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  1. Asmodeus

    Review Walmart

    I met my 600 pound wife at Walmart.
  2. Asmodeus

    Review Your Most Hated CONSOLE GAMES?

    A console/pc game ported to the PSP - Scarface. It was a really fun open world game on consoles and they just destroyed everything about it. I took it back to Gamestop after 15 minutes playing it.
  3. Asmodeus

    Review Your Favourite CONSOLE GAMES?

    NES Super Mario Bros. Tetris Contra Mega Man 2 Kirby's Adventure Excitebike SNES Yoshi's Island Doom Mortal Kombat 3 N64 Goldeneye F-zero X Turok Duke Nukem 64 Doom 64 PS1 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Metal Gear Solid Tomb Raider 1-3 Tekken 3 Spyro 1-3 Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver PS2 Scarface: The...