Brian Clemens' Thriller 2.7 Sign It Death


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In the northern town of Saltburn a family sit for evening meal. Someone though is hiding behind the curtains and without warning attacks the family with a pair of sewing scissors, slashing, blood everywhere.
This psycho is a woman who then calmly tidies up all the dinner plates, and vacuum cleans the room and then leaves.
The housekeeper Mrs Finkle finds the bodies the next day and the police are called.
Chief Inspector Barnes is puzzled, there is seemingly no motive. The only clue is a magazine, Romantic Heart, left at the scene, possibly accidentally left by the killer.

Mrs Finkle is shaking with rage as the police gently escort her out of the dining room.
Barnes to himself, " Him or her."

In the hustle and bustle of London walks Tracy Conway, daydreaming, hoping to find her Mr Right, when she accidentally bumps into a city gent, a businessman in black suit and bowler hat, he doffs his hat and apologises as Tracy picks up her handbag from the pavement contents including Romantic Heart magazine.

The businessman is Richard Main of Main Enterprises, the top man, he enters the vast open plan office to see his secretary Prudence chatting with his wife Janice.
Main, " well this is a fine situation, my secretary idling her time and my wife helping her do it."
Janice has arrived for a special occasion and says," our anniversary, you were taking me to lunch ,you've forgotten haven't you?"
Richard confesses he has but promises the following Friday is a day he'll devote to her, meal, theatre everything.
Janice can't help but forgive him, " that easy winning smile of yours will get you into trouble one of these days."
Main, " yes, preferably next Friday"
They kiss, but unbeknown to them Tracy Conway is watching them from the far end of the office, about 30 feet away. She snuck in undetected and at last has found her Mr Right.....Richard Main!



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Pru , Richard's secretary leaves at the end of the day, it's a short walk to her flat. Tracy Conway is following her, she stands behind Pru at the pedestrian crossing and as a truck approaches she puts her hand in front of her behind Pru's back ready to push her into the road. Fortunately the lights change and Pru crosses the road , Tracy follows. Pru enters her apartment block and into her flat.
Tracy reads on the front of building the residents names and flat numbers. She buzzes the appropriate bell and says she is a friend of Richard's and he sent her to see her, Pru let's her in.

Inside the flat Pru is preparing her evening meal when Tracy enters, and says Richard sent her over to get advice from Pru about secretarial work.
Pru, " what sort of job had you in mind "
Tracy, " yours, personal assistant to Richard."
Pru, " but I'm his personal assistant."
Tracy seems lost in a daydream, insane perhaps, she takes out scissors from her bag, " don't spite me."
Pru looks shocked, " spite you?!"
Tracy, " Richard and me we're going to be married. "

Tracy slashes with the scissors, Pru screams, after it's all over Tracy calmly vacuums the room , throwing Pru's uneaten meal in the bin and a calmly leaves, leaving behind a Romantic Heart magazine.....Tracy Conway is a psycho.

The next day at work puzzlement for Richard Main as Pru hasn't showed up ,his wife Janice is there , the two of them in Richard's private office, Janice suggests Richard phones to find out if Pru has been reported to be in an accident or in hospital or something. When that leads nowhere Richard calls the police.
Inspector Quinn of Scotland Yard visits Pru's flat with another officer but find nothing, except the magazine lying on the dining table. Her handbag is still there, and Quinn puzzled that she would leave home without it and her money. The caretaker says Pru is a very reserved lady and wouldn't stay out all night at some party or run off with a man she'd met, so Quinn is puzzled, but with no sign of a crime he informs Richard Main that Pru is going on the missing persons list.
Meanwhile Tracy Conway has gone to Girlfinders secretarial employment bureau to get a job.
Mr Robinson the manager interviews her and says with her qualifications finding her a job shouldn't be difficult.

Tracy says she loves to work and is willing to run the telephone switchboard here at Girlfinders temporarily.
Robinson hires her and Tracy is in situ at Girlfinders, ready for the next phase of her plan to marry Richard Main.


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When Robinson is busy and out of earshot Tracy phones Main Enterprises, direct to Richard in his office.
Tracy, " Mr Main, this is Girlfinders secretarial employment agency, this is a courtesy call, we have a wide range of qualified secretaries if you should need one at competitive rates."
Richard isn't interested and slams the phone down.
Mr Robinson does overhear this and is pleased, " that's good thinking Miss Conway, the sort of initiative that this organisation needs."

Meanwhile Inspector Quinn is mulling over the case with his subordinate.
Quinn, " wasn't there a case recently up North, family murdered at dinner, a copy of Romantic Heart left at the scene, look it up in the files lad."
Some time later Quinn is on the phone to Chief Inspector Barnes, " sorry to be bother you sir, but we've got a case on our patch which reminds me of one in your neck of the woods, missing girl, romantic magazine left at the scene that doesn't seem to belong."
Barnes, " I'll be down tomorrow first train."
Quinn, " really sir? It's probably not connected."
Barnes, " I said I'll be down straight away."

Bill Lewis is Richard's business partner, he's been away fishing for a few days and has returned to the upset at work.
Richard fills him in with Pru's disappearance.
Bill, " probably nothing, went to a party , went on a bit too long that's all. I bet you there's a man behind this."
Richard, " I'm not so sure, Pru isn't like that."
The phone rings Richard answers it and hears Tracy Conway again advertising Girlfinders services.
Richard is angry, " okay yes I need a secretary, and after your persistence she'd better be good."

Tracy puts the phone down and informs Mr Robinson, " I've got a job, Main Enterprises, start tomorrow."
Tracy has manoeuvred herself perfectly into Richard's life.

Richard Main enters his office, it's 9am and a trolley with tea crockery is ready, choice of sugars for him, letters opened on his desk, neatly arranged and Tracy Conway smiling at him.
Tracy, " I'm Tracy Conway from Girlfinders, I've familiarised myself from the files with the business of the day, the letters I've arranged in order of importance, these I feel need your immediate attention , the rest I can deal with from the files. I've booked your luncheon appointment with Mr Margolis at Paninos restaurant which I gather is your favourite restaurant and telephoned Mr Margolis secretary to confirm. Ready for dictation whenever you want."

Richard is mightily impressed, " well thank you Miss Conway very efficient."
Tracy, " do you remember we bumped into each other in the street?"
Richard, " oh yes."
Tracy, " fate is a funny thing."
Tracy leaves office and sits at her desk, Bill comes over, " I'm Bill Lewis, Mr Main's partner, you'll occasionally be working for me."
Tracy coldly, " I see."
Bill goes into office to see Richard, " who's the Snow Queen?"
Richard " Snow queen? Oh that’s Tracy Conway from Girlfinders."
Bill, "any news on Pru?"
Richard, " nothing yet."



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Richard calls Tracy and says, " Miss Conway please get me my wife at home."
Tracy puts the phone down and sits and does nothing then calls up Richard saying, " sorry Mr Main no answer from your wife."
Richard, " well keep trying."

After a while Richard comes out of his office and asks Tracy if she has got through to his wife yet.
Tracy lies, " I've been trying every 5 minutes no answer."
Richard, " where the hell is she?"
Tracy, " probably had a secret appointment that she didn't want you to know about, women are like that."
Tracy sowing marital discontent.

That evening Richard arrives home, Janice is waiting.
Janice, " any news on Pru?"
Richard, " nothing, er where were you today?"
Janice, " nowhere why?"
Richard, " I tried calling."
Janice, " you must have misrouted."
Richard, " I dialled several times."
Janice, " must have misrouted several times, I'll get the dinner."
She leaves room and Richard is not sure what to believe.

Next day Inspector Quinn is in his office at Scotland Yard , his assistant says, " he's a big wheel up North sir, this Barnes, what if we've got him down here on a fool's errand?"
Barnes enters, " then I'm the fool, you were right to call me. Okay tell me all about it, on the way to her flat."

Barnes, Quinn and assistant are in Pru's flat, Barnes opens the bin in the kitchen to see the food, " either she was very wasteful or that’s her dinner in there. ( pointing to table) gather the cloth up carefully forensics can take a look."
Quinn and assistant pick up the four corners of the tablecloth and gather them together, lifting a dinner plate, cutlery and wine glass and bottle into a bundle. Barnes notices the table isn't ordinary, the top has got hinges on the side and opens up .
Barnes," hang on, look."
Barnes opens top to reveal a compartment in the table centre, he looks inside and sadly looks away, Pru's body is stuffed inside.

Richard Main storms into his office, face of thunder, today's business lunch didn't go well. Tracy is waiting for him.
Richard, "that was a disaster , two years we've worked on that scheme and it was shot down."
Tracy, " a scheme as good as that has to go, just to another buyer. It isn't the scheme that's the problem just today's contact."
Richard, " you're right! We need a new buyer that's all. Tracy...I'm beginning to wonder what I ever did without you, get the sales manager up here."
Tracy makes the call from her desk, Bill Lewis looks over at her suspiciously he goes into his office then calls her desk, Tracy picks up phone.
Bill, " Miss Conway I want you to get a number for me."
Tracy, coldly, " yes Mr Lewis."
Lewis, " on second thoughts I'll get it myself."

Office junior secretary Sally walks up to Richard's office holding a file, Tracy stops her.
Tracy, " what's that?"
Sally, " stock report Mr Main needs to sign it."
Tracy, " Mr Main is busy."
Sally, " he says the stock report mustn't be delayed."
Tracy grabs it, " don't spite me."
Richard comes out and Tracy hands him file " stock report Mr Main."
Richard signs it and leaves office. Tracy hands file back to Sally.
Tracy, " that's how it will be done in future."
Sally notices Tracy has no rings on her fingers, smiles and sticks her hand under Tracy's nose showing off her jewelled ring,
" oh I'm engaged." Sally then saunters off smiling. Tracy looks daggers at her.

Richard goes back to his office, " Miss Conway I'm phoning my wife, no calls for the next 10 minutes."
After Richard goes back into the office Tracy quickly picks up phone and dials Janice Main blocking Richard's call.
Tracy introduces herself and engages in small talk, Richard angrily pops out of office, " Miss Conway my wife is engaged, can you keep trying you've got time to waste."
Tracy ends call with Janice and smiles happy with her mischief.
A full 45 minutes later Tracy is in Richard's office and says ," your wife is still engaged."
Richard, " 45 minutes, who the hell is she talking to?"
Bill enters and notices a tension in the air.
Bill, " what's the flap?"
Richard, " oh Tracy's been trying to contact Janice, no joy."
Bill, " well let's see if the Lewis luck can change that."
Bill dials and gets the ringing tone, he places receiver up to Tracy's ear.
Bill, " you must have been misdialling Miss Conway."
Tracy looks stressed and leaves.



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Bill Lewis is on the phone to Girlfinders, Mr Robinson is out of the office at present but the assistant manager speaks to Lewis.
Lewis, " I don't want you to think we're not absolutely satisfied with Miss Conway but we have certain checks that need to be done, such as her previous employment, why she left, references that sort of thing....if you could get Mr Robinson to phone back I'll be grateful thanks."
The call ends but Bill can hear a click on the line, he carefully puts receiver on desk and pokes his head out of office door, to see Tracy working away at her desk. Seconds earlier he would have seen her listening in to the call.

Bill walks across the open plan office passing Tracy and into Richard's office.
Bill, " there's something odd about that girl, Miss Conway."
Richard, " probably because she's very efficient."
Bill, " there's something I can't put my finger on."
Richard laughs " come on Bill, she's just not your type you've admitted that."
Bill " that's part of it yes, an old bird fancier like me, but there's a lack of normal responses."
Richard, " so anyone who doesn't fancy you is odd!?"
Bill, " there's more, I'm certain she's been listening in to my calls."
Richard, " come now Bill, she's only been here a short time and you're accusing her of industrial espionage. She's come in at a difficult time and been the model of efficiency."
Suddenly the door opens and Tracy shows in Barnes and Quinn, while Barnes introduces himself Tracy unseen goes over to the intercom and switches it on, then leaves.
At the desk she sits and listens on her intercom to the conversation inside Richard's office.
Richard is shocked, " Pru god."
Barnes, " stabbed in her flat, similar to a case up north in a little town Saltburn. Copy of Romantic Heart magazine left at the scene , anybody in the office reads that magazine sir?"
Richard, " not that I know of."
Tracy listening is shocked, she pulls out her copy of Romantic Heart from her bag and quickly has to hide it. She opens the drawers of her desk, previously Pru's, and sees a photo of Pru with Bill taken at a horse race meeting. She takes photo and runs into Bill's office, opens his desk drawers and finds love letters from a petite blonde girl and a photo of the girl with Bill , Tracy starts to read letter.
" Dear Bill, sorry we cannot continue seeing each other, I'm returning photos of us."
Tracy takes photos and swaps them for Pru and Bill photo and places magazine in drawer, but takes love letters out, runs back to her desk and places them in the drawer.

Quinn , Barnes, and a sombre looking Richard and Bill come out of office and go up to Tracy's desk.
Richard ( to Barnes), " this is Tracy Conway, Pru's replacement."
Bill says with a caustic tone " it was supposed to be temporary."
Richard, " Pru's been murdered."
Tracy acting surprised as Barnes goes behind desk," this her desk?"
Tracy, " yes, I haven’t touched anything."
Barnes finds letters addressed to Bill ending relationship.
Bill, " I don't know how they got there, I had no relationship with Pru."
Richard, " obviously Barnes, Pru had a thing for Bill, I wouldn't have thought it of her."
Bill is totally perplexed, " that's just not true, hang on I remember those letters are from Jenny, you know from accounts I took her out a few times and she ended it and returned some photos."
Barnes, " mind if we look in your desk sir?"
Bill, " no help yourself."
Quinn pulls opens the drawers of Bill's desk to find photo of him and Pru.
Bill, " oh yes, I took her to a race meeting, not just her, there was a crowd of us."
Quinn also finds the Romantic Heart magazine.
Bill protests, " well that's not mine."
Barnes," I'll give you time to explain it sir at the station."
Bill is led out, Richard pats him on the shoulder, " don't worry Bill I'll get Cranleigh."
Richard turns to Tracy, " get our solicitor Cranleigh, number is in the company directory. He'll sort this out Bill, if he doesn't we'll change solicitors."
Bill glares at Tracy, " seems we should change something else around here too."

Bill is being questioned by Barnes at The Yard.
Bill, " this is ridiculous, what would I want with a romantic magazine, and those letters in Pru's desk, it's all too pat."
Barnes surprises Bill saying, " yes I agree, far too pat, tell me Mr Lewis do you think it's possible that Mr Main was having an affair with his secretary?"

At Main Enterprises Tracy enters Richard's office.
Richard " I have to wait here for Cranleigh you may as well go home Tracy."
Tracy, " you're worried about your wife aren't you? It's times like this you realise what a millstone she is."
Richard, " millstone is a bit harsh, but yes I'm worried, Janice hates being on her own in the evening , the house is isolated, that's why we bought it for peace and seclusion."
Tracy, " look I'd like to help, why don't I go over to your place, I can stay with her until you arrive."
Richard, " are you sure.?"
Tracy, " absolutely."
Richard, " it would give me piece of mind, thank you so much Tracy."
Tracy leaves, " I'll take good care of her!"

The phone rings Richard picks it up to hear Mr Robinson of Girlfinders.
" Mr Main, Mr Robinson here from Girlfinders, I'm returning a call for Mr Lewis, is he there?"
Richard sighs, " no Mr Robinson can I help?"
Robinson, " it's about Tracy Conway, he wanted details of her previous employment. Well she's new to us as she is to you, very good references from her last job in Saltburn."
Richard wearily, " Mr Robinson I'm expecting a very important call, I've no idea why Mr Lewis wanted this information but when I see him I'll tell him, goodnight."
He forcibly bangs down phone.

Janice Main shows Tracy into the living room.
Janice, " so unexpected, not really fair on you Tracy, hardly a secretary's duty."
Tracy, " oh I didn't mind, truth is I wanted to see the house."
The dining table is set for two, candles adorn the table.
Tracy, " oh how romantic, may I?"
Tracy picks up a box of matches and lights candles.
Janice, " I was saving that for when Richard arrives but if it pleases you."
Tracy, " romantic...this room is how I imagined it , Richard has such good taste."
Janice, " erm..well I did have something to do with it too."
Tracy removes her coat, Janice takes it, and offers to take her handbag too.
Tracy, " no I always keep this with me, it contains everything of value to me, except Richard, can't keep him in my bag can I?"
Tracy laughs weirdly, Janice is getting unnerved by this.

Richard is sitting on his desk still waiting for Cranleigh to phone, suddenly Barnes and Robinson's words replay in his mind, " previous job in Saltburn ", " similar to a case in a little town Saltburn."
Richard jumps to his feet, "SALTBURN!"
He picks up the phone , " Operator, Scotland Yard Chief Inspector Barnes urgently."
At the Main residence the phone rings Janice picks it up, Tracy whips out her sewing scissors and cuts receiver cable.
Janice, " oh god.."
Richard puts phone down and runs out of office.

Tracy is rambling, a wild look on her face, " Richard won me over with that easy winning smile, not like my previous employer in Saltburn, he spited me so I had to punish him, he said he loved me but his wife was the problem so she had to be punished too. But Richard..."
Janice is very concerned, " did something happen in the office today?"
Tracy, " yes, two people fell in love , me and Richard. "
Janice is backed into a corner as Tracy with her scissors paces the room totally in her own world.

Tracy, " it's impossible like the magazines say, the romantic triangle, I have to do this.."
Janice crying, " please Tracy..let me go."

Tracy, " don't spite me...don't spite me."
Tracy raises her scissors ready to strike...and Richard grabs her arm, Tracy pulls him towards her and kisses him mouth to mouth, she is pulled off by Barnes and Quinn, Richard comforts Janice.
Barnes sarcastically, " very romantic Miss Conway."
Tracy looks totally insane, a weird smile on her face, " yes, that's what I am , romantic, incurable."

Tracy....Francesca Annis
Richard Main.....Patrick Allen
Janice....Moira Redmond
Bill Lewis....Edward Judd
Barnes.....Gerald James
Quinn.....Barry Stanton
Prudence.....Sheila Fearn
Robinson......John Arnatt
Sally.....Jackie Tong