Finally seen it tonight. I thought that it was good, solid and made with the love of a talented fan, with seemingly minimal stupid decisions from studio suits.
I agree with an earlier comment that you did not know much to anything about many of the characters, so it was difficult to care for their fates.
The droid, I fell in love with. I thought that it should, ultimately have been a film about his sweetly comic misadventures in the Lucas Universe.
The much vaunted c..g.i. recreation of a certain famous thesp fell short for me It felt like they should be that bold in maybe ten years time, when the technology matches their ambitions of recreating a human being, but not yet. And the voice was largely wrong. There were fleeting seconds when the recreation worked for me, but that was it. Seconds.
There was a daring quality to this film in places though, a quality that I felt was largely missing from the play it safe Force Awakens.