3.1 A COFFIN FOR THE BRIDE ( in depth)
A posh hotel, the honeymoon suite, two newly weds, both middle aged. The Jamesons, her a large dumpy lady, not too attractive, he a light brown long haired gentleman with a straggly beard.
Mr Jameson stripped to waist in the bedroom using chest expanders to keep fit, she rubbing oil into his shoulders.
Mrs J " you're beautiful darling"
Mr J " you're not supposed to say that to a man"
Mrs J " okay, handsome then, like a Greek god, and fit"
Mr J " had to be when I was in the merchant navy"
Mrs J " sorry darling, I know you don't like talking about it"
Mr J " it was a bad scene for me"
Mrs J " the accident?"
Mr J " if it was an accident. I was pushed I know I was. Jealousy, if it had been in the water I would have had a chance, but it was the hard deck"
Mrs J " don't upset yourself darling"
Mr J " I've got bad memories and a plate in my skull. But I did see the world, learnt a lot. There was this Chinaman, all going to flab, but he taught me about pressure points. Put pressure on the right place and you go out like a light, nothing to betray you afterwards"
The two kiss, suddenly Jameson squeezes on his wife's neck,she collapses instantly unconscious.
Jameson stares down at her,
J " did you really think I could fall for someone like you? All fat and indulgences"
He casually rips her nightdress off, and drags the body to the bathroom. The sunken bath is filled up, and in she goes.

The next day Jameson enters the suite, looking very Bohemian, a velvet brown jacket, cravat, very distinctive.
A noise from the bathroom alerts him, he enters, a tall gentleman is there, dark hair small moustache, in a business suit.
J " Mr Mason?"
Mason and Jameson stare at the sunken bath.
J " this is kind of morbid isn't it"
M " hard to believe she drowned in that"
J " some kind of seizure perhaps"
M " no I don't think so"
J " you heard the coroners report"
M " yes, but I didn't believe it. I think you murdered her!"
J " I don't think I care what you think Mason"
M " a woman like her, beyond the marrying age, then you show up. Yes you did it"
J " you are aware of the laws of slander Mason"
M " oh quite, that's what the police said"
J "you told them, what did they say?"
M " no suspicious circumstances"
J " well then, all you have to do is read the will. Not that you have to, she left everything to me didn't she"
Mason, a solicitor, fixes Jameson with a hard stare.
J " what are you staring at Mason?"
M."you, your face, I'm never going to forget it "
Jameson thinks this is funny, as he chuckles almost manically.

A posh hotel, the honeymoon suite, two newly weds, both middle aged. The Jamesons, her a large dumpy lady, not too attractive, he a light brown long haired gentleman with a straggly beard.
Mr Jameson stripped to waist in the bedroom using chest expanders to keep fit, she rubbing oil into his shoulders.
Mrs J " you're beautiful darling"
Mr J " you're not supposed to say that to a man"
Mrs J " okay, handsome then, like a Greek god, and fit"
Mr J " had to be when I was in the merchant navy"
Mrs J " sorry darling, I know you don't like talking about it"
Mr J " it was a bad scene for me"
Mrs J " the accident?"
Mr J " if it was an accident. I was pushed I know I was. Jealousy, if it had been in the water I would have had a chance, but it was the hard deck"
Mrs J " don't upset yourself darling"
Mr J " I've got bad memories and a plate in my skull. But I did see the world, learnt a lot. There was this Chinaman, all going to flab, but he taught me about pressure points. Put pressure on the right place and you go out like a light, nothing to betray you afterwards"
The two kiss, suddenly Jameson squeezes on his wife's neck,she collapses instantly unconscious.
Jameson stares down at her,
J " did you really think I could fall for someone like you? All fat and indulgences"
He casually rips her nightdress off, and drags the body to the bathroom. The sunken bath is filled up, and in she goes.

The next day Jameson enters the suite, looking very Bohemian, a velvet brown jacket, cravat, very distinctive.
A noise from the bathroom alerts him, he enters, a tall gentleman is there, dark hair small moustache, in a business suit.
J " Mr Mason?"
Mason and Jameson stare at the sunken bath.
J " this is kind of morbid isn't it"
M " hard to believe she drowned in that"
J " some kind of seizure perhaps"
M " no I don't think so"
J " you heard the coroners report"
M " yes, but I didn't believe it. I think you murdered her!"
J " I don't think I care what you think Mason"
M " a woman like her, beyond the marrying age, then you show up. Yes you did it"
J " you are aware of the laws of slander Mason"
M " oh quite, that's what the police said"
J "you told them, what did they say?"
M " no suspicious circumstances"
J " well then, all you have to do is read the will. Not that you have to, she left everything to me didn't she"
Mason, a solicitor, fixes Jameson with a hard stare.
J " what are you staring at Mason?"
M."you, your face, I'm never going to forget it "
Jameson thinks this is funny, as he chuckles almost manically.