Review All Things THE SANDBAGGERS (1978)


Member: Rank 8
1970's spy drama in the Callan mould. This series deals with a fictional mi6 , known as SIS.
Roy Marsden stars as Neil Burnside, Director of Operations, and follows his scheming lying cold hearted ways he thrusts his agents into the theatre of espionage.
Always challenging to watch, deeply complex stories and a great cast.
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Member: Rank 8
A little taster of the show from ep.1 Burnside shows us his cold hearted nature in this clip with Norwegian chief played by Olaf Pooley, Stahlman from Dr.Who Inferno.



Member: Rank 8
Came across this nice image of the main characters.
Ray Lonnen as Willie Caine - Sandbagger 1, Richard Vernon as "C" , Roy Marsden as Burnside - the Kerr Avon of the S.I.S., Jerome Willis as Deputy Chief Peele, and Alan Macnaughton as Wellinghan, a thorn often in Burnside's side from his parliamentary position.


Member: Rank 8
Thanks for the interest!. I've probably gone OTT in relating these stories, but it was too tempting not to. I'm particularly pleased with my retelling of eps "Special Relationship" and "Operation Kingmaker", the best two episodes IMO.