Brian Clemens' Thriller 1.2 Possession


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In 1953, in a kitchen of a rural house, the radio is on and an American gentleman is speaking about his Presidential ambition. A woman's scream is heard, blood splatters a wall calendar as a knife plunges into a woman.
Thriller (1973)

Next a cellar door is opened, the killer drags the body down wooden stairs. At the bottom is a bag of cement, the killer picks up a spade and breaks open the bag, while whistling Greensleeves and snapping his fingers as he whistles.

Twenty years later Ray and Penny Burns are being shown around the same property, realtor Mr Kellet eager for a sale, the property empty since the previous owner Elizabeth Millington disappeared in 1953.
Weeks later Kellet returns and admires the upgrade the Burns' have made to the property. Penny says the only problem is the heating and she goes to the cellar door and calls out.
Penny " Mr Filson will you come up please."
A large rough looking man comes up.
Penny," Mr Kellet this is.."
Kellet, " hello Filson, what's the problem "
Filson, " can't find the pipes to the boiler, bloody cemented over, I'll have to dig up the floor."
Kellet, " is that necessary?"
Filson, " I assume you know your job, you assume I know mine."
Kellet, " you installed the system can't you remember where the pipes were?"
Filson, " that was twenty years ago when poor Miss Millington was here. ( Muttering to himself),bloody cementing over pipes."
Filson goes back into the cellar.
Penny," I take it you two don't get on."
Kellet, " everyone knows Filson round here, a gossiper and troublemaker."
After Kellet leaves Penny goes into cellar.
Penny, " Mr Filson, you said poor Miss Millington."
Filson, " disappeared she did, folks say she ran off with a man. I say she disappeared."

Athol Coats in Thriller (1973)

Joanna Dunham in Thriller (1973)

A day later Filson makes a gruesome discovery under the cemented cellar floor, a skeleton. A police pathologist confirms it's female, presumably Elizabeth Millington, a lady apparently who had wealth but no one could say for certain.
That evening getting into bed Penny hears someone whistling Greensleeves. Ray enters bedroom but denies it was him whistling.
The next morning, horror discovery in the lounge, the room wrecked, furniture overturned , floorboards pulled up as if a frantic search had taken place, but by whom and why?
Ray, " it must be Filson, Kellet gave him a key, he came back to work off a grudge."
Penny, " that won't work Ray, you know who it is, him, the killer, came back , his spirit , looking for the money he never found."
Penny knows who to contact, a spiritualist, Cecily Rafting.
John Carson, James Cossins, Joanna Dunham, and Hilary Hardiman in Thriller (1973)

Cecily arrives with Kellet , the four of them seated, Cecily asking Ray to sit opposite her.
Cecily, " I'd like the skeptic opposite me, Mr Burns it's written all over your face."
Ray who thinks it's all baloney smiles innocently.
The lights are dimmed Cecily Rafting enters a trance.
Cecily, " come to me.....come to me."
Penny asks the possessed Cecily "who are you?"
Cecily says in a slightly different voice, " Elizabeth Millington, it's so cold here in the cellar....the radio is on, its General Eisenhower...they say he'll be President."
Cecily goes deeper into trance, stands and paces room, whistling Greensleeves.
Penny, " it's him! the killer....who are you?"
Cecily. " don't know...dont want to remember....forget the past, wipe it clean."
Penny, " what do you want?"
Cecily, " money...must have money, where is it?"
Cecily, back in Elizabeth Millington voice, "what are you doing here?..
I told you there's no money here please NO AAAARRRGGGGHH "

Cecily tries to cleanse the house of the spirit, starts walking out of the room taking the spirit with her but something goes wrong and she loses touch before she can.
Cecily, " he's strong, very strong , but I was controlling him...he's gone for now."
Penny," what about his body? It isn't in the house somewhere ?"
Cecily, " I don't understand, he isn't necessarily dead."
Penny," but you contacted his soul."
Cecily, " the living have a soul too Mrs Burns, I made contact with something, his essence or perhaps just his evil influence left behind."
That evening Penny and Ray asleep in bed, Ray tosses and turns in his sleep, his right hand flops over the side of the bed, his thumb and forefinger snapping together, he is whistling Greensleeves, a spirit possessing him.
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Penny wants to leave house, buy somewhere else. Ray says he won't be driven out by nonsense about a spook.
Penny goes to phone to call Kellet to arrange a sale, Ray comes up behind her , face blank as if in a trance, Penny turns and screams as Ray was about to strike.

He comes to, awakes, Ray now convinced something is happening, got ahold of him, but he won't quit.
Ray " darling I love you but for a moment I wanted to kill you.."
Penny " it's this house, we must get away, sell it."
Ray, " NO ! I won't run, we can fight this together , surely we can drive this whatever it is out, please don't make me leave..give in."
Penny agrees and tells this to Cecily Rafting when she returns.
Penny " we've decided to fight this together."
They go into the basement, she tells Penny the spirit of the murderer has gone, she cannot sense it now.
Later Ray returns home , enters the kitchen where Cecily and Penny are having coffee, and Cecily by the look on her face immediately senses the evil spirit once more but says nothing. She leaves looking worried.
Hilary Hardiman in Thriller (1973)

Joanna Dunham and Hilary Hardiman in Thriller (1973)

That night the kitchen door is opened, Ray whistling Greensleeves and snapping his fingers and holding a steak knife leaves.

Ray enters the kitchen next morning,
Penny, " Ray, one of the knives from our steak set is missing, have you seen it?"
Ray, " no must be in a drawer somewhere "

That evening Penny finds a Ruby ring in the bedroom drawer in with Ray's shirts, she assumes the ring is a birthday gift for her.

Cecily Rafting returns concerned about Penny, a feeling she had that something was wrong. Penny says she's okay and is puzzled by Cecily's anxiety.
Cecily, " I work totally by instinct...I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm sorry."
Suddenly she says ," it's your birthday tomorrow isn't it?"
Penny, " yes, you're clever, how did you know?"
Cecily, " I felt it, or a pragmatist might say I sensed your excitement."
Penny," bet you can't say what Ray is getting me? ?'s a ring."
Cecily, " no I don't think so, what makes you think it's a ring?"
Penny," I don't think so, I know it is."

Cecily, " have you read today's paper Mrs Burns, a murder twenty miles from here. A woman living on her own , stabbed. Jewellery stolen, rings and other items."
Penny, " how dreadful."
Cecily, " your husband was at home last night?"
Penny," of course, he doesn't work nights. What's the matter?"
Cecily, " I don't know, but this morning the paper opened at this page. This murder is awfully like the the other one in 1953, Elizabeth Millington."
Penny, " they're can't be any connection can there?"
Cecily ( screws up newspaper), " no of course not."

Cecily goes to leave, then as if receiving a telepathic revelation, "NO, it's not a will draw blood , blood...erm...goodbye Mrs Burns."

Ray gives her a brooch for her birthday, Penny is taken aback, but thanks Ray and pins brooch onto her dress, and cries out as she pricks herself drawing blood!
Ray, " are you okay darling?"
Penny, " yes, just a scratch, it's lovely, the brooch darling...funny I thought you'd get me a ring."
Ray," a ring, you can change it if you want."
Penny," no I love the brooch, just thought you'd get me a ring."
Ray, "next year I'll get you a ring."
Penny can't help but thinking about, the ring hidden by Ray, the missing knife, the murder nearby.
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Penny is going to visit her sister and stay the night, in the kitchen before she goes she is holding a pie in a cooking dish.
Penny," now Ray after dinner if you fancy a dessert put this in the oven, twenty minutes at Mark 5, and don't let it burn. Are you sure you'll be alright "
Ray, " not at all sure no, what happens if my train set comes off the rails. ( laughs) Now don't worry darling I should be worrying the way you drive. Take care see you tomorrow." They kiss, Penny leaves, and a little later Cecily turns up.
Cecily, " I've come to correct a mistake Mr Burns, I never make the same mistake twice. And my initial mistake was not starting at the beginning. Shall we go."
They descend into the cellar, and sit opposite each other on wooden crates.
Cecily ," do you understand what is going to happen Mr Burns."
Ray, " not exactly."
Cecily " something lives within you, a spirit driving you. It is my fault for unleashing it. I must remove that burden from you and place it on my shoulders and with it leave this house for ever. Now touch me."
Ray and Cecily gently touch hands. Cecily goes into a trance as she contacts the spirit.
Cecily, " who are you?"
Ray, " Ray Burns."
Cecily, " no ,who are YOU."
Ray's face twists in pain, then relaxes the killer spirit or force inside him speaks.
Ray/ Killer, " don't want to remember. "
Cecily, " why won't you leave these people in peace."
Ray/Killer, " the money, I've searched and searched but I can't find it."
Cecily, " there is no money, I want you to come away with me now.."
Ray/ Killer, " NO..IT CAN'T HAVE BEEN ALL FOR NOTHING ( maniacal laughter) doesn't matter I'll get it from somewhere else."
Cecily, " another murder...where?"
Ray/ Killer, " Kings Close Chelsea, she's got money."
Suddenly Cecily is physically pushed away from Ray, onto the floor as if by a force.
Cecily comes out of her trance, Ray still sitting on the crate, out cold.
Cecily gets up, " He's strong, stronger than I thought possible. Still we have some information. Another killing, Kings Close, well that's easy enough to check up."
Suddenly Ray's voice," I told you that?"
Cecily, " yes, you said.."
Ray, " stupid mistake."
Cecily realises in horror, it's still the killer talking not Ray
Cecily tries to run," oh no...."
Ray/ Killer picks up pickaxe and swings it, thudding into Cecily's back.

John Carson and Hilary Hardiman in Thriller (1973)

When Penny returns, Ray is leaving for work, he tells her he's recemented the cellar floor and it's still wet. Penny goes into cellar, she sees the damp cement and a clue materializes, written in Cecily's handwriting; it says Kings Close Chelsea appearing as if by magic on the cement, a supernatural communication from Cecily. Using this information, Penny becomes convinced of what has happened.

That evening Penny enters the kitchen to see Ray holding a knife, whistling Greensleeves, snapping his fingers, he turns to face Penny, he seems to come out of a trance.
Ray, " Penny, this isn't me, it's him the murderer. You mustn't think it's me."
Penny, " no Ray, I went to Chelsea today to Kings Close, remember that time before we got married, suddenly you came into money, just after that murder, Kings Close Chelsea, just behind where you used to live."
Ray," what are you saying?"
Penny, " Twenty years ago you murdered Elizabeth Millington , then something even maybe you don't understand forced you to come back to look for the money"
Ray," NO ! I WON'T HAVE IT!"
Penny, " you mean you don't want to remember, something inside you blocks it out. You aren't possessed by the murderer you always were the murderer."
Ray's face blanks, possessed again, but by his own past, a strange schizophrenia, he advances on Penny knife drawn. Suddenly police rush out of basement and grab him.
Ray, " PENNY?"
Penny crying, " I had to tell them Ray."
Ray grapples with officers , frees himself then rushes into the basement and falls down the stairs, dying of a broken neck on the cellar floor. Next to his dead body we see Cecily Rafting's hand sticking out of the wet cement. A few weeks later Kellet is showing a couple round the house, the wife says she heard it's haunted, Kellet replies, " not any more."
James Cossins in Thriller (1973)

James Cossins, Jack Galloway, and Mary Ann Severne in Thriller (1973)

James Cossins, Jack Galloway, and Mary Ann Severne in Thriller (1973)

Penny......Joanna Dunham
Ray.......John Carson
Cecily....Hilary Hardiman
Kellet....James Cossins
Filson...Athol Coates
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