Brian Clemens' Thriller 1.2 Possession


Staff member
The episode opens in 1953 as a murder commences in an isolated, rural home. Mostly unseen, a man uses a kitchen knife to murder a woman. Afterward, we hear him whistling "Greensleeves" and snapping his fingers in an affected manner, as he drags the body down wooden stairs into a cellar.

The action flashes foward to the early 1970s, when a couple named Ray and Penny purchase the empty home from a realtor. After moving in and redecorating the stately home, Penny begins to experience bizarre manifestations that she considers to be otherworldly. One night she hears someone whistling "Greensleeves" and assumes it was Ray, but he denies this. Another night, she hears a scream, but when Ray investigates he finds a rabbit that was about to be devoured by an owl.
Joanna Dunham in Thriller (1973)

The Burns hire a handyman to fix their problem with the water pipes, and after he discovers he must tear up the cement basement floor, he discovers the body of the murder victim from 1953. Elizabeth Millington a previous owner of the property who disappeared. An autopsy confirms it Miss Millington.

Penny becomes convinced her spirit is haunting the house. Ray is skeptical, but they call in a medium named Cecily Rafting to hold a seance.

John Carson, James Cossins, Joanna Dunham, and Hilary Hardiman in Thriller (1973)

The seance starts, Cecily goes into a trance, amusing Ray who thinks it's all baloney.
Penny asks the possessed Cecily "who are you?"
Cecily says in a slightly different voice, " Elizabeth Millington, it's so cold here in the cellar....the radio is on, its General Eisenhower...they say he'll be President."
Cecily goes deeper into trance, stands and paces room, whistling Greensleves.
Penny, " it's him! the killer....who are you?"
Cecily. " don't know...dont want to remember....forget the past, wipe it clean."
Penny, " what do you want?"
Cecily, " money...must have money, where is it?"
Cecily, back in Elizabeth Millington voice, "what are you doing here?..
I told you there's no money here please NO AAAARRRGGGGHH "

Cecily tries to cleanse the house of the spirit, starts walking out of the room taking the spirit with her but something goes wrong and she loses touch before she can.
Cecily, " he's strong, very strong , but I was controlling him...he's gone for now."
Penny," what about his body? It isn't in the house somewhere ?"
Cecily, " I don't understand, he isn't necessarily dead."
Penny," but you contacted his soul."
Cecily, " the living have a soul too Mrs Burns, I made contact with something, his essence or perhaps just his evil influence left behind."


Staff member
Afterwards, it seems as if Ray has taken on the characteristics of the murderer. He whistles "Greensleeves" and snaps his fingers in the manner of the killer. Penny becomes unnerved when Ray purchases a set of sharp kitchen knives. Even worse, another murder happens within 20 miles of their home. Cecily returns to talk to Penny and they go into the basement, she tells Penny the spirit of the murderer has gone.

Later Ray returns home and Cecily immediately senses the evil spirit once more.
Hilary Hardiman in Thriller (1973)

Joanna Dunham and Hilary Hardiman in Thriller (1973)

She becomes convinced that Ray is possessed by the killer's spirit, and she connects him to the recent murder nearby. Penny herself is suspicious, especially when she discovers a piece of jewelry hidden among Ray's clothes. Penny assumes the ring is a birthday gift for her, but when Ray gives her a brooch, Penny thinks the jewellery could belong to the murdered woman.
When Penny goes to visit her sister, Cecily returns to the house to confront Ray.
Cecily asks Ray to join her in the basement. They sit facing each other on wooden crates.

Cecily ," do you understand what is going to happen Mr Burns."
Ray, " not exactly."
Cecily " something lives within you, a spirit driving you. It is my fault for unleashing it. I must remove that burden from you and place it on me and with it leave this house for ever. Now touch me."
Ray and Cecily gently touch hands.
Cecily, " who are you?"
Ray, " Ray Burns."
Cecily, " no ,who are YOU."
Ray's face twists in pain, then relaxes the killer spirit or force inside him speaks.
Ray/ Killer, " don't want to remember. "
Cecily, " why won't you leave these people in peace."
Ray/Killer, " the money, I've searched and searched but I can't find it."
Cecily, " there is no money, I want you to come away with me now.."
Ray/ Killer, " NO..IT CAN'T HAVE BEEN ALL FOR NOTHING ( maniacal laughter) doesn't matter I'll get it from somewhere else."
Cecily, " another murder...where?"
Ray/ Killer, " Kings Close Chelsea, she's got money."
Suddenly Cecily is physically pushed away from Ray, onto the floor as if by a force.
Cecily comes out of her trance, Ray still sitting on the crate, out cold.
Cecily gets up, " He's strong, stronger than I thought possible. Still we have some information. Another killing, Kings Close, well that's easy enough to check up."
Suddenly Ray's voice," I told you that?"
Cecily, " yes, you said.."
Ray, " stupid mistake."
Cecily realises in horror, it's still the killer talking not Ray
Cecily tries to run," oh no...."
Ray/ Killer picks up pickaxe and swings it, thudding into Cecily's back.
John Carson and Hilary Hardiman in Thriller (1973)

When Penny returns, Ray is leaving for work, he tells her he's recemented the cellar floor and it's still wet. Penny goes into cellar, she sees the damp cement and a clue materializes, written in Cecily's handwriting; it says Kings Close Chelsea appearing as if by magic on the cement, a supernatural communication from Cecily. Using this information, Penny becomes convinced of what has happened.
Penny enters the kitchen to see Ray holding a knife, whistling Greensleeves, he turns to face Penny, he seems to come out of a trance.
Ray, " Penny, this isn't me, it's him the murderer. You mustn't think it's me."
Penny, " no Ray, remember that time before we got married, suddenly you came into money, just after that murder, Kings Close Chelsea, just behind where you used to live."
Ray," what are you saying?"
Penny, " you're not possessed, you always were the murderer. Something even maybe you don't understand , blocks it out of your mind."
Ray's face blanks, possessed again, but by his own past, a strange schizophrenia, he advances on Penny knife drawn. Suddenly police rush out of basement and grab him.
Penny crying, " I had to tell them Ray."
Ray grapples with officers , frees himself then rushes into the basement and falls down the stairs, dying of a broken neck on the cellar floor. Next to his dead body we see Cecily Rafting's hand sticking out of the wet cement. The final scene is the realtor showing a couple round the house, the wife says she heard it's haunted, the realtor replies, " not any more."

James Cossins in Thriller (1973)

James Cossins, Jack Galloway, and Mary Ann Severne in Thriller (1973)

James Cossins, Jack Galloway, and Mary Ann Severne in Thriller (1973)

Penny......Joanna Dunham
Ray.......John Carson
Cecily....Hilary Hardinan
Realtor.....James Cossins