Three men, Anderson, Moore and Jeffries arrive by car at a large house perched on top of a hill, a few miles outside a nearby town. Anderson the leader of this trio gets out of the car and walks into the building, the door open welcoming visitors.

Inside George Mullard is in an examination room, like a hospital room, on the table in front of him is a mannequin, acting as a patient. Students in white coats gather round as George is explaining techniques in physiotherapy, using the mannequin to demonstrate how to massage, particularly patients who may be in a coma. This is a medical school, the students eagerly listen and then George checking his watch announces class is over for today. The students leave the room, they live in the house as well as study here, full time students at this small campus. Students Frank and Mike return to the lounge and pick up a pack of playing cards and start their poker game. Other students sit and read, one student Sally who wasn't at the lesson has just finished writing a letter, after sticking a stamp on it and an airmail sticker gets up and leaves the room.
George Mullard is alone in the examination room when Anderson walks in, asks where the staff are, George replies, " I'm the only one here at present, the others have gone to the big parade in can I help"
Sally enters, Anderson says, " it's a confidential matter."

Sally apologises not realising George had company, she waits outside. After she's gone , George is puzzled, " confidential?"
Anderson produces a gun fitted with a silencer, " very confidential."
Anderson shoots him in cold blood, George staggers, dying, he looks out of the examination room inner window out to the corridor, Sally is staring in, oblivious to what's happening. Anderson sees Sally staring in, he smiles, no problem, this establishment is The Clinical School For The Blind.

Inside George Mullard is in an examination room, like a hospital room, on the table in front of him is a mannequin, acting as a patient. Students in white coats gather round as George is explaining techniques in physiotherapy, using the mannequin to demonstrate how to massage, particularly patients who may be in a coma. This is a medical school, the students eagerly listen and then George checking his watch announces class is over for today. The students leave the room, they live in the house as well as study here, full time students at this small campus. Students Frank and Mike return to the lounge and pick up a pack of playing cards and start their poker game. Other students sit and read, one student Sally who wasn't at the lesson has just finished writing a letter, after sticking a stamp on it and an airmail sticker gets up and leaves the room.
George Mullard is alone in the examination room when Anderson walks in, asks where the staff are, George replies, " I'm the only one here at present, the others have gone to the big parade in can I help"
Sally enters, Anderson says, " it's a confidential matter."

Sally apologises not realising George had company, she waits outside. After she's gone , George is puzzled, " confidential?"
Anderson produces a gun fitted with a silencer, " very confidential."
Anderson shoots him in cold blood, George staggers, dying, he looks out of the examination room inner window out to the corridor, Sally is staring in, oblivious to what's happening. Anderson sees Sally staring in, he smiles, no problem, this establishment is The Clinical School For The Blind.

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