Detective Tom Patterson and Sergeant Frost are idling the time away in their local countryside police station, nothing to do, when in runs a woman, distressed, scared, confused, she wants to report a murder.
Tom takes her into the interview room, she confesses to killing a girl called Jill.
Tom asks her name, but she can't remember, all she can remember is bits and pieces of the killing.

It had to happen at midnight, Tom asks why then, the lady answers it isn't the time that's important, it's the clock. At the stroke of 12 the grandfather clock goes haywire, it makes a loud racket, noise enough to cover the breaking of the lock. Tom asks," why must you break a lock?"

She replies, " to make it look like a burglary, there's lots of valuable glass in the house, some of it priceless".
Other bits of the plot to murder Jill are revealed, but the lady is confused and telling this plot in sporadic outbursts in between crying. Apparently there's a phone call, that gives her accomplice an alibi to leave the house, an alley is involved somewhere, the phone wires are cut, Jill will be alone and helpless, also hollow voices.
Tom writing all this down, " hollow voices? What do you mean?"
She cries out " hollow voices, why won't they stop, I don't want to hear them."
Bartok the classical composer is mentioned.
Tom intrigued, " what about Bartok?"
" it's the loudest , has to be Bartok, it will drown out her screams. "
Tom now asks the big question, " how did you kill her, this Jill?"
" the poker from the fireplace of course."
Dr Summers arrives, the police doctor, and takes over from Tom. The Superintendent of the station turns up ,Terson, and hears all about this murder. He is skeptical, " I don't believe a word of it."
Tom says," well she believes in it."
Terson replies ," doesn't mean I have to."

Doctor Summers joins them after carrying out an examination and confirms she is suffering from amnesia, possibly a result of a bump on the head and genuinely does not remember her name. A uniformed officer enters and reports a car has been found abandoned in a country lane , the only thing in it was a hardback book. Terson takes the book and then laughs out loud. On the back is a picture of the author George Drew and wife Betty, the mysterious lady, the book is titled Murder Her At Midnight.
Terson hands it to Tom and says, " I've read it Patterson, you wouldn't like the plot, it involves murdering a girl at midnight and you've heard all the plot elements already, bad luck lad."
Tom takes the book into the interview room, "Mrs Drew, Betty Drew, we know who you are, your husband is a famous author, is this what this was , just a plot from a book?"
Terson can't help but chuckle, Betty has a car accident, probably bangs her head, a bit of concussion, and then babbles about a plot in one of her husband's books and poor Tom believes it all.
George Drew turns up and is very apologetic at the trouble caused. He blames himself really, as a professional murder author he is always discussing plots from his books at home, even at the breakfast table, no wonder his wife with concussion was a bit confused. Terson admits being a fan and says he's having trouble getting a copy of his latest novel. Drew says he'll get his secretary to send him a signed copy, her name is Jill.
Tom intrigued but says Jill does exist?
Tom takes her into the interview room, she confesses to killing a girl called Jill.
Tom asks her name, but she can't remember, all she can remember is bits and pieces of the killing.

It had to happen at midnight, Tom asks why then, the lady answers it isn't the time that's important, it's the clock. At the stroke of 12 the grandfather clock goes haywire, it makes a loud racket, noise enough to cover the breaking of the lock. Tom asks," why must you break a lock?"

She replies, " to make it look like a burglary, there's lots of valuable glass in the house, some of it priceless".
Other bits of the plot to murder Jill are revealed, but the lady is confused and telling this plot in sporadic outbursts in between crying. Apparently there's a phone call, that gives her accomplice an alibi to leave the house, an alley is involved somewhere, the phone wires are cut, Jill will be alone and helpless, also hollow voices.
Tom writing all this down, " hollow voices? What do you mean?"
She cries out " hollow voices, why won't they stop, I don't want to hear them."
Bartok the classical composer is mentioned.
Tom intrigued, " what about Bartok?"
" it's the loudest , has to be Bartok, it will drown out her screams. "
Tom now asks the big question, " how did you kill her, this Jill?"
" the poker from the fireplace of course."
Dr Summers arrives, the police doctor, and takes over from Tom. The Superintendent of the station turns up ,Terson, and hears all about this murder. He is skeptical, " I don't believe a word of it."
Tom says," well she believes in it."
Terson replies ," doesn't mean I have to."

Doctor Summers joins them after carrying out an examination and confirms she is suffering from amnesia, possibly a result of a bump on the head and genuinely does not remember her name. A uniformed officer enters and reports a car has been found abandoned in a country lane , the only thing in it was a hardback book. Terson takes the book and then laughs out loud. On the back is a picture of the author George Drew and wife Betty, the mysterious lady, the book is titled Murder Her At Midnight.
Terson hands it to Tom and says, " I've read it Patterson, you wouldn't like the plot, it involves murdering a girl at midnight and you've heard all the plot elements already, bad luck lad."
Tom takes the book into the interview room, "Mrs Drew, Betty Drew, we know who you are, your husband is a famous author, is this what this was , just a plot from a book?"
Terson can't help but chuckle, Betty has a car accident, probably bangs her head, a bit of concussion, and then babbles about a plot in one of her husband's books and poor Tom believes it all.
George Drew turns up and is very apologetic at the trouble caused. He blames himself really, as a professional murder author he is always discussing plots from his books at home, even at the breakfast table, no wonder his wife with concussion was a bit confused. Terson admits being a fan and says he's having trouble getting a copy of his latest novel. Drew says he'll get his secretary to send him a signed copy, her name is Jill.
Tom intrigued but says Jill does exist?