Tony Mansell is a tycoon, a successful businessman but at the moment he is desperately concerned about his ill wife.

She is in bed, Tony and the doctor discuss the situation outside on the landing.
The doctor is perplexed, Mrs Mansell's heart is failing, and 24 hours previously she was perfectly okay.
In the bedroom Mrs Mansell stirs as a breeze comes into the room, the window is opened and a figure in black enters. Mrs Mansell looks up, her view hazy, fuzzy, but she sees a female figure over her and screams.
Tony and the doctor run in, too late, she's dead. The doctor diagnoses heart attack, the mysterious female figure gone.
Many weeks later Tony is at the dining table at home, the housekeeper Mrs Roberts serving food, and suddenly she suggests Tony should remarry, it's what Mrs Mansell would have wanted. She immediately apologises, has no idea what made her say that, as if someone or something made her say it.
At the office the next day his business partner George Matthews has some disturbing news. Rivals Laker and Todd have bought stock in their company and are trying to purchase more shares , it seems a hostile take over is being planned.
Tony listens as George warns him of the fight they face to keep hold of their company, but Tony is distracted, and tells George he has written a letter to Modern Mates, a dating organisation, looking for a new wife.
Liz, Tony's secretary is basically infatuated with Tony, and the office junior secretary Suzy tells Liz that enough time has passed and she should make her move with Tony.
It comes as a blow to Liz when Tony asks her to post a letter for him, addressed to Modern Mates.

She is in bed, Tony and the doctor discuss the situation outside on the landing.
The doctor is perplexed, Mrs Mansell's heart is failing, and 24 hours previously she was perfectly okay.
In the bedroom Mrs Mansell stirs as a breeze comes into the room, the window is opened and a figure in black enters. Mrs Mansell looks up, her view hazy, fuzzy, but she sees a female figure over her and screams.
Tony and the doctor run in, too late, she's dead. The doctor diagnoses heart attack, the mysterious female figure gone.
Many weeks later Tony is at the dining table at home, the housekeeper Mrs Roberts serving food, and suddenly she suggests Tony should remarry, it's what Mrs Mansell would have wanted. She immediately apologises, has no idea what made her say that, as if someone or something made her say it.
At the office the next day his business partner George Matthews has some disturbing news. Rivals Laker and Todd have bought stock in their company and are trying to purchase more shares , it seems a hostile take over is being planned.
Tony listens as George warns him of the fight they face to keep hold of their company, but Tony is distracted, and tells George he has written a letter to Modern Mates, a dating organisation, looking for a new wife.
Liz, Tony's secretary is basically infatuated with Tony, and the office junior secretary Suzy tells Liz that enough time has passed and she should make her move with Tony.
It comes as a blow to Liz when Tony asks her to post a letter for him, addressed to Modern Mates.