Review The Edge Of Destruction (1964)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10

Your thoughts on this unusual third tale from Hartnell and co......

In this completely TARDIS-based story, the crew find themselves and their ship acting very strangely indeed. Blame runs high for the Ship's unusual behavior, until the Doctor realizes the TARDIS itself may be trying to warn them... (Originally broadcast in two parts; also known in fan circles as "Inside the Spaceship.")

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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
What a mad story!

Nothing really makes any logical sense.

It kind of felt like the cast got physically hurled onto the set and told

"The script's have gone missing! Make the damned thing up as you go along!"

Maybe, just maybe, it is kind of wonderful in it's madness though.

I'd happily watch it again, but this time would give up all hope of it making any sense from the outset, just for an easier time on my brain.


Member: Rank 9
I enjoy any time I get to spend in the original TARDIS interior - especially the console room.

I would like to take the set designer from New Who, tie him or her to a chair in the middle of that set...

And then beat the ignorant twat to death with the rubber mallet they introduced in New Who for use upon the central control console.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I love it when Barbara takes the Doctor to task and puts him in his place.

A turning point for Barbara, but also for the character of the Doctor. I think he starts becoming less selfish and more heroic from this point on.