Review Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)


Member: Rank 6
I've always enjoyed it. Unlike many others I never had an issue with the ewoks. Plus Carrie Fisher in a gold bikini! What's not to like?

Elliot Thomas

Member: Rank 3
An episodic storyline and a few confusing shifts in narrative sometime distract from a highly entertaining end to a superb trilogy. New characters the Ewoks will appeal to younger viewers (but may irritate some older fans)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I didn't know that this following alteration had been made in 2011.

At first I thought this was a cheesy fan audio-edit, made by some fan who thought he could improve the original film.

Then I realised that Lucas had done it.....

It doesn't work for me. What do others think?


Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Yeah, to me it just sort of implies that Lucas didn't think his audience had the brains to figure out that Vader was making a decision silently, in the depths of his own head.

The most powerful moment in the film retroactively screwed over i.m.o.

A moment that used to give me goose pimples, now ruined.

The following now somehow, seemingly unworthy of being on blu-ray......

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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Star Wars Music and Ambience | Moon of Endor

Join the Ambient Worlds community on Patreon for early access to new videos (! Trying something a little different with a Star Wars upload. Hopefully this is just as cool as some of the other content I make. I had some help with the visuals here from Star Wars Battlefront, but had a blast mixing the ambience with some relaxing selections from the Star Wars soundtracks.
