back , the alien consciousness imbuing plastic with life. The Master has teamed up with an incoming invasion force, by preparing the ground for the Nestenes. Plastic mannequins hand out pretty plastic daffodils to the public, allegedly as a advertising gimmick, but the daffodils are Nestene controlled and shoot out jets of wafer thin plastic to suffocate people looking at the pretty daffs. After Liz Shaw returned to Cambridge, the Doctor has a new assistant, Jo Grant, a pretty young woman with a keen interest in escapology, which should be useful.

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Member: Rank 8
6. The Mind Of Evil.
The Master is posing as Dr Emil Keller, inventor of the Keller machine, a device to pacify dangerous prisoners. In Stangmoor Prison the device is being tested and observed by The Doctor and Jo. The Master himself doesn't show up, to avoid the Doctor, until hostile prisoners overcome the wardens, and take control of Stangmoor. The Master reveals the machine contains an alien lifeform that feeds on evil, so the Master has invented nothing, just got this creature to remove emotions from the subjects. Nearby UNIT is transporting a ballistic missile across country, and The Master plans to use a gang of prisoners to hijack it and use it to start WW3. The Master well and truly in control of Stangmoor until the creature inside his machine learns to teleport itself at will and pops up all-over the prison attacking people's minds.

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Member: Rank 8
7 The Claws Of Axos.
A strange organic like spaceship lands in England, and stranger beings emerge, Axons offering humanity Axonite, the thinking molecule. The Master is aboard their ship as a prisoner, but he has guided the Axons to Earth and promised them a whole world to conquer. Their so called gift, Axonite is not what it seems at first. Allegedly a substance that can end hunger on Earth by allowing animals to grow to enormous size, is actually a devourer of energy and will suck Earth dry.

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Member: Rank 8
8. Colony In Space.
The Doctor gets his tardis working and takes Jo on a jaunt. Actually no, the Time Lords have a job for the Doctor so they've temporarily lifted his exile and guided the tardis to a remote planet in the far future.
Earth colonists do battle with pushy mining company who want the colonists removed, and use a robot to kill and frighten the colonists. Meanwhile the Master is here, which is why the Time Lords sent the Doctor. An ancient and now dead race of this planet invented a doomsday weapon, The Master wants it, and lands on the planet pretending to be an Adjudicator , a legal representative of Earth here to settle the miner/ colonists dispute. When the Doctor sees the Master he realises why he's here and who sent him.

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Member: Rank 8
9. The Daemons.
It's Halloween and in the village of Devils End an archaeological dig has uncovered a burial site. Unfortunately the buried item is a miniaturised space ship belonging to Azal, a Daemon from Daemos. A race of super beings responsible for seeding life on Earth. The Master posing as a vicar wants Azal to give him power to rule Earth.
Azal has slept for centuries in his miniaturised ship, but now as custom demands of him he must judge whether Earth has been a successful Daemon " seeding " project, or whether humanity is a disappointment and must be wiped out. The Master with his usual mix of charm and hypnosis gets villagers to turn on The Doctor and UNIT ,to help his cause.

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Member: Rank 8
10. Day Of The Daleks.
Assassins from the future travel to present day Earth to kill a politician they believe started WW3 that eventually led to the Dalek invasion of Earth. The Daleks know that the guerrilla fighters have stolen their time travel devices and must go back in the past after them to ensure their version of history is maintained. Jo and the Doctor end up in the future and witness the Dalek enslavement of Earth and basically are on the guerrilla's side, but are not sure killing the politician Reginald Styles is the answer.

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Member: Rank 8
11. The Curse Of Peladon.
A story that takes its cue from Britain's entry to the EU.
On Peladon galactic delegates discuss whether Peladon should be admitted into the galactic federation. There's treachery afoot as certain delegates have different agendas. The Ice Warriors from Mars return, first appeared in 1960's , this time as good guys! Hepesh the high priest of a religiously bound and medieval society that is Peladon, is in league with another delegate to scupper the conference and is using manifestations of Aggedor the Royal beast and deity, to explain murder attempts on the delegates and urges the delegates to leave or great harm will befall them. The Doctor realises again the Time Lords have got him here to do the dirty work of sorting this mess out.

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Member: Rank 8
12. The Sea Devils.
The Master is a prisoner in a high security establishment near a naval base. The Doctor visits him and later is intrigued by tales of sea creatures attacking a sea fort.
The Doc and Jo go to the naval base to investigate. It seems reptilian cousins of the Silurians are under the sea, and like The Silurians want Earth free of humans. The Master has hoodwinked the prison governor that these attacks are carried out by enemy agents and he, the Master must be entrusted to deal with them. But his real plan is to team up with the creatures christened sea devils, and start WW3.

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Member: Rank 8
13. The Mutants.
This time the Time Lords openly ask the Doctor to help. He is sent to Solos in the far flung future to deliver a container to one of the delegates at a conference discussing whether Solos should have independence from the Earth. The native Solonians are mutating into insectoid life. The Marshall in charge of Solos desperately wants independence plans scuppered so he can keep his job has ordered his science officer to carry out atmosphere experiments to alter the air to make it breathable for humans and toxic for Solonians. This is possible genocide on an unimaginable scale and the Doctor has to stop this. The Marshall is a brutal mad lunatic with power and the Solonians are mutating due to his actions....or are they? The container the Doctor brings can only be opened by the intended recipient, and Solonian Ky is that person. Inside are small stone tablets with hieroglyphics on them, the key to understanding what's happening to Solos.

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Member: Rank 8
14. The Time Monster.
The Master is back going under the name Professor Thascalos. He has invented T.O.M.T.I.T. , the transmission of matter through interstitial time. A device to teleport objects and The Master and his two enthusiastic assistants, display their gadget to a watching audience of Government officials and UNIT. But the Master's real plan is to contact Kronos a chronivore, a time eating entity, worshipped in ancient Atlantis. The TOMTIT device opens cracks in time through which a priest of Atlantis is summoned and he and The Master journey to Atlantis to capture the ENORMOUS diamond crystal that holds the key to controlling Kronos. Ingrid Pitt in this one as Queen Galia of Atlantis who takes a shine to the Master, oh dear, this makes it more difficult for the Doctor to persuade her of the dangers of unleashing Kronos on Atlantis, I mean it might be destroyed!!

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Member: Rank 8
15. The Three Doctors.

10th anniversary special story as the first three Doctors team up to deal with a black hole draining energy from the universe. Inside the black hole on a world of anti matter is Omega, a Time Lord hero from ancient times who has been thought of as dead. But Omega angered by being abandoned to a black hole after his engineering gave the Time Lords mastery over time, wants revenge. He has sent gel creatures of anti matter to capture the Third Doctor and transport him and Jo into the black hole. The Time Lords use earlier versions of the Doctor to help himself so to speak. Omega will stop the energy drain on one condition, The Doctor or Doctors must choose between the fate of the universe or their own life.

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Member: Rank 8
16. Carnival Of Monsters.
The Doctor's exile has been lifted after the heroics in stopping Omega and as a free agent again the Doctor and Jo aim for the beautiful world of Metabelis 3. Instead end up in 1926 on a cargo ship in the Indian Ocean. A very strange ship this, the crew and passengers keep repeating the same 5 minutes or so cycle of words and actions, over and over. The ship is attacked by a dinosaur , the passengers also only have 5 minute memory spans, and the ship is known to the Doctor, it's the SS Bernice that went missing in 1926 all hands lost. Where did it go to, what's happening and how is this connected to the planet Zeta Minor, where political unrest is fermenting and two Earth carnival entertainers have arrived with their miniscope, a collection of alien lifeforms kept miniaturised in a tiny zoo.

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Member: Rank 8
17. Frontier In Space.
Final appearance for Roger Delgado as The Master.
Earth and Draconia are on the brink of war, both blame each other for their ships being attacked. But a third force is at work, controlled by The Master using a sonic hypnosis device to make Earthmen see Draconians and vice versa when their ships are attacked. Someone wants all-out war and behind the Master is another race plotting universal domination.

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Member: Rank 8
18. Planet Of The Daleks.
On Spiridon The Daleks have mastered invisibility from the natives. What a threat that poses! A group of Thals, the people unfortunate enough to call Skaro their home as do the Daleks, the two being bitter enemies, have arrived on Spiridon to find out about Dalek plans, join with The Doctor and Jo to defeat them. Somewhere here is an army of 10,000 Daleks kept suspended in refrigeration units ready to be unleashed.

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Member: Rank 8
19. The Green Death.
The one with the giant maggots. In a Welsh mining village Global Chemicals face opposition to their chemical process and the slime it produces as toxic waste. Secretly the company have pumped the waste into a deserted mine, where the slime has created huge green maggots that surface and infect people. UNIT investigate and Jo and the Doctor team up with The Wholeweal community of eco campaigners led by Professor Jones. Behind Global Chemicals is BOSS, a mad computer with ambitions to enslave mankind, the computer is imprinted with brain cells from its creator, Global Chemicals M.D. Stevens, but it's out of control. Last story for Jo who runs off with Professor Jones and gets married.
Jon Pertwee in real life, upset at her departure and the sad death in a car crash of Roger Delgado who played The Master, decided his next season would be his last.

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Member: Rank 8
20. The Time Warrior.

Scientists going missing at a UNIT safe house leads the Doctor to medieval England where a Sontaran uses time travel tech to kidnap the scientists and get them working on repairs to his damaged ship.
Robber Baron Irongron is helping the Sontaran named Lynx and in return gets guns to defeat local rivals. The Doctor needs to stop this as humanity getting guns in the 12th century isn't a good idea. Reporter Sarah Jane Smith stows away in the tardis, and ends up as the Doc's new assistant. June "Dot Cotton " Brown guest stars.

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