In a plush London hotel overlooking the river Thames is American Bradley Hunter and his wife. He is dressed , she still in nightgown as they look out of the window.
B " look at that darling, Big Ben, the houses of Parliament, and driving on the left"
Wife " this is going to be a great vacation darling"
B " get yourself dressed, I can't wait to get out there and sample the big city"
She goes into the bedroom, Brad sits at a table , takes a sip of coffee, and picks up the Times newspaper. He starts reading, and feels uncomfortable, sweat appearing on his brow. He folds the paper up, and starts tearing at it. Suddenly a knock on the door clears his mind, he puts the paper down and answers the door. A gentleman is there in a formal business suit.
T " Mr Hunter, I'm Martin Trasker, you got my cable?"
B " of course come in Mr Trasker, I say you're early"
T " I'm an eager beaver Mr Hunter. Your company makes something that my company would very much like to acquire, under license, I'm determined to get a deal with you Mr Hunter, and beware I'll try every trick in the book to get that deal"
B " l like that Trasker, honesty, and I was going to contact you, sooner you're off my back, the sooner I can enjoy my vacation.
( into bedroom) darling we've got company"
Brad's wife comes out dressed,
B " darling this is Martin Trasker, I was telling you about him, Mr Trasker this is my wife, Theresa"
Brad's wife looks horrified,
" Brad! My name isn't Theresa!"

Brad and Suzy, his wife are in the bedroom.
S " how could you make a mistake like that Brad, in front of a stranger too"
B " I'm sorry darling.."
S " who is she Brad, who is Theresa?"
B " I don't know any Theresa"
S " please Brad"
B " honestly I don't know. Perhaps I saw the name somewhere, of course in the paper, I saw it there, I swear darling"

Brad goes back to Trasker.
B " phew, women eh?"
T " well that was some mistake to make"
B " yes, okay Trasker where were we?"
T " well your company and mine, both manufacture in the steel business, we buy and sell components to each other, what we'd like is to operate your new device here in the UK under license"
B " why shouldn't I open a plant here myself and cut you guys out?"
T " if that was feasible you'd have done it before Mr Hunter. But what we want to know first is how effective this new machine is, does it cut all types of steel, what about soft steel?"
B " no more questions Trasker"
T " sorry I must..."
Brad suddenly loses his rag and shouts,
Brad storms out, Suzy runs out of the bedroom catching the end of Brad's tirade.
S " sorry Mr Trasker"
She runs out after Brad, Trasker notices the Times newspaper discarded on the floor, he picks it up, a heart shaped piece torn out of the centre of the paper, done by Brad earlier.
Suzy catches up with Brad in the back of a parked taxi.
S " Brad what's wrong?"
B " I don't know what's the matter with me Suzy, I feel so tired, jet lag perhaps, catching up with me"

Cab driver " where to guv?"
S " we're strangers here, just drive round"
Brad seems to be remembering something from long ago as he says,
B " no, go to Oxford Street, there's a Square just off of it"
Driver " Grosvenor Square guv, American embassy"
B " no the other side of Oxford Street, travelling westward you make a right turn, into a small square"
Dr " Manchester Square?"
B " yes, take me to Manchester Square"
On arriving at Manchester Square the driver parks the taxi.
Dr " we're here sir"
B " go to the west side"
Dr " yep, this is the west side"
B " then where is it, the apartment block, a big red brick block"
Dr " I thought you were strangers, there was an apartment block, red brick too, it was demolished years ago"
B " look at that darling, Big Ben, the houses of Parliament, and driving on the left"
Wife " this is going to be a great vacation darling"
B " get yourself dressed, I can't wait to get out there and sample the big city"
She goes into the bedroom, Brad sits at a table , takes a sip of coffee, and picks up the Times newspaper. He starts reading, and feels uncomfortable, sweat appearing on his brow. He folds the paper up, and starts tearing at it. Suddenly a knock on the door clears his mind, he puts the paper down and answers the door. A gentleman is there in a formal business suit.
T " Mr Hunter, I'm Martin Trasker, you got my cable?"
B " of course come in Mr Trasker, I say you're early"
T " I'm an eager beaver Mr Hunter. Your company makes something that my company would very much like to acquire, under license, I'm determined to get a deal with you Mr Hunter, and beware I'll try every trick in the book to get that deal"
B " l like that Trasker, honesty, and I was going to contact you, sooner you're off my back, the sooner I can enjoy my vacation.
( into bedroom) darling we've got company"
Brad's wife comes out dressed,
B " darling this is Martin Trasker, I was telling you about him, Mr Trasker this is my wife, Theresa"
Brad's wife looks horrified,
" Brad! My name isn't Theresa!"

Brad and Suzy, his wife are in the bedroom.
S " how could you make a mistake like that Brad, in front of a stranger too"
B " I'm sorry darling.."
S " who is she Brad, who is Theresa?"
B " I don't know any Theresa"
S " please Brad"
B " honestly I don't know. Perhaps I saw the name somewhere, of course in the paper, I saw it there, I swear darling"

Brad goes back to Trasker.
B " phew, women eh?"
T " well that was some mistake to make"
B " yes, okay Trasker where were we?"

T " well your company and mine, both manufacture in the steel business, we buy and sell components to each other, what we'd like is to operate your new device here in the UK under license"
B " why shouldn't I open a plant here myself and cut you guys out?"
T " if that was feasible you'd have done it before Mr Hunter. But what we want to know first is how effective this new machine is, does it cut all types of steel, what about soft steel?"
B " no more questions Trasker"
T " sorry I must..."
Brad suddenly loses his rag and shouts,
Brad storms out, Suzy runs out of the bedroom catching the end of Brad's tirade.
S " sorry Mr Trasker"
She runs out after Brad, Trasker notices the Times newspaper discarded on the floor, he picks it up, a heart shaped piece torn out of the centre of the paper, done by Brad earlier.
Suzy catches up with Brad in the back of a parked taxi.
S " Brad what's wrong?"
B " I don't know what's the matter with me Suzy, I feel so tired, jet lag perhaps, catching up with me"

Cab driver " where to guv?"
S " we're strangers here, just drive round"
Brad seems to be remembering something from long ago as he says,
B " no, go to Oxford Street, there's a Square just off of it"
Driver " Grosvenor Square guv, American embassy"
B " no the other side of Oxford Street, travelling westward you make a right turn, into a small square"
Dr " Manchester Square?"
B " yes, take me to Manchester Square"
On arriving at Manchester Square the driver parks the taxi.
Dr " we're here sir"
B " go to the west side"
Dr " yep, this is the west side"
B " then where is it, the apartment block, a big red brick block"
Dr " I thought you were strangers, there was an apartment block, red brick too, it was demolished years ago"
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