You are Peevish the Troll, master of unwelcome pedantry and I claim my £10.
There is very rarely unwelcome pedantry. This is an internet discussion forum, if there wasn't a certain amount of it, there would be far less discussion. And what fun would it be if everyone simply lurked?
By the way, I'm sorry, but I only deal in AUD, not GBP.
On a serious note for a brief moment, if you should encounter a troll or trollish behaviour anywhere on this forum, please report it immediately.
But really, I'm impressed that you have so quickly hacked the identity of a Moderator - I thought your powers were limited to:
Missing the point
Misjudging the tone and
Misunderstanding the joke
I may or may not possess certain skills, but hacking is not one of them.
When it comes to missing the point and misjudging the tone, I think you may underestimate your own skill in these areas.
However, the primary method of communication on this forum is via plain text, so it can sometimes be difficult to interpret or understand another members post in exactly the same way as it was intended.
Perhaps you will allow me to clarify a few aspects of my post before you gutted fragments of it out of context:
Your entire previous message was present in my previous post. I simply separated it out into its various sections, so that I could address the various points you made more accurately. Hopefully this will lead to less misunderstandings if I respond to each point separately.
The numbered sequence we were discussing was the running order of Doctors - formerly as straightforward as Three following Two and being replaced by Four.
Yes, that was part of the discussion.
Things have become a lot more convoluted since we hit double figures, and I find it fascinating that the writers have given us such a creative state of chaos.
Yes, I intensely dislike many of the things that have been done in and to DOCTOR WHO since its return.
I find the general state of chaos and disorganization within the current TV series to be extremely unattractive and unprofessional.
No other numbered sequences need feel implicated by my original comment, nor you to leap to their defence. They were not under attack.
I was referring to the numbered sequence of Doctors within DOCTOR WHO. I liked the way it had progressed from first Doctor to second Doctor to third Doctor and so on and so forth, before Steven Moffat came along and attacked it. That is the numbered sequence that has come under attack. However, it is far too late to do anything about it now, except to accept it and move on.
I infer that you are confused by my use of the term "civilian" - it was not intended in its original and narrow sense of distinguishing someone not in a military profession.
I'm sorry, but you are incorrect in that inference. I was not referring to that term in just its original sense. I would also argue that its original meaning is possibly the broadest of them all. I must admit that I generally dislike the use of that word outside of its original meaning.
However, when I stated that I am proud to be a civilian, I was referring to its use in just its original sense.
I believe the less specific use of the word to mean someone outside or without a specific area of expertise is generally accepted, especially in informal chat - and my original point related to advanced areas of cable knitting as a metaphor for the narrative developments in Doctor Who.
Yes, I picked up on your attempt to use knitting as a metaphor for the ongoing developments within DOCTOR WHO.
Personal experience has taught me to suspect the ability of anyone who claims to be, or is referred to as, an expert, whether it be in film or TV production, or in several other areas of Human endeavour for that matter. I'm not claiming that they are not necessarily knowledgeable or professional in their careers, but neither do I blindly accept such a fact without some level of proof.
So - not altogether po-faced in my seriousness.
Yes, but you do realize that this works for both of us, don't you? Plain text communication can sometimes lead to misinterpretations or misunderstandings.
Ah well then. I suspect quite a few Doctor Who fans are aware that BBC Wales currently runs the programme and they are based in the capital of the Principality. So it's not altogether dumb, although again, entirely frivolous of me, to refer to their base as "mission control" for the show.
I know where DOCTOR WHO is made, but I'm just not sure I would call it "mission control". To me, that infers a level of consistency, dedication, efficiency and professionalism that I simply have not seen present in the TV series in recent years. That is why I questioned the presence of a "mission control".
I may not specifically agree with everything you have said, but I certainly don't think anything you said was "dumb". I believe we can disagree and still remain civil.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.