At an English hotel an American lady in her thirties enquires at the hotel reception if she's got any mail. The answer is no, she reluctantly but almost accepting the enivatable walks back to the lounge, she is a lonely girl with no friends here in England.
Meanwhile an intruder has forced his way into her room using a credit card to prise the door open. He opens her wardrobe and rifles through possessions including a passport.
Later this man, Paul Tanner phones someone at the hotel phone kiosk.
Paul ," yes she's the one, hair colour, height, from Muncie Indiana and receives no mail. Yes, I'm about to fall in love with Jenny Frith....a lonely girl."
In the lounge he introduces himself to Jenny and they talk. Jenny is a lonely girl and Paul claims to be great at guessing accents and deduces she's from Muncie Indiana impressing Jenny though he knew it already of course.
Jenny is in this part of the country to travel to poet Keats birthplace. Paul feigns an interest in Keats and the two of them go together.
A romance starts to form, all the while Paul makes secret phone calls to a third person, a woman, reporting his progress.
Paul," we've been everywhere, I never knew just how exhausting poets could be, but the hook is well and truly baited. I make my move tonight."
It's been three weeks since they met, Paul says his goodbyes in the lounge and prepares to leave hotel. Jenny is upset at the romance ending, but it's a ruse by Paul. He knocks on her bedroom door late that night.
Paul, " Jenny, it's crazy I know but I don't think I can leave without you, say you'll marry me."
They marry in a church near the sea, and afterwards Paul takes her to his house , a lonely detached house by the sea. Jenny settles in and all seems well, Jenny hasn't got any friends here in England, but is excited to meet Paul's. Paul hesitantly says he has loads of friends and she'll meet them soon, but something is troubling him, this isn't as it all seems.
Things are not as they appear, however. Paul continues to make secret phone calls to someone, and Jenny becomes aware of it. Paul says it's a business deal he's sorting out, part of his livelihood.
One evening on returning home Paul gets a shock, Jenny has altered her appearance.
Hair now done in a bun, heavy make up, evening dress, he explodes inexplicably with fury.
Jenny ( crying), " I did it to please you."
Paul ( calmer) ," I'm sorry, it's just that I don't like sophisticated women, scared of them I guess. I love you Jenny just as the way you were, and suddenly seeing you like this, well you weren't the girl I fell in love with."
Things are patched up between them with a kiss and apology from Paul.
A busybody cleaning lady is Jenny's only contact with anyone, and she learns from the cleaning woman that Paul does not own the house, as Jenny had thought.
Mrs Bradley, " it's rented my dear, belongs to Colonel Mullard, I used to clean for him before he died. The executives, you know the people who take care of things when you die asked me to look after the place."
Jenny, " you mean executors, thank you Mrs Bradley."
Paul admits this and tells her buying a house is something for two to do, and in the spring they'll look together for a house, one big enough for a family. Paul surprises Jenny with a dress he claims he's bought for her, but when he goes out again,Jenny notices a cleaning label on the dress and as Mrs Bradley confirms you don't put cleaning labels on new dresses.
There's a knock on the door and a man claiming to be a friend of Paul's introduces himself.

Hardisty, " Jack Hardisty's the name, sorry to bother you, but that man driving away, I saw him in the town, I thought it was a friend of mine, sorry my mistake."
Jenny, " who did you think it was?"
Hardisty, " Paul Tanner."
Jenny, " yes that was Paul."
Hardisty ( happy) " I thought as much, well well, and you must be Toni's sister."
Jenny, " er...who's Toni?"
Hardisty, " Paul's wife."
Jenny, " I'm Paul's wife, I'm Mrs Tanner."
Hardisty, " really, never knew he'd remarried, or even divorced"
Jenny looks very down and confused.
Hardisty, " oh..I'm sorry, forgive me, well perhaps Paul won't be so pleased to see me after all."
Hardisty goes to leave,
Penny," I'll tell Paul you were here."
Hardisty, " thanks, ( scribbling on a notepad) here's my number if he wishes to call me."
After handing over paper Hardisty walks to door, then turns back.
Hardisty, " you know at first I thought you were Toni, you even look like her, superficially you understand, even the Canadian accent."
Penny ," I'm American Mr Hardisty."
Hardisty, " the same to my ear, sorry again."
Hardisty leaves, Jenny goes upstairs to the bedroom and opens wardrobe, she opens a suitcase and sees some personal belongings of Paul including a photo of a woman in the identical dress he has supposedly bought for her, the photo framed and signed..Toni.
Meanwhile an intruder has forced his way into her room using a credit card to prise the door open. He opens her wardrobe and rifles through possessions including a passport.
Later this man, Paul Tanner phones someone at the hotel phone kiosk.
Paul ," yes she's the one, hair colour, height, from Muncie Indiana and receives no mail. Yes, I'm about to fall in love with Jenny Frith....a lonely girl."

In the lounge he introduces himself to Jenny and they talk. Jenny is a lonely girl and Paul claims to be great at guessing accents and deduces she's from Muncie Indiana impressing Jenny though he knew it already of course.

Jenny is in this part of the country to travel to poet Keats birthplace. Paul feigns an interest in Keats and the two of them go together.
A romance starts to form, all the while Paul makes secret phone calls to a third person, a woman, reporting his progress.
Paul," we've been everywhere, I never knew just how exhausting poets could be, but the hook is well and truly baited. I make my move tonight."

It's been three weeks since they met, Paul says his goodbyes in the lounge and prepares to leave hotel. Jenny is upset at the romance ending, but it's a ruse by Paul. He knocks on her bedroom door late that night.
Paul, " Jenny, it's crazy I know but I don't think I can leave without you, say you'll marry me."

They marry in a church near the sea, and afterwards Paul takes her to his house , a lonely detached house by the sea. Jenny settles in and all seems well, Jenny hasn't got any friends here in England, but is excited to meet Paul's. Paul hesitantly says he has loads of friends and she'll meet them soon, but something is troubling him, this isn't as it all seems.
Things are not as they appear, however. Paul continues to make secret phone calls to someone, and Jenny becomes aware of it. Paul says it's a business deal he's sorting out, part of his livelihood.
One evening on returning home Paul gets a shock, Jenny has altered her appearance.
Hair now done in a bun, heavy make up, evening dress, he explodes inexplicably with fury.
Jenny ( crying), " I did it to please you."
Paul ( calmer) ," I'm sorry, it's just that I don't like sophisticated women, scared of them I guess. I love you Jenny just as the way you were, and suddenly seeing you like this, well you weren't the girl I fell in love with."
Things are patched up between them with a kiss and apology from Paul.
A busybody cleaning lady is Jenny's only contact with anyone, and she learns from the cleaning woman that Paul does not own the house, as Jenny had thought.
Mrs Bradley, " it's rented my dear, belongs to Colonel Mullard, I used to clean for him before he died. The executives, you know the people who take care of things when you die asked me to look after the place."
Jenny, " you mean executors, thank you Mrs Bradley."

Paul admits this and tells her buying a house is something for two to do, and in the spring they'll look together for a house, one big enough for a family. Paul surprises Jenny with a dress he claims he's bought for her, but when he goes out again,Jenny notices a cleaning label on the dress and as Mrs Bradley confirms you don't put cleaning labels on new dresses.
There's a knock on the door and a man claiming to be a friend of Paul's introduces himself.

Hardisty, " Jack Hardisty's the name, sorry to bother you, but that man driving away, I saw him in the town, I thought it was a friend of mine, sorry my mistake."
Jenny, " who did you think it was?"
Hardisty, " Paul Tanner."
Jenny, " yes that was Paul."
Hardisty ( happy) " I thought as much, well well, and you must be Toni's sister."
Jenny, " er...who's Toni?"
Hardisty, " Paul's wife."
Jenny, " I'm Paul's wife, I'm Mrs Tanner."
Hardisty, " really, never knew he'd remarried, or even divorced"
Jenny looks very down and confused.
Hardisty, " oh..I'm sorry, forgive me, well perhaps Paul won't be so pleased to see me after all."
Hardisty goes to leave,
Penny," I'll tell Paul you were here."
Hardisty, " thanks, ( scribbling on a notepad) here's my number if he wishes to call me."
After handing over paper Hardisty walks to door, then turns back.
Hardisty, " you know at first I thought you were Toni, you even look like her, superficially you understand, even the Canadian accent."
Penny ," I'm American Mr Hardisty."
Hardisty, " the same to my ear, sorry again."
Hardisty leaves, Jenny goes upstairs to the bedroom and opens wardrobe, she opens a suitcase and sees some personal belongings of Paul including a photo of a woman in the identical dress he has supposedly bought for her, the photo framed and signed..Toni.
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