Brian Clemens' Thriller 1.4 An Echo Of Theresa


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In a plush London hotel overlooking the river Thames is American Bradley Hunter and his wife. He is dressed , she still in nightgown as they look out of the window.
B " look at that darling, Big Ben, the houses of Parliament, and driving on the left"
Wife " this is going to be a great vacation darling"
B " get yourself dressed, I can't wait to get out there and sample the big city"
She goes into the bedroom, Brad sits at a table , takes a sip of coffee, and picks up the Times newspaper. He starts reading, and feels uncomfortable, sweat appearing on his brow. He folds the paper up, and starts tearing at it. Suddenly a knock on the door clears his mind, he puts the paper down and answers the door. A gentleman is there in a formal business suit.
T " Mr Hunter, I'm Martin Trasker, you got my cable?"
B " of course come in Mr Trasker, I say you're early"
T " I'm an eager beaver Mr Hunter. Your company makes something that my company would very much like to acquire, under license, I'm determined to get a deal with you Mr Hunter, and beware I'll try every trick in the book to get that deal"
B " l like that Trasker, honesty, and I was going to contact you, sooner you're off my back, the sooner I can enjoy my vacation.
( into bedroom) darling we've got company"
Brad's wife comes out dressed,
B " darling this is Martin Trasker, I was telling you about him, Mr Trasker this is my wife, Theresa"
Brad's wife looks horrified,
" Brad! My name isn't Theresa!"

Brad and Suzy, his wife are in the bedroom.
S " how could you make a mistake like that Brad, in front of a stranger too"
B " I'm sorry darling.."
S " who is she Brad, who is Theresa?"
B " I don't know any Theresa"
S " please Brad"
B " honestly I don't know. Perhaps I saw the name somewhere, of course in the paper, I saw it there, I swear darling"

Brad goes back to Trasker.
B " phew, women eh?"
T " well that was some mistake to make"
B " yes, okay Trasker where were we?"

Paul Burke and William Job in An Echo of Theresa (1973)

Paul Burke and William Job in An Echo of Theresa (1973)

T " well your company and mine, both manufacture in the steel business, we buy and sell components to each other, what we'd like is to operate your new device here in the UK under license"
B " why shouldn't I open a plant here myself and cut you guys out?"
T " if that was feasible you'd have done it before Mr Hunter. But what we want to know first is how effective this new machine is, does it cut all types of steel, what about soft steel?"
B " no more questions Trasker"
T " sorry I must..."
Brad suddenly loses his rag and shouts,
Brad storms out, Suzy runs out of the bedroom catching the end of Brad's tirade.
S " sorry Mr Trasker"
She runs out after Brad, Trasker notices the Times newspaper discarded on the floor, he picks it up, a heart shaped piece torn out of the centre of the paper, done by Brad earlier.

Suzy catches up with Brad in the back of a parked taxi.
S " Brad what's wrong?"
B " I don't know what's the matter with me Suzy, I feel so tired, jet lag perhaps, catching up with me"

Cab driver " where to guv?"
S " we're strangers here, just drive round"
Brad seems to be remembering something from long ago as he says,
B " no, go to Oxford Street, there's a Square just off of it"
Driver " Grosvenor Square guv, American embassy"
B " no the other side of Oxford Street, travelling westward you make a right turn, into a small square"
Dr " Manchester Square?"
B " yes, take me to Manchester Square"
On arriving at Manchester Square the driver parks the taxi.
Dr " we're here sir"
B " go to the west side"
Dr " yep, this is the west side"
B " then where is it, the apartment block, a big red brick block"
Dr " I thought you were strangers, there was an apartment block, red brick too, it was demolished years ago"
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Back in the hotel suite,
S " I really rather know the truth Brad. It was '67, just after I had Tommy, you went to the East Coast for that business convention, but you didn't stop there, you flew to London, met this Theresa....."
B " darling, I don't know any Theresa"
S " how do you explain knowing about the apartment block Brad"
B " I don't know sweetheart, many people come into my office back home who've been to London, perhaps one of them mentioned it and it just stuck in my mind. Look I've got to straighten things out with Trasker ...."
S " I've written the postcards to Tommy and Julie, do you want to add a p.s.?"
B " yeah sure"

Brad writes on the postcard and hands it back to Suzy.
S " send Trasker my apologies"
B " you've got nothing to apologize for, but I certainly have"
Brad leaves, Suzy looks at the postcard and gasps in horror. Brad has written ' I love Theresa ' on the card.
In the lounge sitting at a table,
B " I can only apologise Mr Trasker, I guess I needed this vacation more than I realised"
T " that's okay Mr Hunter, it sort of gives me an advantage in our negotiations. I'm a good company man, if I have to take insults to get a deal I will"
The waiter comes up to the table.
B " scotch on the rocks please, Trasker?"
T " same for me"
Trasker pulls out a hefty looking file from his briefcase.
T " this is our prospectus, look at it, give me your opinions, my proposal is you will get 10% of any profit we make"
The waiter returns with the drinks.
B " what's this waiter?"
W " scotch with ice sir"
B " I didn't order this"
T " you did Mr Hunter"
Brad stands up and shouts,
B " never corrupt whiskey with ice. WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM A FOREIGNER. I'M AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN!"
Brad hurls the glass onto the floor and leaves Trasker aghast....again.

Brad is back in Manchester Square staring up an office block, where once stood a red brick apartment building.
That evening Brad enters the hotel suite looking tired, he sits on the settee, reaches for the phone , Suzy comes out of the bedroom.
B" darling"
S " where have you been Brad, eight hours you've been gone, I was worried sick"
B " just wondering around"
S " you were going to make a Theresa?"
B " I don't know any Theresa"
S " it's overwork, and stress it must be...come to bed"
B " yes okay"
In the bedroom Suzy is on the bed sitting,
S " Brad I wasn't going to bring it up again, but I have to, I saw what you wrote on the postcards to our children, you wrote her name, Theresa, to Tommy and Julie, that's why I cant let it rest, I must know who she is Brad"
Suddenly Brad's hands are around her neck squeezing,
B " you're too curious, curious people must be eliminated"
S ( choking)" Brad .....please"
Brad suddenly releases her shocked at what's happened.
B " I'm sorry I love you Theresa, I love you Theresa"
Suzy runs crying out of the bedroom.
The next morning downstairs in the hotel lounge.
B " I love you Suzy, yet I almost killed you, oh god, what's happening to me. "
S " let's just pack up and go home Brad"
B " I need a doctor Suzy"
The Hunters , rich enough to stay in this plush hotel, easily afford to bring a doctor to their suite.
Dr. Korner , Suzy and Brad are in the main room of their suite. Brad sitting , Suzy standing listening intently.
K." now Mr Hunter you will answer my questions truthfully. They'll be no hostility to your wife, or anyone else, understand?"
B " yes"
K " Mr Hunter, who is Theresa?"
B " don't know any Theresa"
K " is she a figment of your imagination or does she exist"
B " exists....yes I met her"
K " where?"
B " in Vienna, we met in Vienna"
K " when ?,when were you in Vienna"
B " I've never been to Vienna"
K " but you met Theresa there"
B " yes."
K "so you were there Mr Hunter. Don't fight me Mr Hunter. I say you know Theresa, don't you?"
B " NO!"
K " Look at this Mr Hunter, a postcard that you wrote Theresa on it, why? Why write a name of a person you don't know?"
B "Because I do know her of course. Theresa is my wife"
Downstairs in the lounge Suzy and Dr Korner.
K " my diagnosis is your husband is deeply disturbed, mentally unstable. Not certifiable....not yet unless you want to push for that. I can see he attacked you, the marks on your neck"
S " he didn't know what he was doing"
K " the mentally unstable rarely do. Your instincts were correct, go home, get him back in an environment he's comfortable with. The sedation I've given him will ensure a good night's sleep.
I'll be in touch"


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The next morning Brad is up early, dressed and at breakfast in their suite. Suzy still in nightgown comes out of the bedroom.
S " you're up early"
B " I feel great darling. Whatever that doc gave me sure did the trick. It's such a beautiful day Suzy, we'll see the sights, and I'll buy us some tickets for a show"
S " a British show"
B " sure thing, the accents will be so British we won't understand a word!"
Suzy goes back into the bedroom to dress. Brad picks up the Times newspaper, suddenly a strange look comes upon his face.
B " saint pellier towers. Theresa"
Brad leaves, Suzy comes out and sees him gone,
S ( to herself) " oh ...Brad"
She picks up the phone,
S " operator..get me the American embassy...Colonel Gerry Filston"
Brad is in a taxi, he gets off in a London backstreet, pays the driver and looks up at an apartment block- St Pellier Towers
Suzy on phone;
S " listen Gerry I don't know who else to turn to"
G " what about this doctor Korner"
S " he can't help Brad, and we need help Gerry"
G " tell you what, I'll send you a good man, a Brit, Earp"
S " Earp?"
G " yeah, as in Wyatt, this though is Matthew Earp, a top man, I'll ask him to drop by"
Meanwhile Brad is in St Pellier Tower, he seems to be wondering aimlessly, then,
B " number 42! Yes that's it"
He goes up to the door of flat 42 and rings the bell. An oldish gentleman answers, he has a slight European accent.

Man " yes, can I help you?"
B " I want to see Theresa"
M " there's no one of that name here"
B " Theresa, we met in Vienna"
M " I'm sorry you have the wrong address"
B " Merrow....Charles Merrow"
M " I'm sorry, goodbye".
Brad flings his Times newspaper on the floor and leaves. The man picks it up and notices a heart shaped hole torn in the centre. Looking worried he closes the door.

A knock on the door, Suzy opens it , in the hotel suite. A gentleman stands there, resplendent in a sheepskin overcoat looking very dapper.
E " Mrs Hunter, Matthew Earp I was asked by Gerry Filston to call on you."
Suzy, a bit hesitantly lets him in.
E " I know, it's the name, Earp , it conjures one thing, then I turn up , the other thing"
S " do you know why you're here Mr Earp?"
E " not exactly, except Gerry said your husband is in a spot of trouble. Gerry and I worked together, very dangerous work it was too, I hope that gives you more to lean on"
S " forgive me Mr Earp, I'm sure you're very good at your job"
E " no Mrs Hunter, I'm not very good, I'm superb. I can honestly say that at my chosen profession of detection I am the best. Now we need to discuss your husband, Brad isn't it"
Some time later Brad returns.
B " who's this Suzy?"
S " this is Matthew Earp darling, Gerry sent him"
B " Gerry Filston?, you got the embassy involved, why?"
E " I'm sure your wife acted out of concern and love Mr Hunter"
B " yes, I'm sure."
E " she has told me everything"
B " and what do you think ? "
E " interesting"
B " interesting, I know you Brits have a genius for understatement. Do you think it's the ramblings of a demented mind?"
E " do you think it is?"
B " no I do not"
E " well then, lets assume three things. First you are sane, second I know my job, and thirdly that between us we can come up with a logical reason for your behaviour"
B " okay Mr Earp"
E " of course I could be wrong. You may be as nutty as a fruitcake"
B ( laughs) " you must be related to Wyatt"
E " well I'd keep it quiet if I am, Wyatt was a terrible bungler, all that face to face shooting at the OK corral when a good scatter gun in ambush would have done the job . Now where have you just been Mr Hunter, you left here in quite a hurry apparently"
B " I went to 42 St. Pellier Towers"
E " to look for Theresa. She wasn't there I hope"
S " why?"
E " well if she was the case would be closed, and I couldn't charge you my excessive fee, and I warn you it will be excessive"
B " no she wasn't there, no Theresa, no Merrow"
E " did you say Merrow?"
B " yes, I asked for Charles Merrow. But that's crazy, why would I ask for myself!?"
E " what?"
B " I'm Charles Merrow, an English gentleman, I was educated at Ferngate college, the headmaster was Leslie Cromer.....what am I saying"
Earp and Suzy stare dumbfounded.

The man in flat 42 st.Pellier towers, is named Bannerheim, and is on the telephone.
Bh " he's still not back?", yes get him to call me, as soon as possible, yes it's very urgent"
He puts the phone down.
Bh ( to himself) " I'm too old for this ...too old"


Staff member
In the hotel lounge Brad and Suzy are talking,
B " I can't go home yet Suzy, I must see this through, see if I'm crazy or not"
S " I'm sure Earp will help us Brad"
B" let's get some fresh air"
The two of them leave the hotel arm in arm and walk along the street. A white car is parked opposite, it slowly starts moving, one man in the car. As Brad and Suzy cross the street the car revs up and heads straight for them. Brad and Suzy dive out the way, the car speeds off.
Earp enters the suite a little while later.
E " Mrs Hunter I hear you had a run in with our traffic. No injuries I trust?"
B " no we're okay. Just some bruises"
E " I've got news for you both"
Suzy shows Earp into the bedroom, Brad is in bed, a bit shaken from his ordeal.
E " I'm sorry to hear of your ordeal "
B " bad drivers occur everywhere Mr Earp"
E " mmm yes, if it was an accident"
S " you don't think it could have been deliberate?"
E " Mrs Hunter , in my profession I exist on suspicion, mostly unfounded. However I've been doing some checking, the occupant of 42 st Pellier Towers is one J Bannerheim, an Austrian national, been resident for twenty years, born in Vienna"
B " Vienna?"
E " yes, exactly, where you supposedly met Theresa. A little link, that's all. More interesting is Ferngate college, yes the place did exist, it got burnt down, so all the records were lost, so no way of knowing if Charles Merrow was there, but , fasten your seat belts, the headmaster was Leslie Cromer"

In Bannerheim's flat at st. Pellier towers, two men are with him. One is the driver of the white car, Sagar, and a tall man, imposing, this is Charles Merrow.
M " you should have called me Bannerheim"
Bh " I tried, but you were out riding, always riding"
M " it's what an English gentleman does Bannerheim. So who is this American"
Bh " Bradley Hunter, unknown to us. I've checked with home, they don't know him either"
M " so instead of asking him in, and find out what he knows,why he asked for Theresa, you get Sagar here to run him down,in a clumsy fashion, you're dangerous Bannerheim and a fool"

Bh " I'm sorry I panicked, I'm rusty, we all of us are"
M " not all Bannerheim, get me a drink "
Bannerheim gives Merrow a scotch with ice.
M " still you haven't learned, after twenty years, never corrupt whiskey with ice , betrays your breeding, yes Bannerheim you panicked"
Bh " no one has asked for Theresa for twenty years, not since you in fact"
M " yes, I was the last. Okay we must bring this Bradley Hunter in, see what he knows. The day after tomorrow, should give you and Sagar enough time to arrange everything"
Sg " do you want it rough or smooth?"
M " what's the difference?"
Sg " smooth if you want us to take him back in one piece"
M " smooth then, though you won't be taking him back"

Brad, Suzy and Earp are discussing the situation in the hotel suite.
B " that's it Mr Earp, every crackpot remark I've made since being here"
E " hmm, and you've never been to Vienna, but you have been abroad before?"
S " yes Brad saw service in the army in Korea"
B ( standing) " okay I'm going out for some air, perhaps something will occur to me"
S " be careful darling"
B " if I'm in trouble I'll call Theresa......hey that rings a bell, if in trouble of any kind call Theresa"
Brad leaves, Earp follows a few minutes later, gets to the hotel lobby, and runs back to the suite.
Suzy lets him in,
E " Mrs Hunter, I think I've found Theresa!"
Earp walks to the phone and sits down on the armchair next to it.
E " something your husband said, if in trouble call Theresa, I'll explain. The telephone system here in the UK used to be very different. Instead of dialling numbers, you dialled letters and numbers, so for example if you wanted Grosvenor you dialled GRO then the number, or Waterloo, WAT, the letters were paired with numbers on the dial. ABC was 1, DEF was 2 and so on. You see? Spell Theresa"
S " t..h..e..r..e..s..a.."
E " exactly dial the numbers representing Theresa. Due to my flawless memory I know which numbers were paired with those letters. Let's try it"
Earp dials the seven numbers, a man's voice answers.
E " er hello, I'd like to speak to Theresa please"
Man " I'm afraid Mrs Merrow is out at the moment"
E " did you say Merrow,....what about Charles"
Man " no he's out too, who is calling please"
Earp hangs up. Brad returns carrying a box tied with string.
S " what have you got there Brad?"
Brad looks at the box in his hand , unbelieving, he had know idea he had it.
B " my god I don't know. I can't remember"
He opens it, inside are riding boots and a whip.
E " do you ride Mr Hunter?"
B " yes, but not in clothes like this"
E ( reading the invoice) " paid for with your credit card. Plumwoods , that's one of the most exclusive sporting tailors in the city. What made you go there?"
B " I really don't know"
E " well good news regarding your sanity. We've located Theresa"

The next morning Earp and Brad are in the back of a parked taxi in a side street.
E " that house over there, with the yellow door, recognize it?"
B " no"
E " that's the town house of Charles and Theresa Merrow, an elegant lady apparently, and at about this time every morning takes her dog for a walk. So please Mr Hunter get out and stand on the corner opposite"
B " what!"
E " so she can't fail to see you"
Brad gets out, the cabbie looks puzzled.
E " it's a private joke, I'll tell you when to laugh"
The door of the house opens and a lady steps out with a dog on a lead. Behind her is Charles Merrow waving goodbye. Theresa Merrow passes Brad, who then rejoins Earp in the cab.
E " well?"
B " I didn't recognise her, but the man with her I recognise. Something to do with my service in Korea"
E " that man is Charles Merrow"
B ( agitated) " that man is me! "



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Brad goes back to the hotel whilst Earp is off investigating further.
Earp arrives at 42 st pellier towers. He quickly has to hide round a corner as the door to 42 opens, out comes Bannerheim and Sagar, Bannerheim carrying a doctors medical bag. After they've gone Earp goes up to the door, before he can break in, a cleaning lady turns up.
Lady " he's gone you know, Doctor Bannerheim"
E" I didn't know he was a doctor"
Lady " he must be, the things he keeps in that bag of his"
Back at the hotel Suzy answers a knock on the door, it's Bannerheim.
Bh " excuse me, is Mr Mazgard here?"
S " sorry no"
Bh " oh dear I've got the wrong room. Can I please use your phone, save me going to reception"
S " yes come in"

Bannerheim enters followed by Sagar. Suzy is grabbed, held by Sagar, Bannerheim has a syringe in his hand, he injects her on the wrist. Brad comes out of bathroom, Sagar covers him with a gun.
S " easy Mr Hunter, come with us and no harm will come to you or your wife."

Sagar holds him., Bannerheim administers another injection, this time to Brad . Both are still on their feet but leg weary, compliant, as they are led out.

Earp is in the apartment of Bannerheim, the cleaning lady let him in.
Lady " are you sure you're police?"
E " the world weariness in my eyes and the ten pound note clutched in your hand tells you all you need to know"
Earp looks around the apartment, then notices the large wall mirror over the mantelpiece. A closer examination reveals hinges on the side of the mirror, he turns to the puzzled cleaner.
E " I suppose this will cost me another ten pounds"
Lady " eh?"
E " alright twenty"
Earp hands the lady twenty pounds. He then picks up an ornament from the mantelpiece and hurls it at the mirror. The mirror fragments, the ornament goes through it.
Lady. " you shouldn't have done that"
E " oh yes I should, look"
Behind the mirror is a hidden little room containing radio equipment, Morse code transmitter.
E " bet you didn't know that was there"
Lady. " no sir"



Staff member
Earp returns to the hotel, and enters the suite, the door suspiciously open.
E " Mr Hunter?, Mrs Hunter?.."
He opens the bedroom door, and sees a mess, furniture scattered, signs of a struggle.
He stops for a minute, thinks , then picks up the phone and dials.
E " hello, Plumwoods, this is Matthew Earp, I wonder if you can help me, is a Mr Edwards still with you.....yes please.....hello Mr Edwards, Matthew Earp here.....fine thank you and you....lovely..look I've a teeny tiny problem..I believe a Charles Merrow is one of your customers...oh yes indeed a fine chap...I'm having dinner with him tonight but have mislaid his not his town house...the country one yes....I know I shouldn't really ask....thank you would be most helpful.....the Gables...Minsterly ...that's it thanks....yes indeed I will settle my time Mr Edwards..bye."
Earp hurriedly leaves.

At the Merrows country house Brad and Suzy are brought in to a sort of outhouse in the grounds. Gardening equipment is about the place, an old table and a couple of chairs. Brad and Suzy sit. Charles and Theresa Merrow are there along with Bannerheim and Sagar.
M " Mr and Mrs Hunter you are still feeling the effects of sedation. If you answer my questions, hopefully we can conclude our business quickly. Indeed Bannerheim we must be quick, get on with it"
Bannerheim opens his doctors bag and gets out a hypodermic syringe. Suzy tries to interfere, Sagar holds her back.
S " why , what's Brad to you?"
M " that's what we want to find out"
Bannerheim injects Brad, whose eyes roll upward briefly and then he slumps forward, drugged deeply with a powerful anti resistance drug.
Bh " he is now yours"
M " Brad, I'm a good friend , tell me about yourself"
B " my name is Bradley Hunter American citizen"
M " tell me about your involvement in the CIA"
B " no"
M " FBI then"
Brad slumps forward again.
M " he's resisting Bannerheim"
Bannerheim examines him,
Bh " no I don't think so. Listen Brad you visited me in St Pellier Towers. Do you remember, why did you come?"
B " to see my wife Theresa"
Theresa Merrow steps forward.

Th " Brad this is Theresa you have something to tell me?"
B " sent from orders.."
Th " how do I know that you are genuine?"
B "....I must bring a copy of the London Times torn in a certain way...that is the first sign....then I have to go to Manchester Square or St Pellier towers and ask for Theresa. If there is trouble I will be turned away. I must then dial Theresa"
Merrow whispers to his wife,
M " what are your orders"
Th " what are your orders?"
B " we are to marry, that is the best cover. I shall then take control of the whole spy cell"
Merrow is shocked,
M " it's incredible, those were my orders when I came to this country twenty years ago"
Bh " how could he possibly know?"
M " and why wait so long to use the information. We must know Bannerheim"
Bh " no! another dose could kill him, and we'll learn nothing"
M " we're learning nothing now, do it ,I'm giving you an order Bannerheim"

Suzy desperately tries to intervene.
S " for God's sake, he knows your face, that is all, something to do with his time in Korea"
M " Korea eh? Brad tell me about Korea"
B " I was there..infantry...officer..decorated...captured , important they break me but I held out....they flew me out of Korea"
M " where to Brad?"
B " long Europe...."
M " where in Europe Brad?"
B " centre.....interrogation centre.....psychological interrogation centre.."
M " which centre Brad?"
B " centre 79"
Theresa is shocked,
Th " centre 79 is where we were trained"
Brad trance like repeats his previous ramblings.
B " I am Charles Merrow, I am an English gentleman, I have been taught what to drink, what to say, where to buy my clothes, I was educated at Ferngate college, the headmaster was Leslie Cromer..."
Merrow roars with laughter, he suddenly knows what's happened.
M " panic over it's a mistake, an error"
Bh " what possible connection could exist between you and an American soldier brainwashed in Korea"
M " but he wasn't brainwashed in Korea, you heard him. He was flown to centre 79. Over and over again they burned those words into my mind. You are Charles Merrow an English gentleman.....and in the next room was an American soldier they couldn't brainwash.....but they did ....subconsciously he stored my briefing away, his addled mind stored it away for twenty years...until he came to London and probably for the first time held a copy of the London Times in his hands, that was the trigger. We're in the clear Bannerheim"
Bh " then we can let them go?"
M " unfortunately no...Theresa and I will return to London"
Bh " always you leave the dirt to me"
M " and Sagar, he enjoys it"
Charles and Theresa Merrow leave.

Bannerheim prepares another injection.
Bh " I can assure you it will be quick and painless"
S " for pity's sake. Please we've done nothing wrong"
Bannerheim looks up, the Merrows are standing in the doorway.
Bh " what are you standing there for"
Earp appears behind them , gun in hand.
E " he's standing there because I've got a point 38 revolver pointing at his kidney. And although not necessarily fatal a point 38 through the kidney is invariably excruciatingly agonizing"
Sagar goes for his gun. Earp covers him.

E " I can't promise to hit a kidney at this range, but I will hit part of your anatomy. Put the gun on the table slowly."
Sagar does so,
E " now everyone with the exception of Mr and Mrs Hunter against that wall"
Bannerheim,Sagar Charles and Theresa Merrow line up facing Earp.
E " so we face one another. Now I'm not a stupid heroic fool, I telephoned Scotland Yard and Special Branch before bursting in here, so no doubt car loads of them are on their way. Meantime we wait, but I warn you don't be deceived by my quiet nature. I did win a military cross for disposing of 23 of the enemy single handed, an inferior enemy no doubt, but 23 of them nevertheless."
Earp suddenly turns to a shelf across the wall and with a karate chop cracks it in two,
E " it's experience that counts, also a certain light footedness "
Nobody moves, police sirens are heard getting nearer.
E " ah, the cavalry, late as usual"
Suzy gives Earp a kiss,
S " thank you "
E " one favour from you Mrs Hunter. When the police arrive don't say anything about my gun, it's an old war souvenir and I don't have a licence for it.....or actually any bullets!"

Brad.....Paul Burke
Suzy.....Polly Bergen
Earp....Dinsdale Landen
Merrow....Basil Henson
Bannerheim....Vernon Dobtcheff
Theresa....Meriel Brooke
Trasker....William Job
Dr Korner....Roger Hume
Sagar....Larry Taylor
Cleaner....Betty Wolfe