At a hotel, we see a young man named Paul Tanner set his sights on a young woman . Learning the woman's hotel room, Paul gains entrance while she is out and learns that she is an American named Jenny Frith.
Paul phones an unidentified person and tells of his plans to seduce Jenny for some suspicious reason.
In the lounge he introduces himself to Jenny and they talk. Jenny is a lonely girl and Paul claims to be great at guessing accents and deduces she's from Muncie Indiana. Jenny is impressed but Paul knew this from when he went through her belongings.
Jenny is in this part of the country to travel to poet Keats birthplace. Paul feigns an interest in Keats and the two of them go together.
A romance starts to form, all the while Paul makes secret phone calls to a third person reporting his progress. After three weeks Paul says his goodbyes and prepares to leave hotel. Jenny is upset at the romance ending, but it's a ruse by Paul. He knocks on her bedroom door late that night.
Paul, " Jenny, it's crazy I know but I don't think I can leave without you, say you'll marry me."
When she accepts, he takes her to what he tells her is his home by the sea. Finding it beautiful, Jenny is thrilled to be there, even though the location is very isolated and lonely. Jenny, who has no English friends other than Paul, seems disconnected from her past, and is now entirely immersed in Paul's world.

Things are not as they appear, however. Paul continues to make secret phone calls to someone, and Jenny becomes aware of it. Paul says it's a business deal he's sorting out, part of his livelihood. When she surprises Paul by changing her hairstyle and putting on an evening gown and makeup, Paul becomes inexplicably furious, seriously hurting Jenny's feelings. Paul smooths it over by explaining that he does not prefer "sophisticated women", and that he loves Jenny for her simple look. A busybody cleaning lady is Jenny's only contact with anyone, and she learns from the cleaning woman that Paul does not own the house, as Jenny had thought. Paul admits this and tells her buying a house is something for two to do, and in the spring they'll look together for a house, one big enough for a family. Paul surprises Jenny with a dress he claims he's bought for her, but when he goes out again,Jenny notices a cleaning label on the dress and as the cleaning lady confirms you don't put cleaning labels on new dresses.
There's a knock on the door and a man claiming to be a friend of Paul's introduces himself.

He identifies himself as Jack Hardisty and he asks Jenny if she's a relative of Paul's wife . Jenny is confused until Jack explains that Paul is married to a woman named Toni, whom he says Jenny resembles a great deal. After Jack leaves, Jenny searches through Paul's things and finds a photograph of Toni. She does indeed resemble Jenny, even to the dress Paul gave Jenny to wear.

Paul phones an unidentified person and tells of his plans to seduce Jenny for some suspicious reason.
In the lounge he introduces himself to Jenny and they talk. Jenny is a lonely girl and Paul claims to be great at guessing accents and deduces she's from Muncie Indiana. Jenny is impressed but Paul knew this from when he went through her belongings.
Jenny is in this part of the country to travel to poet Keats birthplace. Paul feigns an interest in Keats and the two of them go together.
A romance starts to form, all the while Paul makes secret phone calls to a third person reporting his progress. After three weeks Paul says his goodbyes and prepares to leave hotel. Jenny is upset at the romance ending, but it's a ruse by Paul. He knocks on her bedroom door late that night.
Paul, " Jenny, it's crazy I know but I don't think I can leave without you, say you'll marry me."
When she accepts, he takes her to what he tells her is his home by the sea. Finding it beautiful, Jenny is thrilled to be there, even though the location is very isolated and lonely. Jenny, who has no English friends other than Paul, seems disconnected from her past, and is now entirely immersed in Paul's world.

Things are not as they appear, however. Paul continues to make secret phone calls to someone, and Jenny becomes aware of it. Paul says it's a business deal he's sorting out, part of his livelihood. When she surprises Paul by changing her hairstyle and putting on an evening gown and makeup, Paul becomes inexplicably furious, seriously hurting Jenny's feelings. Paul smooths it over by explaining that he does not prefer "sophisticated women", and that he loves Jenny for her simple look. A busybody cleaning lady is Jenny's only contact with anyone, and she learns from the cleaning woman that Paul does not own the house, as Jenny had thought. Paul admits this and tells her buying a house is something for two to do, and in the spring they'll look together for a house, one big enough for a family. Paul surprises Jenny with a dress he claims he's bought for her, but when he goes out again,Jenny notices a cleaning label on the dress and as the cleaning lady confirms you don't put cleaning labels on new dresses.
There's a knock on the door and a man claiming to be a friend of Paul's introduces himself.

He identifies himself as Jack Hardisty and he asks Jenny if she's a relative of Paul's wife . Jenny is confused until Jack explains that Paul is married to a woman named Toni, whom he says Jenny resembles a great deal. After Jack leaves, Jenny searches through Paul's things and finds a photograph of Toni. She does indeed resemble Jenny, even to the dress Paul gave Jenny to wear.