We all have them. Those foods that you absolutely will not eat. Like, you've been stranded on a desert island for weeks, with nothing to eat, and you're rescued by a boat where they only have one thing to eat, and as hungry as you are, you won't even touch it, and spend the next week on your way back to civilization ignoring your growling stomach as everyone around you eats that food you can't stand.
Personally, I grew up in a household where I was encouraged to eat all types of foods, and got the usual response of "you'll eat it or go hungry", so there's little I won't eat if hungry. My exceptions are lima beans, peas (I like pea pods, and I'll choke down most of the peas in Chinese food, but to sit and eat peas as a side dish just won't happen), raw onion, and bologna. I don't know if there's some kind of gourmet bologna out there in the world, but here in the States, it's basically like a big hot dog, but ten times as nasty. It smells horrible, and tastes worse. At least hot dogs I can cover in chili, cheese and saurkraut and make them edible.