Review The Husbands of River Song (2015)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
All I remember of this is Matt Lucas being annoying in a way that he subsequently wasn't in series 10.

And lots and lots of scenes with River Song.

That should really be it for this character though, as I recall that this was the beginning for her meeting the Doctor. The circle is complete. Let it be.


Member: Rank 8
There are things about this one I absolutely love. The "Hello Sweetie" scene, the final scene, and a lot of the banter between the Doctor and River along the way. The story itself feels like it's had a lot rammed in there, and isn't the finest of viewings. But Alex Kingston makes it more entertaining. This one would probably get a 6 McGuffin diamonds out of 10.

The Seeker

Member: Rank 6
I wondered when she would figure out he’s the Doctor. Capaldi and Kingston made a better couple than Smith and Kingston. But another episode with the two of them would have been another episode too many. It just ended on a nice note.