I want to see Jung Suh pantomime eating-acting an apple.
With a red clown-nose, no less.
As I alluded to in a previous post, the meaning of the scene finally hit me. No, not the overall meaning within the film, but specifically what she was doing with the apple. It was a reenactment of Eve and the Serpent. She was making this weird motion with her hand, which, now that I've seen it, is obviously the snake tempting Eve to eat the apple. Which she (Eu-in) does, in pantomime. And then offers it to Adam (Min). He also chomps a bite of this (imaginary) apple. Then Eu-in affects a look of surprise and covers herself up, ashamed of her (again, playacting) nakedness.
Not sure if we are supposed to take that at face value (SIN), or if it is some sort of coma-induced juxtapoasition of Choi's (real) apple chomping later.
I've never taken everyone's musings about Min maybe being dead seriously until now. What you've just said makes perfect sense in the context of the ER scene, and particularly in the difference the second time the ER scene came around. Min died as a consequence of being hit by the car - they made a point of showing it, albeit that the physical death occurred on the operating table. But he came face-to-face with himself in the tunnel, reached out and willed himself back to life.
I'm in the same boat. Even on my two rewatches this week and getting that
Jacob's Ladder vibe, I did not conclude for myself that he was dead. For some reason I was able to dismiss that theory. Probably due to so much of the movie apparently grounded in real life. Like, Min telling his story to the cops, who investigate, looking for the forest, his camera bag, the photo shop, etc. But the theory does seem to have merit. I can definitely buy into it.
But the details are elusive. What was "real"? The part of the movie where he is telling the story to the cop friend--was that part of his coma-life? Or were those real conversations after he woke up? (But I guess if the "he's dead" theory holds, he never did wake up.) Are we to dismiss some of his story due to Min being an unreliable narrator? Certainly we can't take much of his story at face value b/c he himself has memory issues and is as clueless as we the viewers are.
Like I said in my first post, I don't believe there is any magic clue or"aha!" moment to find.
We have to live with this contradiction.
Yes, I'm fine with leaving it vague and not digging too hard.