Recent content by persia

  1. persia

    Review Doctor Who (2005)

    Ok, so my thought is that the Corpse Monks are similar to the Peter Pratt Master. The whole plot seems to be to get the Doctor's companion to give away the Earth, Bill was the only one who could give the Earth with love. My guess is that the Master(s) are trying to take the regenerations the...
  2. persia

    Review Doctor Who Monsters

    Bob Baker owns the rights to K9 and wasn't earning anything so he thought he could create his own series without the BBC. Problem was K9 without the Doctor doesn't really work. Plus they had to tread softly around BBC copyright. No Doctor who monsters, no Doctor Who companions, even the Earth...
  3. persia

    Review Doctor Who (2005)

    Part of the punishment for not going along with becoming energy beings?