Shelby Grafton is a middle man, a fixer, for the criminal underworld, if someone wants something illegal done, he'll arrange the set up, contact people who can do the job, he takes his cut of course. He is on the phone to an assassin telling him who the target is and where he'll pick up his weapon. While on the phone he actually is painting, a beautiful model, lying on a bed naked as Shelby body paints her.

In the plush London office of billionaire David Garrick, his son nicknamed Sunny is in the outer office boozing, after drinking half a glass of whisky he pours the rest into a goldfish tank, much to the secretary's annoyance. Sunny says, " why shouldn't they have a bit of fun." The secretary replies," isn't it a bit early for booze Sunny."
Sunny is clearly if not alcoholic then close to it, " this is still last night's jag, I'll start on today's drinking this afternoon."

Sunny wants to see his father, the secretary says that he's next free sometime next week. Sunny despondent but realistic, " yep, he can squeeze me in then can he?"
Suddenly a shot rings out from the inner office, Sunny rushes in to see his father sitting at his desk with a bullet hole in his forehead! But no, the assassin missed, or more accurately aimed at the wrong target, he has neatly shot David Garrick's reflection in a mirror. Garrick is obviously shaken, Sunny says, " Dad, someone tried to kill you! And I'm going to find out who."

In the plush London office of billionaire David Garrick, his son nicknamed Sunny is in the outer office boozing, after drinking half a glass of whisky he pours the rest into a goldfish tank, much to the secretary's annoyance. Sunny says, " why shouldn't they have a bit of fun." The secretary replies," isn't it a bit early for booze Sunny."
Sunny is clearly if not alcoholic then close to it, " this is still last night's jag, I'll start on today's drinking this afternoon."

Sunny wants to see his father, the secretary says that he's next free sometime next week. Sunny despondent but realistic, " yep, he can squeeze me in then can he?"
Suddenly a shot rings out from the inner office, Sunny rushes in to see his father sitting at his desk with a bullet hole in his forehead! But no, the assassin missed, or more accurately aimed at the wrong target, he has neatly shot David Garrick's reflection in a mirror. Garrick is obviously shaken, Sunny says, " Dad, someone tried to kill you! And I'm going to find out who."