MR ( fretful)" nasty slimy thing take it away, take it away. That was uncalled for, why do you carry a dreadful like that around with you"
C " I am a magician "
MR " oh I didn't know you were in the profession , not much work about is there. I get a lot of theatricals in you know . What do you call yourself?"
C " Catweazle "
MR " oh that is unusual, erm...shall we look in the crystal ball "
C " aye"
Madam Rosa leans over her ball, as does Catweazle.
MR " what are you doing?"
C " looking "
MR " I look, not you"
Madam Rosa looks deeply into ball.
MR " I see a long journey, you will travel far "
C " aye tis true"
MR " yes a summer season, it could be Blackpool "
C " a black pool?"
MR " you are going to get an important letter from a relative "
Catweazle nods and a smiles, he knows this is baloney.
MR "oh you're a very lucky person do you know that you should have a flutter every now and then"
She places her hand on Catweazle's arm.
C " do you seek to enchant me"
MR " what's the matter with you I only suggested you have a little flutter"
C " thou can gain no power over me, it is all pretense, thy eye is shut..SHUT"
MR " I beg your pardon "
C " idle gossip thy knowest nothing "
MR " I've never been so insulted in my life...get out of here mister Catferret or whatever you call yourself "
C " SILENCE...harken to me, I see all clear like a hovering hawk"
Catweazle takes out his witch knife and gently waves it to and fro in front of Madam Rosa, her eyes grow heavy.
C " thy true name is Betty, thy man's name is Albert, many men go to him with gold for their bettering. Thou send them to him saying they will make good fortune "
MR ( trance) " it's a lie, how do you know"
C " my eyes are open I have the eye of time...and the scrying glass "
Catweazle grabs crystal ball and runs out.
Madam Rosa snaps out of the trance.
MR " what happened...what have I said"
The parrot chimes in again,
Pt " shut up Laura, shut up shut up, shut up "
In Catweazle's home the water tank he had christened Castle Saburac he is staring at the crystal ball, Carrot is there.
Ct " where did you get it from , I promised dad I'd give up gambling "
C " it is not the future I seek but the past"
He picks up Touchwood and places it on his palm and carries it to ball"
C " look down the well of time Touchwood, the years melt away like snow. We must prepare Touchwood it is a long journey we must take"
Next episode;
Carrot and Catweazle are in the ruins of a cottage about a mile from Hexwood Farm, Carrot's home. The cottage is dilapidated with no glass in any of the windows and the downstairs piled high with junk. Catweazle has a mailbag that he's filling up with rubbish that seems to interest him, much to...