( Full Transcript) Brian Clemens' Thriller 2.4 One Deadly Owner


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At night, a dark and lonely country road, a car is driven, a beautiful white Rolls Royce, registration 3KMH, the car stops , moments later a woman's scream is heard.
A little later the car stops a second time, at a deserted ruins of a house, the driver opens the boot, and removes the dead body of a woman dressed in an evening gown. As the body is dragged out a silver triangular shaped earring falls off the dead woman and lands in the boot. The body dragged away to the crumbling ruins.
Months later Helen Cook , American model, a blonde bombshell is in a car showroom admiring a white Rolls Royce, 3KMH, a one careful owner sign on the windscreen ,the salesman approaches.

Sm " magnificent isn't she?"
H " why are they always she ?"
Sm " pardon?"
H " cars why always she?"
Sm " don't know really, perhaps because they're so sensuous "
H " been haunting me all week. I live around the corner and I pass by every day, and I always stop"
Helen opens the car door,
H " may I?"
Sm " please do"
Helen sits behind the wheel,
H " how much is it?"
Sm " is this a serious enquiry?"
H " deadly, you could be dealing with my entire life savings "
Sm " it's priced up at 20,000 pounds, that's in dollars..er..."
H " I think I can make the equation. It's an awful lot of money "
Sm " it's an awful lot of motor car"
Helen opens the glove compartment and removes the handbook , and quickly skims through it.
H " I'll take it"

Back in her apartment Helen in a casual top and jeans combo is gyrating to pop music, while Peter her boyfriend and professional photographer is snapping away ten to the dozen. After a few minutes the music stops, Peter hands her a hairbrush, she gives her hair a good brushing and hands brush back to Peter.
P " okay Helen, just a few more, then we're done"
More music and dancing.

H " I really blew my mind today....and my bank balance ......bought a new car "
P " good"
H " actually it's an investment "
P " does it match this year's colour, the car"
H " it isn't new, it's only had one previous owner, looks like new"
Music and dancing stops, Helen rests.
P "did I tell you Hans Von whatever his name is, the German, he wants to meet you. He runs half the fashion mags in his country and the other half don't matter "
H " alright I'll meet him, I'll charm him"
P " it's not just for me, I get a commission, but guess who he wants for the model "
H " okay Peter set it up, now don't you want to see it?"
P " see what?"
H " my car, my new horseless carriage. I didn't even take a test, I knew it was for me"
They go down the stairs and into the garage.


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In the garage Peter is lost for words as he stares at the car.
H " well, isn't it beautiful....Peter say something "
P " I don't believe it "
H " it's real and it's packed with labour saving devices."
Helen gets in and sits behind the wheel.
P " where did you get it "
H " it was outside with a note from an anonymous admirer. Where do you think I got it. The showroom around the corner "
P " Helen it's crazy, it's too big, too expensive, it's ridiculous "
H " it's my whim of the week "
P " whim !? Damn expensive one, how much did it cost you"
H " 20,000,actually sounds less in pounds. Managed to beat him down "
P " down ?"
H " are you jealous "
P " Helen don't be so damn foolish, why should I be jealous. Just thinking of your finances "
H " I can afford it.....just"
P " just, that's the crux of the matter. Let's be logical about this. You live in town, you take cabs almost everywhere. What do you want with a wagon like this. What an earth compelled you to buy it"

H ( exasperated) "compelled me? Peter it's a status symbol, it'll pay for itself in publicity "
P " you of all people, you just don't need a prop to boost you, just you yourself is enough "
H " it's my money "
P " and you shouldn't be trusted to handle it "
H " you sound like my financial adviser or agent or something "
P " well aren't I, almost, from the moment you arrived here, who set up almost all your assignments, who looked after you?"
H " you have Peter "
P " send it back"
H " send it back !!"
P" you just don't need a car like this "
H " how do you know what I need , it's mine I had to have it"
P " look if you send it back now, tell them you've had second thoughts they'll understand "
Helen presses button and the door window slides up, blotting out Peter's voice from her ears.
P " do you realise how much a car like this will cost to run......Helen....I'll come back when you've recovered your sanity "
Peter storms out.

Helen is taking her first drive in the Rolls, a relaxed drive down a country road, suddenly she hears a woman's scream. Helen slams the brakes on, instinctively turns to the back seat where the scream came from.

Later back in her flat;
P " actually his name is Von Piernhaustkant I think what's his name is easier. Wants to meet you for lunch tomorrow. I suggested Perninos that new place , you wanted to go there haven't you?"
Helen isn't really listening to Peter,
H " a woman, guess it had to be a woman "
P " what are you talking about "
H " when I was driving, I was on a country lane, nobody about and all of a sudden I heard a scream "
P " probably someone noticing the way you drive "
H " no it was inside the car, right inside. It was terrible "
P " hey it's the car, had to be didn't it. Probably a brake seizing up, a screech of metal "
H " is that possible?"
P " well it happens, not often but it does. I told you get rid of that car"
H ( firmly)" Peter!!"
P " alright alright keep it if it pleases you so much. You'll be there won't you?"
H " where?"
P " tomorrow, Von what's his name"
H" yes okay, what time?"
P " about one o'clock. You can try your new status symbol on him. It's quite easy to park there"
H " is it"
P " Helen you don't even know where Perninos is do you. You go down Hamilton Terrace and turn right into Marlborough Place, you got that?"

The next day Helen is driving down Hamilton Terrace central London for the lunch date, she comes up to the junction with Marlborough Place and turns right, but the steering wheel turns back straight by itself! Helen wrestles with the wheel but the car drives straight on, she pushes down on the pedals, nothing !, the car speeds off out of the city, Helen gripping the wheel frightened as the car drives on .
In Perninos restaurant Peter and Von Piernhaustkant stare uneasily at each other across the table.
P " bound to be a little late, all women are aren't they "
Ph" not in my country "
P " of course not, ( trying not to sound sarcastic) in your country women are always early "
Helen is out in the country and on a minor road, eventually the car stops, she looks relieved as she gets out .
Meanwhile at the restaurant,
P " we could begin the discussions without her"
Ph" you are a photographer "
P " yes"
Ph" a good one"
P " well I try"
Ph " good photographers are ...what's the expression.. ten a .."
P ( crestfallen) " a penny "
Ph " exactly, now Miss Cook is different, personally not my taste at all, but at the moment her face, her body are in vogue, they are in demand "
P " I can assure you..."
Ph " no, you can assure me of nothing, your assurances are damaged. I wanted Miss Cook I will tolerate you, and what happens I get you and no Miss Cook "
The waiter interrupts much to Peter's relief.
Waiter " Mr Tower, phone call for you"
Peter takes phone from waiter;
P " yes....Helen.....Reigate!...that's 40 miles outside London, what are you doing there?"



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Back home;
H " I tried to turn the wheel and it wouldn't, it just kept going "
P " the power steering jammed, that's what you mean, why didn't you stop?"
H " I couldn't "
P " Helen it's just not good enough "
H " Peter the car wouldn't let me, before I knew what was happening I was in Reigate. Then I found myself on a little road to Hitherton "
P " Hitherton "
H " yes it's a little place "
P " I know where it is, or I think I do"
H " I'm sorry"
They hug ;
H " I mean not being able to turn the wheel and that scream I heard yesterday "

That evening Helen is again out driving, this time she has deliberately driven to Hitherton to the exact spot the car previously took her.
Helen gets out, and looks around, nothing to see except a country lane. The car's headlights suddenly turn off by themselves and Helen gets back in and drives back to London.

She turns the radio on to hear classical music. The music stops and an announcer is heard.
" we're sorry to interrupt your program, here is a news flash, shots have been fired in the house of commons, a man has been arrested. There will be a full update at 10 o'clock, now we return to the Tchaikovsky concert "
Helen looks at the car clock on the dashboard, it's 10.25 !

The next day Peter and Helen are in the garage.
P " it's ridiculous I don't believe a word of it"
H " then I must be lying "
P " I didn't say that, you imagined it "
H " Peter it happened that radio played a program that was three months old, more than three, I checked this morning. That shooting took place on April 2nd, that's not all Peter , there was a Tchaikovsky concert playing on April 2nd "
P " so what's your explanation "
H " I don't have one, except it's got something to do with this car"
P " I told you the car's jinxed "
H " not jinxed no.."
P " okay it's you"
H " me?"
P " perhaps April 2nd has a special significance for you, you were driving along daydreaming..."
H " I was not daydreaming "
P " that's the point about daydreaming, you don't always know that you're doing it "
H " April 2nd I remember, I was doing a series of ads for Kenny, you had to go out of town to meet people or something and Kenny took over. Now why would that be significant?"
P " I don't know "
H " that's not the answer I'm sure"
Helen notices a patch of liquid on the floor next to the car, it's red.
H " Peter, blood !"
Peter bends down to check.
P " brake fluid, they dye it that colour so it won't get mixed up. Shouldn't be leaking though. That explains the screech"
Helen at the back of the car;
H " I've never opened this, the trunk or boot or whatever you call it"
P " just spare wheel, tools "
H " open it Peter , I want to see inside "
P " okay, oh it's locked. Got the keys"
Helen gets the keys from the ignition, Peter opens it up.
P " take a look , tools and wheel , what were you expecting to find"
Helen searches the boot and finds a triangular shaped diamond earring.

P " treasure trove "
H " looks valuable "
P " no paste"
H " I don't think so, there's diamonds, it is valuable "
P " so it's valuable "
H " she lost it"
P " she ?" Yes I suppose unless the person was very avant garde it is safe to assume a woman did once own it"
H " it doesn't have a clip, it's for a woman with pierced ears "
P ( sarcastically) "and she's left handed, blonde and collects pottery "
H " look at the part that goes through the ear, it's bent out of shape "
P " someone trod on it"
H " or it was pulled off violently, maybe during a struggle "

Upstairs back in the flat;
H " I knew I was going to find something "
P " how could you possibly know "
H " the car told me "
P " what, in a breathless whisper "
H " don't laugh at me"
P " what do you expect me to do. For the last two days you've been acting like someone with a one way ticket to a booby hatch "
H " ever since I bought the car "
P " you must admit it has gone to your head "
H " that car is haunted or possessed by a psychic presence "
P " now I know you're crazy "
H " look at the facts "
P " what facts , ...your imagined screams, radio programmes "
H " I didn't imagine them, they happened Peter, and you can't explain them away"
P " I can, with one single fact of my own. Darling you're on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and it's probably my fault, pushing you too hard, driving my own ambition at the speed of light and not realising what's it's doing to you"
H " you're wrong Peter"
P " no I'm not"
H " I don't care what you think, I'm going to find out"
P " what are you going to do, have the car exorcised, call in the witch finder general. Darling I'm not going to let you make a fool of yourself "
H(grins)" of course, one careful owner, why didn't I think of that before. It's in the registration book for heaven's sake, the previous owner."
Helen opens a drawer and takes out the handbook and reads.
H " John Philip Jacey, The High Lodge Reigate.......Peter...Reigate!!"


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Helen arrives at the impressive mansion that is home to JP Jacey , she is shown into the drawing room by Hawkins the manservant.
Haw " I'll tell Mr Jacey you're here Miss Cook, it may be a few minutes, I don't like to disturb him when he's shooting "
H " shooting "
Haw " clay pigeons Miss, Mr Jacey is a very good shot Miss, if it moves he rarely misses"
Helen alone looks around the room, sees a rack of shotguns along a wall. A mahogany desk, and on it a photo, of a woman wearing a pair of diamond earrings. Helen opens her handbag and removes the earring she found, it matches perfectly.
A young man enters,
F " good morning "
H " Mr Jacey?"
F " afraid not, I'm just the hired help around here , Freddie Green. I'm Mr Jacey's secretary, aide - de-camp, you name it. I'm flattered you should think I'm him, he's very rich you see. I've no reason to be here, except Hawkins said there's an exceptionally pretty woman to see Mr Jacey. Hawkins tends to exaggerate, but not this time. Helen Cook isn't it? Can I get you a drink, Mr Jacey would want me to I promise ... a sherry?"
H " thank you , what does Mr Jacey do?"
F " it would be easier to list what he doesn't do, oil, building, publications, electronics, when somebody bakes a pie, he gets a finger into it. (looking out of window) My god"
H " what's wrong?"
F " that car outside I presume it's yours . It looks like the one we got rid of"
H " it is, that's why I'm here to see Mr Jacey "
F " the same one , home to roost"
H " not exactly roost, I'm not staying that long"
F " what a pity. You want him to buy it back or something?"
H " no it's silly really, had I known Mr Jacey was so busy and important I wouldn't have bothered him personally "
J.P. Jacey walks in, shotgun crooked over an arm, wearing ear defenders.
F " this is Miss Helen Cook sir"
J " what...( takes off ear defenders)...sorry, to preserve the hearing. I lip read the Miss Cook, (to Helen) Miss Cook we haven't met have we?"
H " no, I was just saying maybe I shouldn't have bothered you personally "
J " no bother, no bother "
F " it's about the car sir"
J " car?" ( looks out of window).

F " yes sir it's yours, Miss Cook is the proud new owner "
H " that's why I'm here"
J " I don't understand "
H " I bought the car as an investment. They do go up in value don't they?"
F " if kept long enough in the original condition "
H " that's just it, original condition. I can't find the handbook. I suppose I could get one from the manufacturer but that wouldn't be authentic "
J " Freddie, the handbook where would that be?"
F " if anywhere sir, in your desk, let's take a look shall we"
Freddie sits at the desk, Helen points to the photo on the desk.
H " your wife is very beautiful Mr Jacey"
J " I have no wife.( coldly)... not anymore. Miss Cook I'm sure Freddie can cope with this. Nice to have met you"
H " sorry if I said something wrong "
Jacey leaves with a withered look on his face.
F " it's not your fault, how could you know "
H " is that his wife?"
F " yes, that's her alright, Sheila "
H " what happened to her?"
F " fell in love, that was the conclusion anyway. Seen in town with a young man a couple of times. Then one day she was gone. He pretends she never existed, won't get rid of the photograph, that must mean something "
H " did he ever try to persuade her to come back?"
F " didn't know where to contact her even if he wanted to, but I doubt his pride would let him. I would never tell him this but he's better off without her "
H " what d'you mean?"
F " ah....a gentleman never tells, but he is better off. No you are out of luck Miss Cook"
H " what?"
F " the handbook, no sign of it, tell you what scribble your address down and if it turns up, I'll let you know "
H ( writing address) " when did it happen, his wife?"
F " not long ago "
H " exactly when"
F " three months ago"
H " on April 2nd?"
F " well yes , how did you know?"
H " thanks a lot, I've got to be going. Goodbye now"
Helen leaves, a few seconds later Hawkins enters.
F " you helped me check the car before we sold it didn't you"
Haw " yes that's right "
F " the handbook was in it wasn't it"
Haw " yes, the glove compartment I remember it distinctly "
F " yes so do I"
Haw " what did she want?"
F " not sure, kept asking about Mrs Jacey "
Haw " you tell her?"
F " tell her, what d'you mean "
Haw " well, you'd know more about Mrs Jacey than most"
Freddie looks uncomfortable at the insinuation.

Helen and Peter are hugging on the settee in her flat.
P " I suppose you're happy that it's solved now"
H " solved?"
P " established a link, it's totally inexplicable, you'll never know the whole truth"
H " that's exactly what I intend to do, find out the whole truth "
P " what else is there to know "
H " I heard a woman scream Mrs Jacey disappeared. Something happened to her, something dreadful"
P " now you're guessing, just embroidering it , to give it extra drama"
Helen holds up earring;
P " why didn't you give that back"
H " I'm not sure "
P " that's stealing by finding, that's valuable "
H " aha...now it's valuable, you said it was paste "
P" you told me Jacey's a rich man, stands to reason his wife's jewellery is real. I'll send it back"
H " no not yet".

That evening Freddie arrives at Helen's flat and rings the bell.
F " hello again "
H " er....hello"
F " you do remember me? It seems like only this morning we first met"
H " come in, can I repay your hospitality "
F " yes I'd love a drink, scotch. Actually this morning's booze belongs to Mr Jacey, he owns everything out there, sometimes even my soul I think. You live here alone?"
H " yes "
F " you have taste, in men as well I hope "
H " I knew it was a mistake giving you my address "
F " you have me all wrong, this is a business call, after all I promised "
H " what?"

F " this...(taking out of bag)...the handbook you wanted, found it in the back of the drawer "
Helen accepts it suspiciously, it's not hers.
Later in Perninos they sit having a meal.
H " tell me when she went out, did she take the car?"
F " Helen you've not stopped asking questions about Mrs Jacey since we got here. What's your interest?"
H " morbid curiosity, don't you know there isn't a woman alive who doesn't like scandal first hand. You never answered my question"
F " I thought she had taken the car at first, but next morning it was in the garage, so she couldn't have"
H " she might have"
F " and brought it back again, why?"
H " what did the police say?"
F " police?"
H " if she didn't leave a note Mr Jacey must have called them surely"
F " well yes he did, then it all came out , things I already knew about her, the life she was leading. There were lots of men, I caught a glimpse of one of them here uptown. Police made enquiries then came to the obvious conclusion, the bitter truth, she'd run off"
H " did he know about the life she led"
F " no, no, we've exhausted the topic I refuse to answer anymore questions "
Peter's voice " Helen.." he comes over.
H " Peter?"
P " so at long last you've got around to visiting Perninos "
H " Peter this is Freddie Green, Freddie, Peter Tower"
F " evening"
P " I tried calling you, I didn't know you had a date"
H " I didn't know either, Freddie was kind enough to bring me the handbook for the car, he works for Mr Jacey"
P " so, she's got you in on it too has she?"
Helen a bit flustered stands,
H "darling could you call me tomorrow, we were just leaving. Freddie has to get back to Reigate tonight"
F " eh ?...oh yes I have to really ......busy day tomorrow "
Helen and Peter kiss,
H " see you tomorrow"


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Back in the flat,
H " just one nightcap Freddie"
F " sure you won't join me"
H " I've had enough "
Freddie pours himself a whisky.
F " you are a fraud Miss Cook, all that business about the handbook, just an excuse for.....well I don't know what...you're a fraud"
H " and you are a liar, this handbook isn't mine, because mine is downstairs in my car"
F " then I was right "
H " so was I "
F " I took that from our new car"
H " why?"
F " one, it was a good excuse to see you again, and two you're up to something. Something that affects Mr Jacey, and if it affects him, it affects me. He's been good to me, trusted me, I haven't always lived up to that trust. So what's it about?"
H " murder, I'm guessing but I think it's about murder"
F " murder!.....who?"
H " Mrs Jacey"

In his drawing room Jacey is cleaning his guns. Hawkins enters,
Haw " anything else sir?"
J " no thank you Hawkins. Pretty woman....that girl today, Helen something, attractive "
Jacey stares at his wife's photo on his desk.
J" reminds me of....."
Haw " sir....?"
J " that'll be all Hawkins, goodnight"

Helen has told Freddie the whole story.
H " I can see you're just like Peter, you don't believe a word of it"
F " Peter?"
H " Peter Tower, you met him at the restaurant tonight. He thinks I'm due for a new set of brains too"
F " ah yes, Peter, sceptical was he?"
H " sceptical is the understatement of the year, and I can see you're just the same"
F " don't know what to make of it, it's a weird story, unreal"
H " not to me "
F " obviously not"
H " something happened in that car "
F ( smiles)" you can say that again, I used to borrow it occasionally, so what's the next move?"
H " intend to find out what happened. I'm going to let the car tell me. Now that radio broadcast was originally put out at 9.42, so why did I hear that and only that, because that's when it must have happened, around 9.42"
F " April 2nd three months ago"
H " somewhere in the Reigate area, on the Hitherton Road "
F " Hitherton?"
H " that's where the car took me, so tomorrow night I'm going to take it to that place at that time "
F " then what?"
H " I don't know, but what else is there?"
F " you can forget the whole thing "
H " yes that's what Peter says, but I can't forget it. Somehow it was all meant "
F " yes, why you, why not the car salesman, there must have been others who took a test run, why you?"
H " I guess because I actually own the car. I've not admitted this to anyone, but I really didn't want that car, but every time I passed the showroom, I couldn't help myself. But I didn't want it"
F " it wanted you"
H " that's how it seemed. I don't know maybe Peter's right, maybe I am heading for a breakdown "
F " you seem okay to me, more than okay, I should be getting back....er you haven't told anyone else have you, except Peter?"
H " no "
F " I wouldn't if I were you, invites mockery, and you're much too nice for that....tomorrow night you say.....hmmm bye"

The next morning Helen in a posh frock and hat is posing for Peter ,lying across the bonnet of her Rolls while he snaps away.
P " can you get any lower darling, so I can get a low angle shot. It'll be a waste of time...tonight"
H " it's my time, "
Helen gets off the car,
H " not sure using this as a background was a good idea "
P" it cost a fortune, so far nothing but trouble, might as well make some money off of it "
H " no more Peter"
P " okay I have all I need, when are you going tonight?"
H " about eight"
P " I'll be here dead on then"
H " Peter you don't have to "
P " you didn't think I'd let you go on your own do you"
H " it may not work with you along"
P " it's not going to work anyway "
H " then why go along with it "
P " I don't believe in ghosts but I do believe in trouble, and it's a dark and lonely place you're going......and you're a pretty girl, see you later "

At Jacey's, Mr Jacey reading through papers at his desk, Freddie taking notes.
J " BJ chemicals start buying as soon as the market opens, and hold on to the exploratory oils, I'll be going over to the rigs personally, I'll make a better judgement then. Now these magazine accounts....."
F " Mr Jacey could the rest wait until tomorrow, I was rather hoping to get away by eight"
J " erm....let's see...yes nothing vital, okay you can go now "
F " thank you sir"
J " got a date Freddie?"
F " sort of"
J " well make sure she's someone you can trust "
F " I will sir"
Freddie leaves, Jacey has another wistful look at his wife's photo.


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At Helen's place the doorbell rings Helen opens it expecting Peter, but is surprised.
Ph " Miss Cook, I am Hans Von Piernhaustkant but I see you're about to go out , I can come back"
H " no come in , please. I am going out, I'm just about to put this blanket in my car, if you'd follow me"
Ph " of course go about your business I'll talk as you do so"
They go into the garage,
Ph " this is a way of a business call. As you know I'm involved in publishing magazines. I had hoped to contact you through Mr Tower, I understand he has some influence over your career. ( Notices car), but I can see I'm too late"
H " what?"
Ph " same colour same registration, what did he get in return? An exclusive contract for your services, over a long term no doubt"
H " what are you talking about "
Ph " come now Miss Cook I'm the wiliest of foxes. It is obvious to me , I know this car, I have ridden in it often with J.P. Jacey and his delicious but obvious wife"
H " Jacey?"
Ph " surely you know he and I are rivals in a friendly business sense, in that we both publish magazines. But he got to you first"
H " oh no no, hang on, I bought this car with my own hard earned money "
Ph " yes of course, some might believe that, but we Germans don't like to be beaten, the last war was enough. What's the value of this car, 15, 20 thousand, 25 would be outrageous, so that's what I'll pay, in return you will tear up any contract between you and Jacey and work exclusively for me. It is poor business but it will be compensation to outwit Jacey, besides this car has memories for me ....of J.P. Jacey ....(shaking head).....and his delicious but obvious wife "

He writes out cheque, Helen stares at it.
That evening she tells Peter;
P " 25,000 and a contract. Wow and I wasn't looking forward to tonight. Who said women have no business acumen. I love you!!"
They hug, but Peter senses something wrong, Helen isn't responding to his affection.
P " Helen...no...you turned him down"
H " I turned him down "
P " a solid profit, and a future, for a ghost?"
H " I have to see this through Peter "
P ( sighs) "I've brought a torch"

A dark country Lane , a sign at a junction says, Hitherton one direction and Reigate the other. Freddie is there parked just off the road, waiting.
The Rolls Royce comes up to the junction and turns onto the Hitherton Road. Freddie slowly following.
P " Helen this is crazy "
H " I didn't ask you to come"
P " lets turn back before we make complete fools of ourselves "
At Jacey's, Hawkins enters as Jacey loads up a shotgun.
Haw " going out sir?"
J " saw signs of a fox by the chicken run, they hunt at night I thought I'd follow their example. There's nothing worse than a fox Hawkins. Destruction, wanton, ( staring at photo of wife) , they destroy everything they touch"
Jacey leaves fully armed.

Helen stops the car on the Hitherton Road.
P " now what?"
H " don't know I've never been any further than this"
P " there's nowhere else to go "
H" no just some dirt tracks. What time is it?"
P " about 9.40"
H " exactly "
P " 9.41"
Helen switches on the radio, only static on every station.
P (laughs)" 20 grand and the radio doesn't even work "
H " it's not quite time yet"
P " this has gone far enough. We came here, I played along with your little game , nothing has happened. So let's turn this damn thing around and....."
The radio starts up, classical music , then an announcement.
" we're sorry to interrupt your program, here is a news flash, shots have been fired in the house of commons, a man has been arrested..."
Peter turns it off looking a bit shaken.
P " let's get away from here Helen, now"
H " NO, I'm seeing this through"
P " but to where?"
H " the car will decide "
Helen starts car, and it slowly moves forward, she then takes her hands off the wheel.
P " HELEN NO..!!"
Peter tries to grab the wheel, Helen pushes him away.
H " leave it Peter "
Peter looks terrified as the car turns left by itself and onto a dirt track . A few moments later it stops. Helen tries to start it but can't.
P " it's stalled "
H " no, it's taken us as far as we need to go, it's the end of the line"
P " here?! There's nothing here"
Helen gets out and walks a little way and sees a derelict house.

H " there's something over there, and no road in, it couldn't take us any further. You coming?"
They walk up to house. Seconds later Freddie pulls up in his car and parks alongside Rolls, he gets out of car holding a large metal spanner.


Staff member
Helen and Peter are in the house, what's left of it. Cobwebs everywhere, half the floorboards missing a virtual total wreck.
Peter shines the torch, nothing to see but debris.
H " I want to see everything Peter "
P " no one's been here in years."
H" help me here Peter "
Helen is moving planks of wood propped up blocking a doorway. Peter helps and they both enter another room. Suddenly a shot is heard.
H " that was a shot Peter "
P " probably a gamekeeper, has it occurred to you we're probably trespassing "

At Jacey's Hawkins is on the phone.
Haw " yes I'll tell him as soon as he gets back thank you"
Jacey enters with the remains of a fox in a sack.
J " destructive, wantonly destructive "
Haw " good shooting sir, I don't think you were the only one out tonight sir. Mrs Vincent at the lodge just phoned, she saw lights in the old house, someone sleeping rough I suppose sir"
J " I better check nevertheless "

Peter and Helen are still in the derelict house.
P " are you satisfied "
H " it brought us here for a reason, it meant us to be here"
P " and we've searched the whole place, can we go now?"
H "I don't understand "
P " nor do I, but I do know that tomorrow you're going to sell that car"
Helen grabs torch and shines it around, towards the remains of the stairs is a reflection, something shiny in the torchlight.
H " look Peter under the stairs, what is it"
She slowly walks closer, it's an earring, the other matching triangular diamond one, this is attached to an ear! A body.....in an evening dress.
H " it's her Peter, I knew she was here somewhere. All this time she was crying out to be found. I was right all along"
P " yes I know!"

Peter has a strange look, a tortured look on his face.
P " that's the pity of it, because I do love you, really love you"
H " Peter?"
P " she might have stayed hidden for years and years, perhaps forever, but now they'll be a hue and cry, and I can't afford that "
H " oh Peter why?!"
P " Jacey leads a group of magazines I wanted in, so I thought get to the wife, get to the man. But it went wrong, it became serious for her, she was even going to tell her husband. I couldn't have that. So I let her take me for a drive........and when it was all over I took the car back to the house.....that car, that damned car...why did you have to buy it "
H " she made me to get to you, I was the link"
P " I told you to get rid of it....I do love you.....but I must.....I have to...."
Peter advances towards Helen, suddenly his hands around her neck. Then he collapses in front of her. Freddie appears, spanner having done its job.
F " I recognized him at the restaurant, he was the one I saw with Mrs Jacey "
Peter staggers to his feet, pushes past them both and runs outside. A loud gunshot is heard, Peter is flung backwards into the house and crashes next to the body of Mrs Jacey, shot in the chest. Jacey appears at the door, stunned, as if he didn't mean to fire the gun, something made him do it. He sees the body of his wife and kneels down beside her.
J ( crying)" Sheila..."

In the car showroom the salesman proudly polishes the white Rolls Royce, 3 KMH is back, now the sign on it says ' Two Careful Owners '

Helen.......Donna Mills
Peter.......Jeremy Brett
Freddy......Robert Green
John Lacey.....Laurence Payne
Hans.....Eric Lander
Hawkins......Michael Beint
Car Salesman......Anthony Dawes