A sprawling mansion in the English countryside surrounded by acres of land. Deep, deep down under the building is a sad sight.
A young man in his thirties, chained to a wall. He is wearing Elizabethan clothes, next to him on the floor is a single candle, almost burnt down.
The man is having difficulty breathing as the candle finally flickers and dies.
Man " please...let me out...please let me out, LET ME OUT LET ME OUT!!"

Robert, an American in his thirties drives his open top sports car into the centre of a picturesque village. He parks his car outside the pub, The Columbine, on the seat next to him is a Dictaphone. He picks it up and switches it on, a voice is heard, an American male .
Voice " so now I have reached this beautiful village, an English Shangri La. The pub the columbine inn serves the best bitter beer I've tasted in this country"
Robert places the Dictaphone in his pocket and enters the pub.

The barman and innkeeper is a stout fellow named Jack Woolbridge.
J " what can I get for you sir?"
R " a room please"
J " certainly sir, and for how long sir?"
R " a couple of days I guess"
J " yes sir, I'll get our Jenny to show you to your room sir"
Robert is shown upstairs to his room.
Robert unpacks his clothes away, among his possessions is a gun.
A little later he goes back to the bar.
J " everything alright sir?"
R " fine, I'll have a pint of your bitter beer please"
Jack pours the beer. At a nearby table are three blokes drinking, one calls over.
Bill Gurney ( dressed in milkman's overalls) " you won't get a full pint sir,not with all that froth Jack puts in it"
J " I'll put less froth in my beer Bill Gurney when you put more cream in your milk!"
General laughter as Robert takes his beer over to the three mates.

R " mind if I join you?"
BG " help yourself sir, American are you?"
R " that's right Robert McCabe"
Ken Hawkes " sit down Mr McCabe"
Robert sits in a largish chair, a wooden one with a high back to it, the others sit on stools.
The three mates, Bill, Ken and Tom Whidden all shout at once,
" aarrgh,...not there sir, that's old Fred's chair"
R " Fred?"
KH " he'd go berserk if he caught you sitting on his chair"
Robert brings over a stool to sit on.
B" funny enough the last one to sit in Fred's chair was an American like yourself sir. Fred went potty, almost started a rerun of the battle of Bunker Hill. Jim Stone was his name. Very fond of him we were"
K " someone else very fond of him. Miss Dominie"
R " who is she?"
T " Dominie Lanceford , niece of Johnathan Lanceford. She lives up at the manor. You can see it from here sir"
Tom points at the window, overlooking the village is the huge sprawling mansion /manor.
R " did this.....what's the name..Jim Stone....did he stay there ?"
B " good lord no, he might as well of though, visited there often enough"
K " at one time we thought Jim Stone would be settling down here, or she going off to America with him"
R " this Johnathan Lanceford, a real English squire eh?"
B " not really sir, though he behaves as if he were, runs the manor very efficiently. You see the Lanceford family go back centuries, roots here and in Bavaria. When Dominie's parents died Mr Johnathan comes over to look after her. Originally Johan, but he changed it Johnathan. Not English at all"
K " nice enough fellow though, always been good to us"
T " we thought Jim Stone would be marrying into that family"
R " what happened?"
Jack comes over to the table,
J " time gentlemen please, lets have your glasses"
K " we've got time for one more"
J " you certainly haven't,I've got my license to think about. ( to Robert) , mind signing the register sir"
Robert gets up and goes over to sign the register
R " nice talking to you"
When Robert is gone,
K " hey Jack, what's going on, since when do you keep licensing hours?"
J " you know Mr Lanceford doesn't like people talking about his affairs, especially not to strangers"
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