Alex Vojacek

Staff member
I don't have the slightest problem of them using their own forums. But being the tech guy I am, I do see the problem of running a huge forum inside a free account on proboards. Sooner or later they'll get into trouble. I started several projects from the ground up and I had to endure problem after problem to learn the basics. Now I know the things needs to be done so the project don't enter trouble waters afterwards.

I did gave my advice, they all agreed to make a new forum. I did the new forum and now they are all debating. I can only say this:

- I did my best to offer the best technical solution to the board problem that can grow huge in size.
- I have faith in my technical experience and I know I can manage this without having to depend on outside services.
- I pay the licenses to the software, I hire personal and I rent servers without asking anyone to help me do all of this stuff.

Now let the community decide where does they want to start a really huge community. I am only offering an option and I have no problems in sharing the community with other boards, I am not pretending to be the asnwer, I just offered a good planned option and one that i have faith its gonna work right from the begining.


Member: Rank 5
btw, I got the 'View Attachment' instead of seeing the image when I viewed it on a mobile device. So I don't think it's 'something being worked on' by anybody.

Alex Vojacek

Staff member
To insert images into the forum by using the forum you have to insert as attachment, or you could just insert the link from your favourite image service with the image icon like any other forum

Alex Vojacek

Staff member
About the Logo

Well, I'm going to modify the logo to be more concise and I want to be as away as possible from the "imdb" brand, I don't want legal problems.

I was thinking calling the logo simply "IM" from Internet Media with the Discussion Forums on bottom.

Other alternatives are, using: IMD and "forums" on bottom.

What do you think?

For the colors, I'm leaning towards a red, similar to Netflix and I'm going to style this theme for that change.
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Member: Rank 1
Are they incapable of dealing with change?

If so, they're in trouble, because life is change.

It certainly doesn't need to be anything complicated or drastically different.

Just keep it plain and simple and user friendly.

I'm not concerned with another website, just this one.
Wanting to feel at home does not mean one is incapable of change. IMDB is going away. We're here. We're not desperately clinging to the idea that they'll change their mind. We, migrating here, are part of the solution.

I'm just saying, when I go over to the GoT Boards, and it had a similar theme, it gave me a sense of nostalgia which softened the blow. Maybe it doesn't do that for you. That's fine.
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Member: Rank 4
Wanting to feel at home does not mean one is incapable of change. IMDB is going away. We're here. We're not desperately clinging to the idea that they'll change their mind. We, migrating here, are part of the solution.

I'm just saying, when I go over to the GoT Boards, and it had a similar theme, it gave me a sense of nostalgia which softened the blow.
I'm fine without the IMDb look - but damn does the look make me smile.

Alex Vojacek

Staff member
Indeed they will.
Expect some weird color changes while I style the theme. The main color it's gonna be Red & Black so , I'm still going through the code and changing things.

I will change those horrible bubles once I finish with the colors :)


Member: Rank 1
Cool, this skin is better.

And I know I can do this on the user end with Stylish but... could the board be a liiiittle less wide? :D