How Authentic a Trek Show is This?

  • This feels like the real deal!

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Have these guys even watched the original series?

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • I'm still on the fence

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10


Poor Saru.

This noble creature, who is decent and honourable and fine - and who really longs to be in a universe where his crewmates get along with one another and seek out strange new worlds and life forms - continues to have to cope with the nightmare that he finds himself in.

All around him are unlikable and unpleasant or just plain dumb or ditzy cremembers who would surely never be allowed on James T. Kirk's ship a mere ten years later.

Crew-members who argue, who plot, who scheme - and are almost enjoying the war that they are involved in. Gruff, rough, sarcastic, angry, violent crew members on a ship where even a lone Tribble can't be bothered to breed because it's trilling has zero effect on these crew that are so steeped in negativity.

The number of punch-ups in the canteen has begun to get him down. At least one fight a day.

In a fair universe, Saru would be beamed out of the Discovery and deposited onto the bridge of the Enterprise A or D, or the Voyager - or even Deep Space Nine, which looks like a picture of optimism compared to the bridge - or any other part of - the Discovery.

Sometimes, on his darker days, Saru considers history and wonders if humanity - and all the other races, including his - of the past knew that their future was going to turn out like this. A miserable place where nobody gets on, or is ever gently charming and where humour is non-existent. Perhaps those people used to think that the future was going to be positive.

As if the future could ever be positive! As if life forms could ever get along and work and explore together, while being likeable!

And so he carries on.... The only positive figure on the entire ship, surrounded by warriors and unpleasant - or just plain insane people.

Maybe in a decade or so a more positive ship and crew will come along. Or maybe this hellish ship is just the way things are now.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
And no, I didn't like the episode! Or the show so far.

But I persevere, hoping to see an authentic glimmer at it's heart of something called STAR TREK.

The search goes on! :emoji_alien:


Member: Rank 9
Have those fuckwits who are responsible for making this TV series ever even bothered to watch an episode of another STAR TREK TV series?

Especially the original one...


Member: Rank 6
And no, I didn't like the episode! Or the show so far.

But I persevere, hoping to see an authentic glimmer at it's heart of something called STAR TREK.

The search goes on! :emoji_alien:
I'm going to be interested to see if they bother to explain the dramatic decline in technology that appears to occur over the next 10 years.


Member: Rank 6
Have those fuckwits who are responsible for making this TV series ever even bothered to watch an episode of another STAR TREK TV series?
Why would they want to do that? It's clear that they don't have a very high opinion of Star Trek as a concept. I suspect that for those in charge the name is merely a marketing tool to sell whatever show they want to produce.


Member: Rank 6
So I've watched the first three episodes now and I'm not overly impressed. As a Next Generation sequel and with a different alien race it might have had a more positive impact (given that the technology on display is significantly advanced from what was on display in ST:TNG) But mostly I just haven't found any reason to like the main character Michael Burnham yet. I'd have been happy to have seen her sit in prison and serve her (well deserved) life sentence. I loved Michelle Yeoh as Captain Georgiou, so of course she was quickly killed off. I see the potential for Saru as a character but so far he's just coming off as whiny. I haven't seen enough of Captain Lorca to form a definite opinion yet but I'm a big fan of Jason Isaacs so I have high hopes for him. I do sense a level of amorality about him that concerns me. It might be appropriate for his character but its not a trait that I like personally. None of the other characters (as yet) have made much of an impression on me so hopefully they'll be more developed as the series continues.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I think that, take away the STAR TREK label and it is just another sci fi series. One with lots of whizzes, bangs and flashes - and with characters with ATTITUDE!!!!!! who talk to one another like dirt.

One that audience members may love at the time of watching, but also one that they will never return to.

But I would rather go and watch a NEXT GEN or TOS episode, safe in the knowledge that people are not gonna slam each other's heads on the tables in Ten Forward or that that a pleasant character is abruptly gonna get hurled into space to die a horrible death (as the side of the ship is suddenly, brutally blown out), coz the programme makers were worried that the audience was gonna get bored of a scene where people are actually talking nicely to one another. :emoji_alien:

I totally agree about Michael Burnham: awful character i.m.o.
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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Alex Kurtzman.....

There have been preliminary conversations about when and how [a second season could air] and we've been very consistent in our message, which is that rather than announce a date and have to push again, let's take into consideration everything we've learned from this season. Now we know what we can do and where the sand traps are, so let's give ourselves ample time to announce a date that makes sense to everybody --- both the needs of production and CBS. Breaking story is, in some ways, the easier and faster thing; it's the ability to execute on it that's much harder. We want to take the right amount of time and don't want to rush.

Ideally, on the early side of 2019.


Member: Rank 6
I'm prepared to see season 1 through to the end. But if it hasn't grown on me substantially by then it's not likely I'll bother with season 2. After all it's taken me 15 years to give Enterprise a second chance and I still haven't managed to work all the way through that. I keep going back to TOS, TNG and DS9 in between episodes.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Just looking back at the old threads for season one, found this.....

Fuller’s rejected ideas included multiple time periods
According to Entertainment Weekly, Bryan Fuller’s original pitch to CBS had the show starting in Discovery‘s timeline, but then moving through the eras of Kirk and Picard and then going beyond that, reaching a time period that hasn’t been seen in Star Trek before. He wanted to do something like American Horror Story, which resets its storyline each season, and described it as a “platform for a universe of Star Trek shows.” However CBS decided to create a single serialized show and see how it performed before agreeing to anything that elaborate.
I think they should have the ship go through a time portal or something and end up post Picard. And forget all the dystopia. Then start having cameos from the Berman era shows.

But no doubt Michael Burnham would start a war with the Ferengi immediately upon arrival. crashing the Titan into Deep Space Nine, after shooting Captain Riker dead and neck-pinching Troi before blowing up Admiral Janeway's headquarters. :emoji_disappointed:

It's just what she does.

She can't help herself. :emoji_confused:
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Member: Rank 6
Haven't seen it yet. Probably in the next couple of days. Curious about the episode title though. It sounds a bit like a quote of some kind.


Member: Rank 6
The original Star Trek has always been my favourite and none of the others come anywhere close. But this Discovery show is the worst of the bunch. It has ignored all of TOS history style and look and even ENT which I disliked seems to be better! Don't know why they had to create a series like this in the first place!!



Member: Rank 1
I still can't stand the show. Everybody I know who is a Trek fan and watches DS9 or TNG completely every 5 years is unbelievable disappointed by this.

This episode had so many cringe worthy moments, for itself and in regard of Trek history/ethics/way-of-though, that I can only takes this with the clear intention, to make it more action and "wonder" filled. And less about what Trek is. Misusing an
like this is not Trek.

Also, many can't stand the main character, who I think fits ideally in this mess. On one side they call her a mutineer and a warbringer, on the other side, they are too easy to put her in most dangerous missions, even without having a real military rank. The cognitive dissonance in this is off the charts, and she plays this with an arrogance that puts me off.

I can only hope that the full season recovers and this are just growing pains. But I don't think this is the intention.


Member: Rank 1
I think everything was sa(i)d about ST:Disco. Its not a Trek show, is adjacent. A regression to ST:E how they view the universe and whats right and wrong. The main characters is played as know it all ****H, and not a good kind. Nothing of this oozes Trek, besides over designed sets and unbelievable FX for a TV show. Yes, the money from CBS All Access will finance this.

But it has no heart. And now the background information emerges, that Trek and most of CBS All Access is rather a fitting tool to get the contracts for cable transmissions negotiated. Too many cable cutters.

I'm ok with it being scifi show, Trek "themed". And with the numbers for All Access high, I would hope that they get more comfortable, like giving Riker his Titan an he can fly into the unknown. If Frakes won't relocate to Vancouver, get some fresh faces and go on with it. And if CBS is not willing to this, get Netflix to pay up. Its clearly not a money problem.


Member: Rank 6
Apart from niggles with The Costumes, The Starships, The Klingons, The History of The Show, how is this in any way a Star Trek television series set ten years before kirk's time?
The Costumes are too different from what Captain Pike and his crew wore in The Cage which was set three years before this and Kirk and Spock still wear that design in their first adventure together as well!
There are twelve Starships in the fleet or thirteen if you already count Kirk's ship in TOS time that we were told about..The Enterprise, The Constellation, The Intrepid, The Exeter, The Excalibur, The Potemkin, The Hood, The Lexington, The Defiant, The Yorktown, The Farragut and The Valiant presumably recommissioned. That That leaves maybe one over but I doubt that was The Discovery or The Shenzou!
The Klingons with their new conker style skin and lack of hair is just plain annoying! ENT had a story to explain the differences between the original Klingons in TOS and later TNG era series which I thought was quite clever despite not enjoying the show as it were and since when did The UFOP and The Klingon Empire ever go to war? There were skirmishes along the border and raids on outposts but no actual hostilities! Plus I thought it was The Romulans that developed cloaking technology first and unless this show does take place in another reality as it must then why didn't Kirk and Spock know of the cloaking device in Balance of Terror? I doubt this show is going to end up on my shelf somehow...
