Review Star Maidens (1976)


Staff member
A 70's kitsch Sci fi fluff! It's just been rereleased on DVD and described as a sex comedy. So perhaps I should put this in Britcoms , or Brit/Germancoms.
Gareth Thomas's appearance makes it sort of interesting. Lisa Harrow is good, and fans of Space 1999 series two will notice that elements of that show appear here , including various sets and sound effects.


Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10

Gareth Thomas - Star Maidens Interview

Here is an interview with Welsh actor Gareth Thomas (How Green Was My Valley, Z-Cars, Blakes 7, Children of the Stones) who died this week about one of his earlier roles in the Anglo-European TV series "Star Maidens" before he went on to play the iconic role of Roj Blake in "Blakes 7". RIP Gareth.

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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10

Episode List
  1. Escape to Paradise
  2. Nemesis
  3. The Nightmare Cannon
  4. The Proton Storm
  5. Kidnap
  6. The Trial
  7. Test for Love
  8. The Perfect Couple
  9. What Have They Done to the Rain?
  10. The End of Time
  11. Hideout
  12. Creatures of the Mind
  13. The Enemy
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