Brian Clemens' Thriller 1.3 Someone At The Top Of The Stairs


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The episode opens as a young woman walks strangely through a dark mansion, arriving at the top of the house in the attic room. The door closes behind her, and she screams.

Later, outside the mansion, a young man rings for admittance, presumably to inquire about a room for rent advertised via a sign in the window. An odd woman inside the mansion sees him ringing the bell, but refuses to admit him and he leaves, bumping into two young women on the pavement. Chrissie and Gillian are two young college students who ring the bell and are immediately greeted by Mrs Oxhey. Mrs. Oxhey is extremely friendly to them, and she shows them an apartment that exceeds their expectations. When the girls worry that they won't be able to afford it, Mrs. Oxhey seems anxious to rent the space to them, and she gives it to them for a ridiculously low amount, telling them "I want you to have it!" Gillian and Chrissie move in and find a few peculiar things, such as a necklace with a pendant on it and the message "Help me, help me" written on the inside of the wardrobe. They begin to meet the other residents of the boarding house, all of them polite but odd in some unexplainable way. Unbeknownst to the girls, there are peep holes through which they're being watched. The residents also seem to be acting in unison: a man named Col. Wright rifles through the girls' clothes while they are in the bathroom, stealing their underwear, while Mrs. Oxhey sees this and says nothing. All of the rooms are rented, but nobody is ever seen coming or going from the attic room at the top of the stairs.

A pleasant young man named John Elgar tells the girls that the room is inhabited by "Mr. C", and that he's the oldest resident of the house.
Chrissie notices all the residents use the word marvellous a lot, " a marvellous day" " you'll be marvellously happy here", and all have a habit of holding their fingers of both hands clasped together under their chins, in an inverted V shape.

Chrissie meets little Jonathan Patrick, a small boy holding a Teddy Bear soft toy which is a bit battered.
Chrissie, " perhaps it's because you loved him too much."
Johnathan, " he's only a toy, he isn't real."
Chrissie, " do you have a real pet?"
Jonathan, " no, I wish I had."
Chrissie buys a kitten and hands it to Jonathan at the Patricks door.
Chrissie, " I hope you don't mind?"
Mr Patrick, " of course not, what's to mind, a little thing like that."
Mrs Patrick, " what d'you say Jonathan."
Jonathan, " he's marvellous."


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In bed that night Chrissie is woken by a scream, she wakes Gillian.
Gillian, " probably just the kid having a nightmare."
The next morning Chrissie is putting rubbish out in the yard,she opens a bin and recoils as she sees the kitten dead.
Mr Patrick explains the cat must have climbed out of the window during the night and fell because he found it in the yard.
Mrs Patrick, " we were going to tell you, we just didn't know how."
Mr Patrick, " we're terribly sorry."

Chrissie is becoming increasingly upset, she opens the wardrobe where they found the words "help me" scrawled on the inside of the door.
Chrissie, " we thought this was a joke perhaps it wasn't. And have you seen any of the other residents go outside, I mean actually face the light of day."
Gillian, " of course they go out."
Chrissie," or get any mail."
Gillian, " oh Chrissie please, I'm getting fed up with this."
Suddenly the sound of footsteps is heard from the floor above.
Chrissie, " that's Mr C coming out of his den."
Chrissie runs to door to get a look at the mysterious attic resident, but she can't open it!
Chrissie, " It's stuck."
Gillian, " it can't be."
The door eventually opens, but too late, Mr C is back in his apartment.

At a local pub, she meets the man who bumped into them on the pavement outside the house the day they rented the room: he introduces himself as Gary and she tells him about the strange things that have been going on.
Gary, " these old Victorian houses have a life of their own. Nooks and crannies, memories."
Gary is invited round and reckons the place just needs a lick of paint.

Next day Chrissie is in the bathroom when she sees an eye pressed against a hole in the wall. Running out fuming she opens the door of a broom cupboard next to bathroom and sees Jonathan in there spying on her. His parents apologise profusely, Mr Patrick says, " I'll deal with him I promise you that."
Mrs Patrick, " how could you Jonathan?"
The three of them enter their apartment, the door is slammed shut. Chrissie turns to go back into her apartment, then stops stunned, inside the Patricks apartment she hears raucous laughter.

Later Gary comes round again, Chrissie has clearly been crying, Gillian explains why.
Gillian, " a peeping Tom, the little boy from across the landing while Chrissie was in the bath looking through a hole in the wall."
Gary, " oh that's dreadful."
Chrissie sobs, " and the cat, and everything's marvellous."
Gillian, " you better go Gary."
Gary, " okay, I'll come tomorrow, take care of her."
After Gary leaves Chrissie implores Gillian, " say we can leave..please."
Gillian, " okay...end of the month..we're all paid up until then, but I promise end of the month we'll go."
Next day;
A man named Thurston arrives at the house and says he is looking for his missing daughter; he has a vague idea she may have stayed there, although he cannot be sure. Chrissie cannot find Mrs. Oxhey to verify it, so Thurston leaves a photograph of her ( the girl from the first scene).


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Chrissie promises to phone him after she speaks with Mrs. Oxhey. Oxhey denies ever having seen the girl, as do all the other residents, but Chrissie is positive it's the same girl because the locket in the photo is the same as the one they found when first moving in.
In a cafe Chrissie meets Thurston who surmises that Mrs Oxhey may be running an illegal pregnancy termination service, and promises he'll confront her and find out if his daughter did indeed stay there.

Gillian is awakened in a trance one night by a voice calling to her from the attic. Chrissie wakes up and stops her from entering the attic just in time; the incident is dismissed as sleepwalking.

Next day Thurston arrives at the house to question Mrs. Oxhey, and he is attacked by a figure that comes out of the basement.

Things come to a head when Gary takes Chrissie out of the city for a weekend trip, leaving Gillian alone. She is lured to a cocktail party, where she finds all the other residents in attendance except the mysterious Mr. C.

The residents urge her to take a drink up to Mr. C, and Gillian is given a goblet of wine and climbs the stairs to the attic, she turns and ALL the other residents are right behind her on the stairs urging her forward. Gillian takes another step and turns, ALL HAVE NOW GONE, as if they were never there.
Gillian reaches the door, which opens, she goes inside, then a scream is heard. Meanwhile Gary and Chrissie are in a pub, unfortunately Gary's car has broken down and he's outside looking at it with a mechanic. Chrissie overhears a man telling mates he's got to leave and head back to town. Chrissie asks him for a lift, he agrees and she makes her way back to the city, unable to shake the feeling that something is wrong.

She discovers Gillian missing, and when she searches the house first going into Colonel Wright's room and sees it is empty of furniture, carpet, missing floorboards and full of cobwebs. It seems totally uninhabitable, and in the centre of the room on the floor is a pile of underwear, the girl's that went missing. She then goes into the basement and finds Gillian's dead body leaning out of a trunk.



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Terrified, she runs upstairs only to find Thurston. At first this comforts her; Thurston says he has phoned the police, but first he wants her to look in the attic. They go up to the attic, but as Thurston is following Chrissie up the stairs, we see a dead body in the basement, it's Thurston!! It's an illusory Thurston with Chrissie.

Chrissie enters attic room, it is furnished in a very old fashioned way. A gas lamp lights the room, Chrissie turns to Thurston behind her , but instead sees the mysterious Mr C. A man in his thirties or forties, dressed in Victorian clothes.

Cartney, " Thurston is dead, oh yes , you saw him, spoke to him, but you saw what I wanted you to see, what I willed you to see. But he is dead, really dead. Like Oxhey, Elgar, and the others, they are all long dead. And yet they exist."
Chrissie, " this is a nightmare, a terrible nightmare."
Cartney, " no this is real, everything about you is real, I AM REAL."
Chrissie, " this house?"
Cartney, " empty , just a shell, it has no more substance than a spider's web. You have been the most difficult until now, your will against mine, and you sense things, sense them with an extraordinary perception."
Cartney picks up a blue glass goblet of wine as he speaks pacing the room as Chrissie stares unbelieving.
Cartney, " it was different once this house, very different, coaches rattled to the door, pretty women soiréed. That was long ago, 1852 to be precise, September 1852, that was when I retired to this room, more than 100 years ago."
Chrissie, " retired to this room, you?!"
Cartney, " I am very old you see, and clever and time has been on my side, and I have made it so."
Chrissie, " Oxhey, Elgar...."
Cartney, " you saw them because I wanted you to see them, like Thurston just now, I willed him upon you. I told you I was clever, and I am the living proof of it ,LIVING. Of course there is good and evil in every man, but I am a Cartney and you will find a Cartney involved in every black mass since the days of civilisation. We Cartneys have been imbued with more than our share of evil.....and good, but good is such a poor pious thing, who could possibly survive on good alone. ( Raised voice) BUT EVIL IS THE STUFF OF LIFE ITSELF, IT IS ALIVE ,VITAL, IMMORTAL, for those who have found a way, and I have found a way. Eternal life through the infinite power of evil, through the rich black arts, the Devil himself breathed on my chill cheek and gave me eternal life. I have embraced him and he me. I exist and will exist until that final trump when Satan emerges to claim his very own."
Chrissie, ( shakes head) " NO! Those people were real, I saw them, I knew them."
Cartney, " and through them you knew me. oh yes, they were real once. Each and every one of them lived under this roof, my roof. But they are gone now, and all that remains is what I choose shall remain. The darker side of their souls. Those vile, black, hidden things. They have become my inheritance. Oxhey, Elgar, the Patricks all long dead, but they live on, through me, through my Imagination....and YOURS"
Cartney faces Chrissie, hands under chin in the inverted V shape.
Cartney, " through my great hallucinatory powers they actually exist again."
Chrissie stunned as before her Cartney appears to change into Mrs Patrick, then Elgar, Oxhey , even little Jonathan.

Chrissie's eyes start to water, as Cartney influences her mind.
Cartney, " exist not as ghosts or wraiths but of substance, so that they become real tangible. ( Cartney/ Mrs Patrick) marvellous, ( Cartney/ Jonathan) marvellous.
In the beginning was the word, in the beginning there was Lucifer, Beelzeebub, Old Nick himself. And in the end there shall be Old Nick and me, the last of the Cartneys, my influence shall endure forever. I am very old you see, yet I remain young. Can't you guess my secret, I STEAL FROM OTHERS, I STEAL THE LIFE OF OTHERS. You must not mind too much my dear, you will live on through me."

Cartney grabs Chrissie, she screams, and bites his hand, Cartney releases her, she runs out the room screaming.
Outside Gary hears the screams and smashes glass in front door and reaches inside for handle.
Chrissie runs downstairs into hall, Cartney in pursuit, he corners her but Gary picks up shard of glass and stabs Cartney in the back.

Cartney staggers about hall, " you can't destroy me."
Cartney staggers over to a stunned Chrissie, he touches her cheek saying, " I will live on."
Cartney falls dead, Chrissie in total shock collapses too.

Later the police are removing the bodies from the cellar.
Inspector, " that's nine, and we haven't even started looking."
Chrissie has recovered and is sitting on the stairs, Gary with her, arm around her shoulders.
Gary, " forget all that nonsense about living on, Cartney can't hurt you anymore Chrissie it's over."
Chrissie looks to portrait on wall of Cartney, hands in the portrait clasped under chin, fingers in an inverted V shape, as now is Chrissie's who says with a smile on her face, " that's marvellous,
absolutely marvellous".

Chrissie....Donna Mills
Gillian......Judy Carne
Cartney......David de Keyser
Gary......Francis Wallis
Mrs Oxhey....Alethea Charlton
Elgar....Brian McGrath
Col Wright.....Peter Cellier
Thurston.....Clifford Parrish
Mr Patrick....Scott Forbes
Mrs Patrick....Rhoda Lewis
Johnathan...Alan Roberto