Review Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
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Member: Rank 8
Love it, but I admit this may be because I'm a sucker for any good story involving the Klingons. About a year back, I went through Netfilx and watched every Klingon-related episode of the franchises. So much fun.


Member: Rank 6
I always enjoyed this one. It's got a high emotional impact, watching McCoy unravel with Spock's mind in his head and Kirk losing his son. And watching the original Enterprise get destroyed was extremely sad.

Elliot Thomas

Member: Rank 3
More of the same really, an enjoyable adventure that captures the essence of the TV series. It could've done with a bit more flair, maybe that's down to Nimoy being director too.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Genesis Spock: Why Didn't He Perish?

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KIRK: Is there anything we can do?

SAAVIK: Only one thing sir! Get him off this planet. His ageing's part of what's going on around us.

How exactly did getting the rejuvenated Spock away from the rapidly ageing and self destructing Genesis planet save him from continuing to rapidly age and self-destruct himself?

If the chemistry inside him is the chemistry of the planet, but on a vastly smaller scale, then surely he should have continued to age and die, even if taken off the planet and out of the range of Genesis?

Why did this not happen?

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