
Member: Rank 5
I hope you don't go trendy with anorexic, light gray fonts that nobody can read. So far so good, although the Thread Title is inching that way :D
@ Lucas maybe inch a little more toward a Burgundy-ish color like the color of the 'upload file' button


Member: Rank 1
I defo prefer the disctincion of IMD and forums rather than "IM and discussion forums" because the discussion is integral to the site. if the subtitle is "discussion forums" that might lend the idea that the website itself is just called "internet media". Then again IMD sounds really close to IMDB; maybe IM is better in that regard.

Perhaps even the internet should be xchanged for "international" since there are indeed visitors from all over the world... it would also be less similar to imdb's name.

Then again if you decide to adopt a mascot the actual lettering won't be an issue as the logo could just be a picture of the mascot.


Member: Rank 5
I'd love a couple summary lines in both the 'alerts' dropdown and on the Alerts page itself. A lot of the time that would be enough to know you don't need to visit the thread.
Somewhere, somehow, I actually saw this summary wish. Can't find it now o_O


Member: Rank 5
This may be something peculiar to the way we posted over on IMDb, or maybe I'm just missing it here, but is there no way to respond to a post in a thread, as opposed to just adding to the thread? And in turn set up notifications for when someone replies to your post instead of anyone merely adding to a thread?

I understand that you can reply to a post, quoting it if desired, but then the reply might be shown five pages later at the end of the thread, and not nested up against the post the reply is to?

Alex Vojacek

Staff member
Indeed that's how modern forum software works, I can't change the underlying functioning as that would imply changing code on the software itself, which is copyrighted and licensed software.

What you should do is to always quote someone who you want to specifically answer, so, if the post is very visited, you'll get a your addition at the last post but with the quote reference.


Member: Rank 5
Indeed that's how modern forum software works [snip]
That's a shame, but so is a lot of what's "modern". Very few people know how to selectively quote properly, so then we often end up with some gigantic quote followed by a "me too" or something of that ilk. And as a reader you can easily, visually see where digressions occur and skip over them.

Oh well, water under the bridge. Thanks for clarifying.

Any chance of a "Preview" button under the Fast Reply editor?

Alex Vojacek

Staff member
That's already built in. Click on "more options" before posting, you'll see the preview button right there.


Member: Rank 5
:D I knew that. I was thinking about the "me too" people. The people I'm trying to coax over here. They won't look at "more options" but might hit a preview button and see that their post looks silly (although they wouldn't know how to fix it).

But okay. You have bigger fish to fry. Thanks for all you're doing. I'm rooting for this site of the three contenders. Oh, there's a fourth:


Member: Rank 1
Thanks for providing a platform where we can continue to converse about our favorite tv shows/movies.

Now on to some feedback. I think that a software like reddit would be much better approach than a forum software, you don't have the cluttered homepage, and has the ability to have a different "board" for every movie/tv show, you could alter the subreddit creation and force it to be in the format of "<code>" and follow the imdb standard.


Member: Rank 5
I don't think themoviedb is something similar to a forum. It's a different format.
True. But they have the database of movies, actors, etc., each with a 'discussion' area. The Admin there recently (a few months ago?) turned off the discussions bit because no one was using it. He has turned it back on given the IMDb news, and is considering General Forums. Maybe collaborate with them somehow? Probably impossible, but partnering in some manner with them or letterboxd , somewhere with the database would be a leg up in some long run. Maybe. I dunno.

The Admin's last post from my link above:

Reply by Travis Bell


I've just changed some things around with what used to be the "Review" panel on movies. It's been renamed to "Social" and has both reviews and discussions now.

You will not see the new panel on TV or people yet. I am still working on what that will look like.

Alex Vojacek

Staff member
  • Improved: blurbs for read & unread now custom made with icons/photoshop work to better fit the current style


Member: Rank 2
Staying signed in

I want to stay signed in so I don't have to log in every time I come back, but when I come back here, I'm signed out even though I checked the box to stay signed in.

Is this a browser or site issue?

EDIT: Never mind. It seems to be working now.
Last edited by a moderator:

Alex Vojacek

Staff member
Sounds interesting, we can definetly consider that !

Do anyone have a contact with them? maybe we could try speaking with them, see what they think.


Member: Rank 1
That's a shame, but so is a lot of what's "modern". Very few people know how to selectively quote properly, so then we often end up with some gigantic quote followed by a "me too" or something of that ilk
imdb had its problems too. many people didn't use the nesting feature and ended up replying to the wrong people altogether. i saw it several times a week.

Probably impossible, but partnering in some manner with them or letterboxd , somewhere with the database would be a leg up in some long run. Maybe. I dunno.

The Admin's last post from my link above:
not letterboxd, it's owned by amazon

@Alex Vojacek can you decrease the font weight of the bold fonts?