Recent content by Documentary Dude

  1. Documentary Dude

    Review What Documentaries would you recommend?

    Yep, sure is creepy!
  2. Documentary Dude

    Review What Documentaries would you recommend?

    Another one which seems to go under the radar / wasn't as successful as it should have been is Space Tourists (2009), its a Sundance winner but I literally never meet anybody online who has ever seen it!
  3. Documentary Dude

    Review What Documentaries would you recommend?

    Stumbled across this forum via Reddit after finding out that the IMDB forums had closed down, WTF! I didn't post there much, I was more of a lurker. My all time favourite documentary is an old HBO classic Black Tar Heroin: The Dark End of the Street (link goes to YouTube). Its about the heroin...