Review Thriller s05e02- The Double Kill ( scene by scene) IMPROVED VERSION


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A large house, in the early hours of the morning, surrounding it a huge spread of grounds. The house of a wealthy couple, Hugh and Clarissa Bryant , and lurking in the dark outside watching is a burglar.
The man creeps up to a window and peers inside, no sign of life, he opens up a bag and takes out the tools of his trade.
He puts sticky tape on the window, then with a hammer smashes the window, silently the glass breaks. He reaches in, unlocks the window lock, and he's in.
The drawing room looks promising, silver ornaments on the mantelpiece, he drops a few in his bag. He forces open a bureau and inside is a gun, he picks it up. Suddenly the lights come on. Hugh, an American is sitting on the settee, wearing a tuxedo, scotch in hand.
H " please make it quick"
Man " what!?"
H " you've broken into my home, caught red handed, I can pick you out of any line up, so please make it quick"
The burglar is horrified and throws the gun down.
H " don't be a fool man, pick it up"
Man. " I'm no killer"
H" nope, I guess you're not"
Hugh empties the bag of the silver and chucks it back at the puzzled man.
H "get out"
Man. "you're letting me go?"
H " you're not the man for me, ( shouting), NOW GET OUT, oh and use the front door, I don't want neighbours seeing you climbing out of the window and call the police"
The burglar not really believing his luck, scarpers.
H ( to himself) " nope, not the man I'm looking for"

Thriller (1973)
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It's 7am, Hugh out of his evening dress has been repairing the window. It's good as new, he had a pane of glass ready! He then carries a breakfast tray up to his wife Clarissa who is just waking up. On the bedside table is a bottle of sleeping tablets.
H " breakfast darling"
C " you're up early Hugh"
H " had some work around the house to do. You know I wouldn't have to if we got some staff in."
C" we did remember, the au pair"
H " darling I've told you, it was Christmas and we were just having fun."
C " it was November and certainly you were having fun, except I wasn't laughing. So until we can find someone old enough to repel you but able enough to work we'll just close up that wing of the house."
H ( sighing) "okay Clary, are you going to that auction?"
C " yes,you know I am. Please come with me darling"
H " now we've been through this before, auctions are just not my scene. Also watching you waste your money is painful"
C " it is my money"
H "okay darling, I'm off to the club"
C " with Paul I suppose"
H " yes Paul will be there"
C " I wish you wouldn't see him"
H " what does that mean?"
C " he encourages you"
H " I'm only having one drink "
C " he encourages you, he's already had four marriages and now looking for number five ,I wish he'd find her and leave us in peace."
Hugh says nothing to this and leaves the bedroom. Clarissa picks up her orange juice, and gets something on her fingers.
C ( puzzled)" putty?"
Later Clarissa is still in the bedroom, dressed and applying her make up, Hugh enters.
H " I'm off darling. I'll see you at about one then at the club then?"
Hugh notices she is a bit pale, washed out.
H " you okay?"
C " I need to see the doctor , change my sleeping tablets "
H" you know my opinion on that"
C " I need them Hugh"
H " as a crutch darling"
C " why do we keep chipping away at each other? Do you want a divorce?"
H " absolutely not"
C " because of my money"
H " no because I love you "
C " do you trust me Hugh?"
H " of course, why"
C " why do you trust me?"
H " what's got into you this morning Clary?"
C " nothing darling, I'll see you later"
Penelope Horner is Clarissa; Gary Collins is Hugh
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Hugh is propping up the bar at a local bar, a private drinking establishment. Paul is with him, a fortyish gentleman, a bit effeminate and clearly an habitual drunk, but a posh one.
P " come on Hugh let's have another before Clarissa gets here. No doubt having spent more of that lovely money of hers"
H " god knows what she'll buy this time. We've got two Matisse originals, loads of silver, and no bloody security, nothing at all. One day I'll put in the alarms but now...."
P " Hugh, careful, walls have ears, know what I mean"
H " burglars? In this neighbourhood are you joking?"
P " can't be too careful Hugh"
Clarissa comes in, Hugh meets her and they go to a table.
H " enjoy the auction Clary? What did you buy?"
C " another Matisse"
H " another!?"
C " it is my money"
Hugh rejoins Paul at the bar and gets Clary's drink.
H " another Matisse Paul"

At about 9 o'clock Hugh is in his local pub, a bit drunk chatting at the bar.
H " I tell you, that place is loaded with stuff, silver, paintings , one day I'll put in all the security but who wants to live in a fortress."
The locals look alarmed at Hugh's loose tongue.
Later that evening it's about 9.30 Hugh is dressed in a suit and tie.
C " you're going out again?"
H " an evening with friends"
C " a poker game no doubt"
H " yes Clary. I don't want an argument about it I'm leaving"
He picks up Clary's sleeping tablets and tosses it to her.
H " I'm sure I won't disturb you when I come in"
A few minutes later Hugh drives away. In the darkness of the grounds lurks another burglar. As the headlights from the car sweeps by, Hugh glimpses something but carries on driving. The burglar, a young man dressed all in black moves towards the house. Clarissa all alone, takes her tablets as the burglar moves closer.
James Villiers is Paul
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Hugh doesn't drive very far, he turns round, parks his car in the gravel driveway and enters the house by the back way.
In the drawing room he opens his writing bureau, takes out his gun and in darkness slowly emerges into the hallway.
The burglar is halfway across the hall, going towards the door. Hugh turns the lights on.
H " hold it right there, put your hands on top of your head and turn around. Now walk towards me slowly. "
Hugh backs into the lounge, the burglar follows.
H " over there, by the couch"
The burglar, young man, with jet black hair obeys and stands hands on top of head .

H " I feel like an actor in a bad Western. You have broken into my house my friend, my home"
B " you can't shoot me for that, at least not in England "
H " but I'm American, sure they gave me a pamphlet on how to behave in a foreign country and they didn't say anything about shooting intruders, but they didn't mention not shooting them either. Paul was right, I blabbed about the riches in this place and finally caught myself a burglar . You're not armed?"
B " no"
H " no...where would you hide a gun. I'm glad I got home early before you had a chance to take anything. Still breaking and entering that's 5 to 7 years isn't it. But that's police business from now on. Back up"
The burglar steps back as Hugh passes him and sits on the settee. He picks up phone receiver and places gun on table and stars dialling.
The burglar sees his chance, dashes forward and grabs gun .
B " put it down "
H " now look..."
B (shouts)" I SAID DOWN "
Hugh puts phone down,
H " that was a bad mistake"
B " fatal"
H " now look, this is MY house, and I don’t think you'll shoot. Burglary is one thing but murder is another my friend. I tell you what just put the gun down and take off. I won't say anything "
B ( smiles ) " what, you won't remember this face, you won't grab the phone the moment I've left?"
H " that's right I promise "
B " sorry"
H " just put the gun down "
In cold blood the burglar shoots three times. Hugh falls face down. The burglar looks anxious, what to do now? He bends down and places the gun in Hugh's hand, and is shocked as Hugh leaps up, smiling and pointing the gun at him.
H " let's talk this out over a drink "
The burglar dismayed, fearful.
H " it's alright my wife takes very strong sleeping pills, she won't hear a thing, and there's nobody else around for miles"
B " I shot you!"
H " and I'm delighted, but with blanks. You need that drink. You are just the man I've been waiting for"
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H " you know I was beginning to feel that the crooks over here were milk and water boys, know what I mean. But not you, you have a nice desperate edge. Give you a gun and you're prepared to use it"
Hugh pours two whiskeys from the drinks trolley.
H " cheers, so you've obviously heard me shooting my mouth off about the valuables here, but you're just one man, I see you've got no bag with you for tonight's haul. So whatever you were going to take would have to be small, perhaps a couple of silver pieces and maybe a painting or two cut out and rolled up. How much did you expect to make?"
The burglar says nothing.
H " come on, I asked you a question"
B" I've no idea Mr Bryant. Yes I know you're name, letters addressed to you on the hall table, it's where I got these gloves, yours"
H " well I'll tell you, on the open market, 1 million tops, but under cover to a fence, yes I do know about these things, 50,000 tops no more , and you were prepared to kill for that. So I'll make you an offer that you can hardly refuse. That 50,000 , plus another 50,000, plus my blessing and a clear conscience, for a job I want doing"
B " you must need the insurance money badly"
H " who said anything about insurance, my friend you are missing the point entirely"
Hugh is at the bureau, unloading the gun and replacing the bullets for another set.
H " it wouldn't have made any difference to you would it if my wife had caught you, you'd have shot her, and that is what I want you to do, kill my wife. Come on, it's the cleanest thing you'll ever do. You're a stranger, all you have to do is pull the trigger and then get lost in the night"
B "and if I refuse?"
H ( pointing gun) " then I still say you broke into my home, and this time the bullets are real, and I don't think you'll say no"
B" seems I have no choice"
H " excellent , seems I really got lucky with you"
Stuart Wilson played the burglar, stated later as Max Burns.
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Hugh and the burglar have another drink.
H " now, lets look at this from the police angle. You break in, ransack the place"
Hugh holds a handkerchief in his left hand and starts knocking ornaments off the mantelpiece, the handkerchief making sure he leaves no prints.
H " I want nothing tricky, she comes in and you fire. Okay?"
B" point, you're wife takes strong sleeping pills, how am I supposed to disturb her?"
H " that's the beauty of this whole thing, she comes out of them at about 4 am, that's when I want you to do it. You're in here, you find my gun, she comes in and you fire"
B " and you?"
H " it's nearly ten o'clock now, I'm off to a poker game, I'll be back in the morning"
B " and supposing I run off as soon as you go"
Hugh points the gun,
H " the glove remove it, I want to see that good right hand. Now pass me a sherry glass from the trolley"
The burglar does this, Hugh puts the glass in his raincoat pocket.
H " that's why you won't be running away. If I come back and the job is not done, and some of that silver is going to be missing, then the police will have the best witness they've ever had, me, and one check up on the fingerprints on that glass and you get the picture? Come on, you can't win"
B " okay Mr Bryant I'll do it", he leaps up drawing a vicious looking knife from his trousers and puts it to Hugh's throat.
B" but not because you forced me, I could have taken you any time in the last ten minutes. You forced me into nothing"
The burglar flings his knife down into the coffee table, it sticks into the table, blade first. Hugh grabs the handle and pulls it out, and tosses it back.
H " okay, I didn't force you, but like the gentlemen we are we have an agreement do we not?"
Hugh makes his way into the hall.
B" haven't you forgotten something?"
H " no, I'll leave the gun on the table. Good evening to you, pleasure doing business with you"
Hugh takes out a handkerchief and without the burglar seeing, wipes his prints off. Hugh leaves, the burglar sitting in the drawing room......waiting for 4am.
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At a private house Hugh is playing poker with Paul and two others, it is well past midnight.
H " Paul, got the time please?"
P " it's nearly four. Are you okay Hugh, that's the third time you've asked"
H " yeah, I need data"
P " eh?"
H " want to see how much I can lose hour by hour. No seriously I've left my watch at home. Four you say ?"
Hugh getting his alibi sorted.
Next morning the cleaning lady, Mrs Parsons is vacuuming the stairs at the Bryant's place. She checks her watch, odd, Mrs Bryant is usually up by now. She sees the bedroom door ajar, peers in, and screams. Clarissa is in bed, blood splattered on the sheets.
It's 9am, Hugh drives along the driveway up to the house. Police cars and an ambulance parked outside. He knows he must be ready with the fake tears and woe. In the hallway Mrs Parsons is being consoled by a uniformed officer.
Mrs P " such a nice lady, who could have done such a dreadful thing"
Hugh " oh my god! Clary!"
Mrs P " only God can help her now"
Up in the bedroom the dapper moustachioed Inspector Lucas is puzzled, in walks Sgt. Player.
Pl " he's here sir, the husband"
L " something strange going on here Michael, damned peculiar, and remember what I said, I handle this my way"
Pl " I still think it's wrong sir, immoral and probably illegal"
L " then you'll have to arrest me Michael"
Lucas and Player walk down the stairs .
Hugh " I want to see my wife"
L " sorry sir, the body has been taken away"
H " who did it? you must have some idea. Someone must have heard the shots"
L " shots sir?"
H " I know we're isolated here but..."
L." your wife wasn't shot sir, she was stabbed"
Real emotion from Hugh as he is shocked.
H "stabbed!"
L." what made you think she'd been shot?"
H " well I assumed whoever broke in found my gun..."
Pl " we've found your gun sir, and your license to have one"
L " there was no break in sir that's another wrong assumption"
H " what!!"
Pl " we couldn't find any sign of forced entry sir"
Hugh is genuinely perplexed, why did the burglar not stick to the plan?
Another police officer comes in, the fingerprint guy, holding Hugh's gun, wearing rubber gloves.
L " anything on it?"
Off " nothing sir not a single print"
Hugh realises his error, this looks very suspicious.
L " well sir, you certainly keep it clean!"
Peter Bowles played Insp. Lucas.
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Lucas " tell me sir, where have you just been?"
Hugh " been playing poker with some friends"
L " bit early for card games sir"
H " game started last night at about eleven"
L " and before that?"
H " I went to the pub at 9, stayed for half-hour, came back here at 9.30, then left at 10, for a forty five minutes drive to Hampstead"
L " well, you're remarkably accurate with your timings sir"
H " I remember things that's all, the ten o'clock news started on the car radio as I drove off"
Hugh puts his head in his hands ,
H " why Clary?, why, it's all my fault Inspector"
L " why do you say that sir?"
H " isn't it obvious, if I was here instead of playing poker I could have done something"
L " you were here sir! Your wife was attacked between 9.30 and 10, that puts you here when it happened"
Hugh is stunned, his whole plan is falling apart. Lucas notices Hugh's black leather driving gloves on the hall table.
L " these yours sir? Lovely soft leather, ah silk lining. Oh dear, that spoils them, see here sir in the palm of the right hand, a dark stain, looks like blood. You are right handed sir?"
Sgt. Player" can I have a word sir"
Lucas and Player go upstairs, Hugh sits in the drawing room, a uniformed female officer is there, Hugh pours himself a drink.
Upstairs in the bedroom Lucas and Player,
P " what you're doing is criminal, he is suffering"
L " the whole world suffers Michael"
The fingerprint officer is there just finishing dusting for prints.
Officer " it would help if I had his sir"
L " Michael, sort that out, and go easy, well he is suffering! "

John Flanagan is Michael Player.
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Lucas searches the dressing table, and finds a writing pad, he looks closely at the blank top page. There are impressions left by a previously written letter. He gets his pencil out, and gently dusts the page with lead filings to bring out the impressions.
Hugh has had his prints taken, the print- officer leaves, now just Hugh and Player in the room.
Pl " you okay sir, you look puzzled"
H " hmm, those silver pieces on the mantelpiece I'm sure they've been moved around"
Player turns to look, Hugh standing by the drinks trolley quickly gets the glass out of his pocket and places it on the trolley.
H " and this whiskey decanter looks different from last night, I'm sure it was full yesterday. Will you get your guy to check for prints here too?"
Pl " yes sir, don't worry we'll do everything"
Lucas comes in,
L " sir, have you and your wife spent an extended time apart recently?"
H " well, she did spend a few days in Devon at an auction recently"
Lucas reading from sheet,
L " Darling,those idyllic days in Devon were fabulous, but Hugh....then a few words I can't make out.....sorry darling but it must end, love Clarissa. Well sir when did you find out she had a lover?"
Hugh shakes his head in disbelief,
H " just now, I didn't know"
L " whether you knew or not, she did have one. I wish I could make out those words, but Hugh what?, Hugh knows, Hugh is jealous..."
H " you think I did it don't you?"
L." Not unless you sign a confession sir. We'll finish this chat at the station"
H " that's just a euphemism isn't it, you're going to accuse me of murdering my wife"
L " I'm accusing you of nothing sir, certainly not of murdering your wife. I just want to continue our chat, is that okay sir?"
Hugh is getting aggravated by Lucas 's over polite act.
H " that is fine Inspector, lets go"
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In a dingy one room apartment lying on his bed is Max Burns, the burglar /killer, reading a newspaper. The headline reads ' Heiress Stabbed At Home ' Next to him on the bedside table is his knife inside a polythene bag.
Meantime at the police station Hugh is losing his temper with Lucas.
H " now come on Inspector, I arrange an alibi that just doesn't get me off the hook?!"
L " that's in my favour sir, you kill your wife, then arrange a poker game hoping we can't precisely nail down the time of the attack. I'm theorizing of course sir"
H " how can you be certain of the time?"
L " ah, lets say that's my ace in the hole, as you poker players say"
H " what about the boyfriend, that letter is rejection, she was giving him the elbow. There's your motive"
L." That works for you too sir"
H " I didn't know she had a lover"
L " which leaves you with a greater motive, money. Your wife's estate must be worth a considerable sum, all coming to you I'm sure"
Sgt.Player comes in,
Pl " fingerprint report sir"
Hugh relaxed, this will surely go as planned.
Pl " nothing sir, no one on our records matches"
Hugh almost chuckles, what else can go wrong.
H " what now?"
L " that's all for now Mr Bryant, we'll be in touch"
Hugh leaves, the phone rings Player picks it up.
Pl " Inspector Lucas office...yes doctor..thank you. ( puts phone down), that was the hospital, time of attack 11 to 11.30 at the earliest. Well you'll have to tell him now."
L " I will, later."
Player glares at his boss then,
Pl " Inspector Lucas I think you ought to know I've reported your behaviour to the chief. I'm sorry I had to"
L " that's okay Michael I knew you would, you're a good cop. Not a bad fellow either you didn't have to tell me"
Pl " well sir?"
L " Bryant is a killer I'm sure, but we must find that knife. Put everyone available on it, find it"
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Stuart Wilson in Thriller (1973)

Hugh is alone in his house sitting at the bottom of the stairs, angry, perplexed, and boozing. Suddenly he stands up and hurls his glass across the hallway smashing against a wall, and shouting.
H " he crossed me, HE CROSSED ME"
The phone rings, Hugh picks it up, it's Max Burns, though of course Hugh doesn't know the name.
H " yes Bryant speaking"
M " Mr Bryant are you alone"
H " it's you! Who are you, where are you?"
M " where I am doesn't matter, as to who, I'm the guy who can put you away for twenty years. I have the knife, with only your prints on it Bryant, and I'm keeping good care of it, so those prints don't get smudged. ( Hugh grimaces remembering pulling the knife out of the coffee table) My prints I left mean nothing as I've never been in trouble with the law. I'm sorry about Clarissa I really did love her"
H " love her?"
M " I didn't mean to kill her, just scare her"
H " you scum! When we met she was already dead!"
M " like I said, it was not my intention, not like you, coldly bartering her life away. When you put your dirty little scheme to me, I really wanted to stick you Bryant. But that was yesterday, emotions ran high, today I'm feeling cool and collected. You want the knife ? it'll cost you, and we're not talking one hundred thousand now, I want it all, the whole estate, piece by piece, and I mean to have it. Now listen the police can't prove anything without the knife, it'll all blow over, then you'll inherit all that money. Then you'll here from me again"
Max hangs up, Hugh distraught, dejected, it's all gone wrong.
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Later that evening Hugh alone , his thoughts broken by the doorbell ringing. Paul is here, and as usual heads straight for the drinks trolley.
P " can I get you anything Hugh, look like you need it, hair of the dog. Oops sorry jocularity uncalled for. Terrible news about Clarissa just heard. Do the police have any leads?"
H " maybe the boyfriend"
P " ah, you know then?"
H " you knew Paul?"
P " yes Hugh I did. Clarissa told me. She had to, I caught them at it, well not exactly at it, we bumped into each other outside his place"
H " you never told me"

James Villiers in Thriller (1973)

Gary Collins and James Villiers in Thriller (1973)

The Double
P " Clarissa made me promise and when a gentleman gives his word to a lady.."
H " HIS PLACE?, did you say his place"
P " I assume so, it wasn't a hotel, and I can't imagine Clarissa renting in that apartment block"
H " what block?"
P" which block Hugh, really you Americans "
H " okay which block"
P " Fulham Road, that red brick one, Wentworth Towers"
H " now Paul I want you to make me the same promise you made Clary. Don't tell anyone about this, I want to preserve Clary's good name. Especially don't tell the police"
P " mums the word Hugh"
H " lets drink, a toast to friendship Paul"
Some time later Paul is quite paralytic, drunk , sleeping on the sofa. Hugh looks down at him.
H " you'll still be here when I get back, not much of an alibi but every little helps"
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Max Burns is lying on his bed, the radio blaring out rock music. There's a knock on the door.
M " who is it?"
Silence. Max turns the radio down.
M " I said who's there"
Still silence. Max gingerly opens his door, and in barges Hugh pushing him away..Hugh gets out his gun.
H " Max Burns, that's the name on the door"
M " how did you find me?"
H " that's not important, it's why Max. The knife I want it"
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Max opens a drawer and brings out the knife.
H " take it out of its bag, slowly, right now hand it me , holding blade"
Hugh pockets it,
H " now is there anything here to connect you with me or Clarissa, letters, photos..."
Max shakes his head.
H " okay, I'll check afterwards"
M " what do you mean, afterwards?"
H " there is no connection between you and the Bryants, that was clever of you, and now you are expendable my friend, what is it they say, once a blackmailer always a blackmailer. Goodbye Max"
Max curls himself up on the bed,
Hugh turns the volume of the radio up high, and fires three shots. Nothing happens.
H ( laughing) " just blanks again Max. I just wanted to see you sweat"
M " why you bastard "
Max launches himself at Hugh, who quickly thrusts Max's own knife into his stomach.
H " I just wanted to stick you Max, you were going to die anyway but not with my gun ,nothing must lead them back to me"
Max falls down, quite dead.
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In the local hospital Inspector Lucas and Player are in intensive care unit, a bed is surrounded by an oxygen tent.
Clarissa is in the bed.
L " Mrs Bryant can you here me?" She nods
L " can you tell us who attacked you?"
Later in Max Burns apartment Hugh has found photos of Clarissa and Max, love letters too. He burns the lot. Satisfied as they turn into a pile of ash. He steps over the body, opens the door and leaves closing the door behind him.
Inspector Lucas and Sgt Player stand watching him!!
L " Mr Bryant, I thought you told us you didn't know your wife had a lover. Max Burns. Your wife told us"
H " Clarissa? but how?"
L " that was my ace in the hole, your wife isn't dead. Lost a lot of blood, but she'll make a full recovery. I owe you an apology Mr Bryant. She told us Max Burns attacked her"
Pl " you're in the clear sir"
L " we're just bringing him in now"
Lucas and Player knock on the door.
Hugh feels sick, they'll find the body, he walked out of the apartment in front of them.

The End

On to next episode
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