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Unless it was accidental I don't see why they would want to make Tom hallucinate this.Regarding Tom's hallucinations, presumably they were all images sent by Dept7 via Michael Crane , could Julia sitting in Martindale's car be another one? I know Julia sometimes worked for Scott-Erskine and therefore knew of Roy, probably,but i can't see why she needed to see him before meeting Tom at the station, why not later. What was so urgent. Mysterious .
As far as I remember the novelisation seems to suggest Drexel influenced her and she locked herself in and cut her wrists. The book or the audiobook (read by Louise Jameson) are well worth the time. Unless it happens later it also features a phone call to Oliphant than I don't think occurs in the tv series.We don't know why she chose the Cochrane Club to kill herself, did Drexel take her there or suggest she does it there. She was in a locked from the inside(?) room, so was Drexel even there to get images to send to Tom.
I think this is highly likely. It just seemed odd he shows no reaction to Tom ringing, it must have crossed his mind what effect the experiments were having on his brother. I suppose Julia may have been in contact with him reassuring him no harm was being done.Michael I think must have known Tom is involved in the dream experiment as he has to direct images to him.